Chapter 701 Wan Yuanze

In this primordial, there are countless dangerous places. This place is close to the burial place of the gods, and there are many dangers. The evil spirit is so heavy that ghosts and evil spirits will inevitably gather. Who knows if there is any chance in it.

The purpose of their visit this time is the Taixu Temple, but also to deal with Mo Da and a group of corpse puppets.Rather than this inexplicably appearing cave.

So far, Su Dongfang is very satisfied with the results of this trip. Not only Mo Da's more than a hundred corpse puppets were destroyed, but Mo Da's proud disciple Mo You was killed, and more importantly, He Qing, the head of the Destiny Sect, was also killed. Killed by them.This was an unexpected bonus.

However, the joy did not overwhelm Su Dongfang's mind, and the inexplicable appearance of the cave made him feel a little fear.

Zhan Wuming frowned, the cave was dead silent, the dragon's aura gushing out was filled with terrifying evil spirit, as if something ancient and ominous was stinging in it.But the treasure hunting pig in his arms was restless.Treasure hunting pig is very sensitive to strange treasures, because it is in the magic treasure of space and cannot feel danger, Zhan Wuming feels that this cave is a bit evil, and the place where it appears is too coincidental.

"Since we're here, why don't we go and have a look." After thinking about it, Zhan Wuming still suggested.Since the treasure hunting pig has responded, it means that there must be a treasure.

Seeing the billowing dragon energy, Su Dongfang also felt a little bit reluctant. At this time, hearing what Zhan Wuming said, he couldn't help but be moved.This place of divine burial is full of dangers, but it is also full of opportunities.Although the evil spirit in this cave is ferocious, the dragon spirit is also abundant. Who can say that there is no treasure in it?
At this time, he already has the body of a golden fairy, and he is the most powerful in the original, so he is not afraid of those dangerous places.

In today's battle, Zhan Wuming's performance won the approval of the Su family. They knew very well that if it weren't for Zhan Wuming, it would be absolutely difficult for them to achieve today's results. Although they were in a mess at this time, no one died. There were not even anyone seriously injured, and more than a hundred members of the Destiny Sect were killed, including Zongshang He Qing, the city where the Gods of the Destiny Sect were buried.

The more than 100 puppets of the Mo family were also wiped out. This time, the Destiny Cult suffered heavy losses.He Qing personally led the team, with several times the strength of the Su family, the entire army was wiped out.

Everyone was envious of the treasure on He Qing's body. It was the head of the Destiny Sect in the city of divine burial. Who knows how much wealth and treasures he had accumulated over the years, and they were just taken away by Zhan Wuming's eight servants.

But He Qing was killed by Zhan Wuming, and they had nothing to say when he took away treasures such as the Qiankun Ring.

At this time, Zhan Wuming suggested that everyone go into the cave to explore, but the Su family did not object.

Everyone entered the cave carefully, only feeling a sinister wind blowing against their faces, with a ghostly aura, and strange rocks lined up on both walls of the cave, which added a bit of eerie feeling.The cave went straight down, as if it went straight into the center of the earth. Following the feeling of the treasure hunting pig, it walked forward for about tens of feet. Suddenly, the scenery in front of them changed, and everyone found that they were no longer in the cave. Suddenly, everyone arrived in a strange world. Even Zhan Wuming didn't find any abnormality in this kind of space transformation.

"What's going on?" Everyone was stunned.Su Dongfang's face changed slightly, and he stepped back. After walking about a hundred feet, he didn't see the shadow of the cave.

"Damn, it seems that this cave is no longer that cave. This cave is really weird. But the aura inside is really strong." Zhan Wuming was also a little depressed. Looking around, the terrain here is completely different from that ancient forest. thing.

"Be careful everyone..." Su Xin reminded.

Zhan Wuming bent down and pulled out a giant bone from the soil under his feet, slightly astonished.

"This is the real burial place of the gods. That cave should be an entrance to the burial place of the gods." Su Dongfang rushed over.

"Could this be Wan Yuanze in the God's Burial Ground!" Hearing Su Dongfang's words, Su Xin's expression changed suddenly, and he lost his voice.

"Wan Yuanze, what the hell kind of place is that?" Zhan Wuming said as he took out the ancient map in his arms, but he couldn't find any Wan Yuanze. Tao came here, theoretically we should be on this map, but where is Wan Yuanze?"

"There are some special passages around the God's Burial Ground, unlike those that have been proven. If you enter these special passages, you will be directly sent to any place in the God's Burial Ground. The map is not very useful. .” Su Dongfang took a breath and explained.

After Su Dongfang finished speaking, he took the giant bone in Zhan Wuming's hand, looked it over carefully and said, "It's a crocodile bone."

"The crocodile beast..." Zhan Wuming was slightly taken aback, the crocodile beast is a very ferocious beast that lives in the swamp.

"Which position is Wan Yuanze in the place of the gods' burial? Who can help me mark it on this map?" Zhan Wuming thought for a long time, and said dizzily.

