Chapter 700 Killed He Qing
At this moment, half of He Qing's face was gone, and the bones could be seen deeply, but the flesh and blood were quickly repairing the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye.He Qing lost one hand, and his body was riddled with holes, like a corpse that had been pecked by birds for a long time, and some places were hollowed out by the terrifying explosive force.With such a horrible injury, if it were someone else, even an Earth Immortal, they might not be able to survive, but He Qing survived.

Zhan Wuming, Su Dongfang and the others were a few feet away from He Qing. They looked like a group of savages surrounding a prey. Their hair was messed up like a bird's nest and a chicken coop. Their clothes were torn and their appearance was weird. much better.

"Ho ho..." He Qing's eyes were red with blood, his throat let out a low hiss like a beast, his eyes swept over Zhan Wuming and the others, he smiled miserably, and his figure suddenly rushed towards Zhan Wuming, with a terrifying breath Immediately, it emanated from his body... The wound that seemed to be still repairing was torn open at an accelerated rate...

"Nephew, retreat quickly!" Su Dongfang was shocked. The violent aura on He Qing showed that he was going to explode himself at the last moment.If a golden fairy blew himself up, the result would probably be no less powerful than those thirty corpse puppets.

He Qing chose Zhan Wuming. Obviously, among these people, the person he hates the most is not Su Dongfang, but Zhan Wuming.If it weren't for Zhan Wuming, he would never have ended up like this. He knew very well that he would never have a chance to survive. Su Dongfang and Zhan Wuming couldn't let him go. If he had to die, he would also pull one On the back, Zhan Wuming was right in front of him, just as he wanted.

"With your body, you want to play self-explosion with Grandpa!" Zhan Wuming couldn't help laughing.At the same time that He Qing's body jumped up suddenly, Zhan Wuming moved, and collided with He Qing in midair like a shadow.

"Ah..." He Qing let out a long howl, and his whole body quickly deflated like a deflated ball.Zhan Wuming staggered past him.He Qing's body fell heavily on the ground, the terrifying aura dissipated in the void, and a bloody arrow shot out a few feet away from his sea of ​​qi.

He Qing is dead!With one fatal blow, Zhan Wuming pierced his sea of ​​qi, and the power that was about to gather together and prepare to explode was released directly. A trace of horror flashed in Su Dongfang's eyes, and he looked at He Qing's body in disbelief. It wasn't because Zhan Wuming's sword accurately pierced He Qing's sea of ​​qi. After all, He Qing's body was riddled with holes in that explosion, and the spiritual energy in his body was lost too much, and it was difficult for his physical body to maintain that energy anymore. as powerful.

What he couldn't imagine was that the self-destruction of a golden immortal would definitely not be just the self-destruction of the sea of ​​​​qi, but more importantly, the self-destruction of the soul. That Nascent Soul is the truly terrifying power. If the Sea of ​​Consciousness blew itself up, the resulting explosion would definitely be more terrifying than the explosion of the Sea of ​​Qi. However, Zhan Wuming only pierced his sea of ​​Qi. Why did He Qinglian blew himself up? No chance.

He couldn't figure out why He Qing's Nascent Soul didn't blew himself up. Although it would be best if he didn't blew himself up, otherwise he might not be spared, but this change is really weird.

Zhan Wuming is full of secrets, maybe Zhan Wuming really has some means to prevent the Nascent Soul from exploding, so Su Dongfang didn't ask any more questions.

Zhan Wuming took out a white cloth and gently wiped off the blood stains on the sword.Turning his gaze to Su Dongfang, he just smiled and shouted at the red-haired green-tailed lion who rushed over: "What are you looking at? Didn't I teach you how to do it?"

"Yes, master..." The red-haired green-tailed lion immediately turned into a human, and together with the other seven orc supremes, under the watchful eyes of Su Dongfang and all the masters of the Su family, directly took off the space treasures and storage items in He Qing's hands. He didn't even spare his pockets, and the most outrageous thing was that he forced his mouth open to see if there was anything in it.

All the masters of the Su family were stunned, watching in a daze that the eight supreme beings swept every corner of He Qing's body like bandits entering the village. Before they realized what it was, the eight quickly swept around. The corpses are all objects of cleaning, completely disregarding the image.

Seeing these eight guys like this, the Su family immediately came to their senses. These are more than 100 elites of the Destiny Sect, and the weakest ones are Earth Immortals. No matter how poor they are, they are also rich. Everyone's magic weapon of space There must be a lot of treasure hidden in it.

As soon as they lost their minds, these eight guys had already found dozens of them. At this time, they didn't need someone to remind them. They all joined the ranks of looting. This is a spoil of war. Although they were able to kill these people, it was mainly due to Zhan Wuming. , but they also participated in it.

