Chapter 75

"It was you who saved us again!" Du Yueming patted Zhan Wuming on the shoulder. He was very familiar with the innate supernatural powers of the Siren Royal Family. The half scream just now made him lose his mind. After sending it out, I and others probably have to stay here.

When Zhan Wuming attacked the blue-haired sea monster desperately, he saw Zhan Wuming's intention, but he couldn't help.Unexpectedly, Zhan Wuming actually killed the Siren Prince who had the strength of a two-star battle king, which surprised him very much. Is this the strength that Zhanzong should have?

Several other people looked at Zhan Wuming as if they were looking at a monster. With two crazy critical strikes, a peak Zhanzong killed the two-star Zhanwang in an instant.Although the Sea Monster Clan is extremely talented in supernatural powers and illusions, their physical body and fighting spirit are not their strong points, but even if they are not strong, they are still two-star battle kings!
"You boy Niu, I, Duan Liuchang, have convinced you." Duan Liuchang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, just now a bone arrow pierced through his sleeve, almost bleeding him.

"The venom of the devil's bone sea snake!" Qin Ge picked up a bone arrow, a little scared.

The expressions on everyone's faces became more exciting. As long as this kind of poison scratches the skin, people will suffocate to death within a few breaths. The toxicity is extremely overbearing.They couldn't help secretly rejoicing that they hadn't been hit by the bone arrow just now, but they also felt that it was worthless for Prince Siren to meet Zhan Wuming.It was too aggrieved to die, if he hadn't met such a perverted guy like Zhan Wuming, he wouldn't have been crushed to death alive.

"I heard that there is a water yuan bead in the head of the sea monster royal family. It is a top-quality treasure. Senior brother, I have never seen that thing. How about digging it out and showing it to everyone?" Chen Yunhu joked.

"I want to see myself killed, but I'm not going to dig it out here." Zhan Wuming rolled his eyes at him angrily, and then said, "Extreme treasure, there must be many treasures on this island."

"No life is right. Fortunately, this island is not big, with a radius of more than a hundred miles. With our speed, we can travel all over in an hour. We can't stay here for too long. I believe there will be people soon. When we found this place, we would not have such a good chance. We circled the island just now and found no other enemies, so we can act separately, send a signal immediately when we encounter danger, and others will arrive soon. Everyone please Be careful." Du Yueming suggested.

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.This kind of treasure hunt made everyone a little more excited.

Du Yueming's proposal was in the hands of Zhan Wuming. He had many things to deal with alone, but he couldn't let go with everyone. In order not to arouse everyone's suspicion, he didn't refuse to form a team at first.It is best to be separated at this time. He believes that it will be more exciting to act alone.

Zhan Wuming's favorite thing is to rob. In this Kunpeng Dojo, all kinds of forces are intricate and complex. Everyone can only display the strength of the Zhanwang elementary level. It is really a good place to rob.With Du Yueming and others, he couldn't let go.

Zhan Wuming was overjoyed by the things in the Qiankun Ring of the Siren Prince. The Siren Prince must have searched the island first, otherwise his ring would not have so many treasures of heaven and earth, spiritual herbs of thousands of years, and treasures of thousands of years. The king of medicine has everything.Even if this kind of medicine is not refined into a pill, it can still life and death, flesh and blood, this time it is really rich.He doesn't want to share these with others.

"Thousands of Miles Xunyan Beast... Damn, Treasure Hunting Pig!" Qin Ge cursed.

Qin Ge saw that Zhan Wuming released a small animal with the head of a pig and the body of a dog from the pouch of the spirit beast. It turned out that the Qianli Xunyan Beast was made by Zhan Wuming at some point, and its blood was infinitely close to that of the fairy beast Treasure Hunting Pig. With a fairy charm, very cute.

Everyone's eyes glowed green. This is the bloodline of a fairy beast.What made them even more envious was that this fairy beast was specially used for treasure hunting.In a place like this, treasure hunting is simply unrivaled.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll take a step first." Zhan Wuming looked at the eyes of everyone, who dared to stay, urged the treasure hunting pig, and took the lead to run to the island.

"Hurry up, this kid has a treasure hunting pig. We can't compare to him, we can't fall behind, otherwise we will have to follow him to eat farts, go find him. We will meet here in a while." Du Yueming screamed, where did everyone go? They will stay still, and they all rush towards the island like hungry wolves.


During the few months in the Beast Sect, Zhan Wuming put in all his effort to help the Qianli Xunyan Beast evolve, and now this thing is a good helper for treasure hunting.

Now, the speed of the treasure hunting pig is much faster than before, and it has broken through to the third intermediate level. Although it has not grown up in size, it has become more spiritual.As soon as the treasure-hunting pig came out, it led Zhan Wuming and ran away in one direction without hesitation.Along the way, Zhan Wuming saw several thousand-year-old elixir trees, and the treasure-hunting pigs never stopped. Zhan Wuming was immediately excited. Did this little thing find anything against the sky?I don't even care about the millennium panacea.

The island is not big, and the treasure hunting pig arrived at a small lake on the island in a short while, and then plunged into the water.

Zhan Wuming was startled, treasure hunting pigs can still drink water?