The land of divine burials is vast and boundless, and he suddenly entered some kind of bullshit portal and came to Wan Yuanze, which is far away from his Taixu Temple, and he still wants to go to Taixu Temple to see it.

If they were in Wan Yuanze, how would they get Mo Da over? His goal was not only those corpse puppets and He Qing, but more importantly, Mo Da.

Su Xin and the others looked at the ancient picture again and shook their heads helplessly.Obviously, this Wan Yuanze is not within the scope of this picture, and Zhan Wuming is completely depressed.

"City Master, there's a corpse here..." Just as everyone was shaking their heads, a disciple of the Su family suddenly called out not far away.

Everyone hurried over and saw a bloody corpse floating in the water, the bloody smell hadn't dissipated yet.

"This person died not long ago, look for it and see if there is any sign." Su Xin ordered.

"Guan Zhong of He Lingzong in Donghua City." Soon, the man found a waist card on the corpse. The Qiankun ring and the magic weapon of space on this person's body have been cleared away, perhaps taken away by the person who killed him.

Zhan Wuming and the others were surprised that Donghua City was to the east of the city of the burial of the gods, and it could be said to be another important entrance to the place of the burial of the gods.The scale of Donghua is much smaller than the City of God's Burial, and it took only 8 years to establish it. The City of God's Burial has existed for more than [-] years. It can be said that it is the oldest city among all the places near the God's Burial.

"Wan Yuanze is thousands of miles away from the exit of Donghua City, but Donghua City can be regarded as the closest exit to this place. If we want to return to the city of the burial of the gods, we can only go out of the place of the burial of the gods first by taking the exit of Donghua City , and then detour back to the city of divine burial, otherwise you have to travel more than [-] miles in this divine burial to reach the exit of the divine burial city. But few people can safely cross this [-] miles of divine burial, even those who have golden immortals The same goes for the body." Su Xin explained.

"No way." Zhan Wuming felt dizzy for a while, and searched the surrounding void for a long time, but he didn't find the cave where he and others were teleported just now, and it was impossible to return along the original road.

Everyone was secretly depressed. Curiosity really killed the cat. If they didn't want to go into the cave to have a look, they would already be on their way to the Taixu Temple.

"I have a map of Donghua City here." A disciple of the Su family said, and took out an ancient scroll, which depicted roads and the geography of mountains and rivers near Donghua City with rough lines, as well as Donghua The topography of the place of divine burial within ten thousand miles of the city is very briefly marked, and only the approximate orientation can be seen.

Zhan Wuming was speechless looking at this rough map, and he couldn't blame the person who drew the map. He could use supernatural powers and spiritual power outside of the original. The general map was all stretched in the jade piece, and it could be printed into his mind with spiritual power activation. .But in this primordial place, neither supernatural power nor spiritual power can be used, even if you want to rub the map on the jade piece, you can't do it.Even if it is in the jade piece, there is no way to activate it in this original. Therefore, the maps in the original are all rolls of animal skins, which are drawn by hand, and some are naturally rough.

"Is there any god tomb in Wan Yuan Ze?" Zhan Wuming asked suddenly.

"In this god burial place, there are god bones everywhere. Many nameless gods are buried here. Because there are no tomb guards, they have long since disappeared in the mountains and rivers. Who can be sure that there is no god tomb in this Wanyuan Lake? Legend has it that Wanyuan There are many tombs of gods in the Death Abyss of Ze, and it is said that there is also a huge god's treasure there, but no one has ever known where the god's treasure is, and it is said that the entrance of the god's treasure will change position with time." Su Dongfang Light and authentic.

"There is such a miraculous divine treasure, the entrance can be shifted with time, isn't that similar to the original entrance." Zhan Wuming became energetic when he heard it, think about it, just build a magical treasure, you can definitely get rich.

"City Master, there are still a few corpses here..." At this moment, another voice came.

Everyone rushed over and found several corpses in a puddle half exposed on the water, and the blood made the puddle blood red.

The corpses of these people are intact, it doesn't look like they were killed by ghost beasts, let alone invaded by ghosts.Several corpses were dressed exactly the same as the previous disciple of He Lingzong, but there were also two different ones.

Almost all of He Lingzong's disciples had their chests shattered by violence, or their heads were directly blown off, while the other two corpses had their throats slit by extremely sharp weapons, killing them with one blow.

"Donghua City Bawang Palace!" The two people who died of sharp weapons each had a waist badge, and they were disciples of Donghua City Bawang Palace.The ground was full of messy footprints and potholes blasted by the air waves. It seemed that these people had a fierce fight here.

"The Bawang Palace and He Lingzong are two relatively large forces in Donghua City. I haven't heard of any conflicts between them. I heard that the relationship between these two forces is good. How could they die together? Are they killing each other or someone else? Kill them?" Su Xin was a little puzzled, and ordered, "Everyone be careful and look around to see if there are any clues."

Zhan Wuming looked around for a while, and walked straight to the northwest. Everyone was startled, and then naturally followed Zhan Wuming's footsteps, and walked northwest.

(End of this chapter)

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