Su Hongxue and Su Dongfang stared blankly at Zhan Wuming. They suddenly understood why this guy in front of him had such huge wealth. I'm afraid that this guy's predecessor was really a big thief or a robber. Compared with the actions of the eight orc supremes looking for treasures, the masters are simply amateurs among amateurs, and what the eight supremes have gone through is absolutely scrambling, leaving nothing behind.

First, the obvious magic weapon of accessories on the hands, feet and neck, then the waist bag, then took off the shoes, opened his mouth to look at the teeth... Then searched and searched, almost nothing was missed.The most embarrassing thing for him was that these eight supreme beings found a lot of good things on the corpses that his Su family masters had already found, and they found them in extremely secret places, which made the Su family masters regret it.

Su Dongfang saw the gap, which was a huge gap, and he finally understood what it meant to be a professional.

"Boom..." When the people who were fighting Wuming and the masters of the Su family were vying to clean the battlefield, there was a huge roar suddenly not far away, as if the earth had collapsed, and the entire huge pit trembled.

Zhan Wuming and Su Dongfang were startled, they all jumped onto the huge pit and looked in the direction of the sound.Not far away, a huge puff of smoke rose into the sky like a black dragon. Along with this puff of smoke nearly a thousand feet high, everyone felt a terrifying and fierce aura blowing towards their faces.

"What happened there?" Zhan Wuming was startled.

"Go, go and have a look!" Su Dongfang was slightly taken aback, the terrifying fierce aura and the smoke billowing like a dragon made him a little curious.

In Wangyou Peak, the city of divine burial, a burst of bells awakened all the disciples of the Destiny Sect. The bell even directly penetrated through layers of barriers and went deep into the ground. In the huge underground cave under Wangyou Peak, countless caves seemed to be The child came back to life, one after another figure walked out of the cave door, looking out of the cave, the bell seemed to hit everyone's heart heavily.

"Nine strokes of the death bell, Zongshang He Qing died... How is this possible..." In the cave, someone whispered to himself, and then rushed to the entrance of the cave. Almost everyone in the cave turned their eyes to the bottom of the cave.There, there is a special cave, under the cave, the only cave with a door.

"Boom..." The huge stone door opened with a bang, and the entire cave seemed to vibrate, and a surge of hostility emanated from it. The entire cave seemed to have entered the cold winter instantly, and the chill rose from everyone's heart. From then on, in this chill, everyone understood two emotions, namely sadness and anger, and then these two emotions mixed together to form a lingering killing intent.The overwhelming killing intent was like a real torrent, rising from the cave to the sky, and the entire Wangyou Peak froze in an instant.

To the south of the city of divine burial, on a cliff, a big man in purple gold armor suddenly opened his eyes, woke up from his meditation, and cast his gaze in the direction of Wangyou Peak from a distance. He took a long breath and said to himself: "Mo Da, you finally couldn't help but make a move... It seems that kid really did it!"

The golden-armored man is none other than General Dongli Cang, the giant of the Soul Sect.

"It's time to rush over!" Dongli Cang stood up, took a leisurely breath, and disappeared on the cliff in an instant.

The crowd rushed for more than ten miles, and then stopped on a mountain peak. The thick smoke rising into the sky has not dissipated, so everyone will not lose their target.

Climbing up the mountain, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up, and when their eyes fell on the place where the billowing smoke rose, they were all stunned.A huge cave appeared there, and the billowing thick smoke rose from the cave, and not far from the cave, a cliff collapsed, and the huge cave seemed to reappear in the world because of the collapse of the cliff. The thick smoke billowed out of it.

Zhan Wuming was stunned, the cliff had just collapsed under the impact of more than thirty puppets self-destructing, and the cave hidden behind the cliff was only revealed.

"It's so strong..." Su Dongfang frowned slightly.

"That breath is very weird..." Zhan Wuming said thoughtfully, he felt the treasure hunting pig in the space magic weapon move.Zhan Wuming didn't know if it was because of the aura that the treasure hunting pig could make the treasure hunting pig restless, and there must be a heavy treasure nearby.

"City Lord, why don't we go and have a look, I feel that the aura in that breath is very strong, could it be that a certain ancient tomb has reappeared in the world..." Someone behind Su Dongfang suggested.

"In fact, this place is already regarded as the burial place of the gods. Maybe there is some kind of opportunity. Anyway, it has arrived, why don't you go and have a look!" Su Xin also agreed.

"Then let's go over and have a look. We're not in a hurry anyway!" Su Dongfang thought for a while, then turned his head to look at Zhan Wuming, seeing that Zhan Wuming didn't object, he nodded in agreement.

The aura of the dragon clan gushed out of the huge cave, carrying a trace of extremely cold and cloudy air.When everyone reached the entrance of the cave, they felt a violent evil spirit blowing towards their faces.

"What a strong evil spirit!" Su Dongfang frowned.

Looking at it at a glance, I saw that the entrance of the cave went all the way down, deep and bottomless, Su Dongfang hesitated a little, wondering if he should go down or not.

(End of this chapter)

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