Without hesitation, Zhan Wuming jumped into the lake with the treasure hunting pig.The treasure hunting pig swam all the way to the center of the lake and stopped, watching Zhan Wuming whimpering and whirling around in situ.

Zhan Wuming understood immediately, put the treasure hunting pig into the spirit beast bag, and dived down.The more he dived, the more frightened Zhan Wuming became. He had already dived more than two hundred feet, and he hadn't reached the bottom yet.The strong water pressure made him feel uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the strength of his physical body, he would have been struggling under the strong water pressure.

Zhan Wuming dived nearly two hundred feet again, the water was no longer pitch black, and there were dots of sparkling light swimming in the water, Zhan Wuming could gradually see some things clearly, but the strong water pressure made him dare not to go any further. Dive down.

Zhan Wuming hesitated for a while, unwilling to return empty-handed, when he was in a dilemma, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind.Zhan Wuming returned to the lake, grabbed the head of the Siren Prince from the Qiankun Ring, and took out an egg-sized water-blue warm bead from the head.

In front of Du Yueming and others, he didn't want to reveal the secret that he could absorb other people's life energy, so he sealed the head of the Siren Prince and sealed the life energy in his head.Zhan Wuming took out the water element pearl, and the sea monster prince's life element escaped. The sea monster family has pure water element power, and the sea monster royal family's life element has the strongest power of water element.Although Zhan Wuming possesses the power of water element because of practicing "Handi Jue", that kind of water element power is limited by the heaven and earth and is extremely mixed.For him, the power of water element of Siren Prince is no different from a great tonic.Under the movement of Taixu Zhenqi, he quickly replenished the pure water energy into his life energy, and he felt that the suppressed fighting energy in his body was loosened again, but he didn't want to break through just yet.

What pleased Zhan Wuming the most was that the memory in the depths of his mind also became loose, and part of the memory became clear. Just as he had guessed at the beginning, whenever he obtained pure elemental power, he would correspondingly Part of the memory is turned on.Absorbing the power of elements in other people's lives is the most convenient way to open up memory.

The water element bead is magnificent in color, not only a favorite decoration for people of status, but also has a strong power of water element, which is fatally attractive to monks who cultivate water attribute fighting spirit.However, its biggest use against Lifeless now is to avoid water.

Zhan Wuming washed the water pearls again and again, and then frowned and took them into his mouth. The water pearls are different from the water-avoiding pearls. The water pearls must be placed in the human body, nourished by human warmth, and protected by their own combat power. Qi stimulates the power of the water element of the water element pearl to have the effect of avoiding water.

Zhan Wuming held the water pearl in his mouth, and the Taixu zhenqi flowed through his whole body, stimulating the water pearl, and then Zhan Wuming dived to the bottom of the lake.

A strong water element formed a shield around his body, as if his whole body had been merged into the water, and Zhan Wuming couldn't feel the slightest water pressure.Before he had time to be happy, Zhan Wuming discovered to his surprise that when Taixu Zhenqi stimulated the water pearl, the water pearl began to melt, just like an ice cube that encountered fire, and a stream of water spiritual energy gathered from all directions, transforming It becomes water element and is absorbed by Taixu True Qi.

Zhan Wuming sank deeper and deeper, as if he had fallen into the center of the earth all at once. He calculated in his heart that he had already dived thousands of feet, and he was still diving. More and more water elements gathered, and the more As it got thicker and thicker, the Taixu Zhenqi also moved faster and faster, and finally a storm formed in the lake, and the aura was crazily poured into Zhan Wuming's body, while catalyzing the water element beads, while transforming into Taixuzhen gas……

Zhan Wuming's life element was crazily enriched.He already had four elements of wind, fire, thunder, and water in his life element, and now he was desperately replenishing the water element. The balance of his life element was broken by the sudden influx of violent water element.

Soon, the water element completely overwhelmed the other three elements, and even began to devour the other three elements.This phenomenon surprised Zhan Wuming. He didn't expect such a change to happen. He wanted to stop absorbing water elements immediately, but at this moment, Taixu Zhenqi was not under his control at all, and it operated on its own. Zhan Wuming was in a hurry... …

What is the situation? If the other three elements are swallowed by the water element, he will no longer have the ability to absorb other elements, because the water element has already dominated everything. As long as any element enters the body, it will be swallowed and assimilated by the water element , then it becomes a dream for oneself to want the ultimate detachment.Even if one's own water element has been cultivated to the Dzogchen, it is only one of the heavens, and it will never be able to escape from the circle of the heavens.Only by mastering all elements and making them reach the state of Dzogchen in a balanced manner, can detachment be possible.Therefore, this situation is not what Zhan Wuming wants.

At this time, Zhan Wuming thought of Zhu Qianqian, the heaven-defying spirit array in Zhu Qianqian's life soul could actually continuously transform life energy and Qi into life soul, which became the nourishment of the spirit array.His own "Tai Xu Nerve" is a god-level treasure book, and it should not be inferior to that heaven-defying spirit array.If he can transform all the excess water life elements, he can break this deadlock.Thinking of this, Zhan Wuming's mood gradually calmed down.

If you can pass this test, your future cultivation path will be smooth; if you can't pass it, then you can only think of other ways and seek opportunities for detachment!
(End of this chapter)

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