God of Warcraft

Chapter 76 Consecutive Breakthroughs

Chapter 76 Consecutive Breakthroughs
The world seemed to have turned into an ice-blue world, and Zhan Wuming's mind was completely immersed in this ice-blue world, and he didn't know where he would sink.

"Boom..." I don't know how long it took, and Zhan Wuming felt his soul shake. A vortex suddenly appeared in the ice-blue world, and it became bigger and bigger. Finally, the bottom of the vortex turned into a black hole, quickly swallowing the sea water. Medium ice blue color.

Like a solitary boat in the vortex, Zhan Wuming was swallowed by the black hole, and finally, the ice-blue world turned into a chaotic mist.

"Break it!" Zhan Wuming felt that he was very small, in the black hole, as if there would never be light, but reason told him that all this must be changed.Zhan Wuming crazily burned Mingyuan.

"Boom..." The sky and the earth suddenly lit up, the ice-blue world shattered into pieces, the black hole also shattered into pieces, and the sky and the earth were completely silent.Zhan Wuming's soul has returned, but there is a strange space in which countless blue lights swim, bringing endless vitality.Zhan Wuming was shocked to find that he had opened up a small cave in Minghun, and the countless water elements in the cave formed blue light spots, magnificent and vivid.

Zhan Wuming was astonished, what is the situation, a cave was opened in the soul of fate to correspond to the power of the elements in the soul of life, he had never heard of this kind of situation, and it was never mentioned in "Tai Xu Nerve". However, cultivating the soul of life can open up a cave?
Zhan Wuming sensed that his water elemental cave was very stable, and it didn't look like it was set up temporarily for emergency, which relieved his anxiety a little.Anyway, it's a blessing not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided. He tried to probe with Taixu Qi, but he didn't find any abnormality, which made him feel a little relieved.

The water element in Mingyuan seems to have found a breakthrough, and it is poured into this cave. Every time some elements enter, there will be more blue light spots in the cave.This cave seems to be independent and does not affect other elements in Minghun and Mingyuan.When the cave was completed, endless water energy rushed to his body immediately, and the long-suppressed Zhanzong's peak cultivation base could no longer be controlled, and he suddenly broke through.

One-star war king...one-star war king peak...two-star war king...two-star war king peak...three-star war king...four-star war king...four-star peak...out of control.

The battle energy in Zhan Wuming's body was like an erupting torrent, breaking through obstacles layer by layer.For him, there is no obstacle in the realization of the realm, as long as he has enough energy, his cultivation will continue to soar.

Zhan Wuming couldn't control the soaring battle qi at all. There seemed to be endless water elements between the heaven and the earth, and the water elements turned into rich aura. The newly opened cave seemed to be very hungry and thirsty, desperately absorbing and transforming, and then feeding back to the body. Zhan Wuming's cultivation base is increasing crazily, and this speed of improvement is like a rocket, which makes Zhan Wuming feel inexplicably horrified.He didn't even know what happened, it was completely unreasonable, but at this moment, he didn't think too much about it, so he calmed down and tried his best to let his body absorb more energy and stabilize his foundation.

"Boom..." Five-star battle king!
Breaking through the realm again, the speed at which the cave absorbs water elements gradually slows down, and those free blue light spots gradually form light clouds, floating in the cave one by one.

I don't know how long it took, Zhan Wuming was shocked, and he broke through the six-star war king, and the force that rushed into his body became slower and slower.

Zhan Wuming can gradually control the speed of absorption, more and more aura energy is needed for breakthrough, Zhan Wuming no longer deliberately suppresses the speed of breakthrough, but let go of the body to absorb.He is very clear that his physical body is different from others. If it were someone else who raised his realm so crazily, even if he did not go crazy, his body would not be able to withstand such a violent fighting spirit, and his tendons would be broken , and even exploded to death.

But Zhan Wuming's physical body is as solid as gold and stone, this kind of impact is no problem for him, and his own realm perception is far beyond the current level, so there is no danger of going crazy.

"Boom!" Finally broke through the Seven Star Battle King.The speed of water elemental inhalation slowly stagnated, as if it had reached a critical point.

Zhan Wuming slowly opened his eyes and found that he was in the dark bottom of the water. He didn't know how deep it was. The water pearl in his mouth had long since disappeared, and the surrounding water pressure seemed to have no effect on him. Like a creature in the water, he can freely breathe the rich water aura in the water, as if he is a part of the water.

Zhan Wuming looked at this place curiously, Kunpeng's will did not affect his fighting spirit cultivation, he did not feel any suppression.

"What is this?" Zhan Wuming felt that he was on top of a round stone, and there was a strange energy coming from the stone. This energy made him feel very friendly. He thought of the crazy water element just now. force.

What the stone possesses is not as simple as pure water spiritual power. It actually has strong elemental power on it, and it is about to break away from the category of fighting spirit in this world. vitality.

There is such a huge stone full of vitality. The vitality content in this stone is definitely more than the vitality pearl. Zhan Wuming finally understands why his cultivation level has been able to rise so rapidly just now, because he unintentionally dissolved the energy in his body. At the same time, Taixu Zhenqi absorbed the pure water element power in this stone.

All along, he had been absorbing battle energy from this world with difficulty, and suddenly he absorbed vitality that was much higher than the level of battle energy in this world. Naturally, he couldn't control the growth of his cultivation base.However, only the first time you come into contact with vitality will you improve so rapidly, and when you encounter vitality in the future, the improvement will not be so fast.

Zhan Wuming didn't want to let this stone go, it was definitely a priceless treasure.The number of vitality beads is very rare, even God of War regards them as treasures, if they know that Zhan Wuming has a gemstone with more vitality than vitality beads, they will definitely be jealous.

Such pure water elemental power is an extremely rare treasure even in Yuanjie.The treasure hunting pig rushed here so frantically, probably because it sensed the abnormal vitality here.

Treasure hunting pig is a strange beast in the fairy world. It is naturally very sensitive to all kinds of spiritual energy, especially vitality. The spiritual power of this stone is not at the same level as the fighting spirit of the outside world. It is impossible to prevent the treasure hunting pig from going crazy.

The underwater light is very dim. Although Zhan Wuming has a lot of pure water elements in his body and is very close to water, his sensitivity to light has not changed, and he doesn't know how deep it is. He groped along the stone. After a while, the stone looked like a huge sphere, half buried under the sand.

Zhan Wuming shook it vigorously, shaking away the nearby sand and stones, and then picked up the big stone.This stone is actually three or four feet square.Zhan Wuming was secretly speechless, such a big gem, no wonder it has so much energy.Thinking that the vitality bead is only the size of a fist, how can it compare with this stone.

With such a big stone, Zhan Wuming was in a bit of a dilemma, even if he wanted to put it in the Qiankun Ring, he had to clean up an empty Qiankun Ring again.

"Wow..." After Zhan Wuming picked up the boulder from the sand, a light blue light appeared on the bottom of the water.He held the stone with one hand, grabbed it with the other hand, and saw that it was a water spirit stone of extremely high purity.There are many more at the bottom of the water, each of which is the size of a palm, and they are all top-grade spirit stones.

"Get rich!" Zhan Wuming was ecstatic.

He would not dare to show this gemstone with pure water and energy to others. He still understands the reason why a gentleman is innocent but guilty, but the water spirit stone can do it.I don’t know how many years this gem full of vitality has been placed at the bottom of the lake. Under the nourishment of its vitality, the ordinary stones below are rich in water aura. The longer the time, the stronger the aura. Maybe these spirit stones can be transformed into primordial stones, then what they contain is no longer spiritual energy, but vitality, which can be used as vitality beads.

Zhan Wuming put down the boulder, put away all the light blue water spirit stones that floated up due to the turbulence of the water, and then, with both hands, scraped away the mud and rocks at the bottom of the lake.Under the mud and rocks are pieces of water spirit stones, the closer to the boulder, the higher the purity of the spirit stones, Zhan Wuming unexpectedly found five top-grade water spirit stones, and the top-grade spirit stones also formed a large piece.All income Qiankun Ring.

Zhan Wuming is very lucky. Although his cultivation base is not high, he has a lot of Qiankun rings. This is the best accomplice to murder and rob goods. Zhan Wuming has dozens of them, and there are two more storage space Bracelets, these two items were contributed by the two Zhan Emperor brothers Nangong Jianshe and Nangong Rui, and Zhan Wuming accepted them with a blunt smile.

Zhan Wuming was busy like a hardworking bee.This shuiling stone mine grows along the mud layer at the bottom of the lake and is exposed on the lake bed.Zhan Wuming was so happy that he was digging in other places. He didn't know how deep he had to dig into the mountains to find a few pieces of spirit stones. Here it was like picking up spirit stones. How could he not be happy.In order not to let a single spirit stone go, Zhan Wuming happily dug it up at the bottom of the deep lake.

Regardless of whether it is a high-grade spirit stone or a low-grade spirit stone, throw them all into the Qiankun Ring. Put a Qiankun Ring for the top-grade and top-grade spirit stones, put a Qiankun Ring for the middle-grade spirit stones, and put a Qiankun Ring for the low-grade spirit stones. The ten rings on the ten fingers gleamed with blue light, and the spirit stones "swish" flew in, and none of them were missed.

In order to pick up the spirit stone, Zhan Wuming has forgotten the time.When Zhan Wuming discovered that the high-grade spirit stones had piled up into a small mountain in the Qiankun ring, the middle-grade spirit stones were filled with a ring, and it couldn’t fit anymore, and the low-grade spirit stones were actually filled with a storage bracelet and three universes. At that time, he had already dug several feet down the lake bed, and the water at the bottom of the lake was muddied.That battle was really like locusts crossing the border, not a single blade of grass was left, and all the spirit stones were cleaned up.

Zhan Wuming admired his drive very much, he was so dedicated, he had the talent to be a miner, and he didn't have a single coin left in the mine.

The spirit stone was gone, and Zhan Wuming was also hungry.This feeling is very strange. I didn't feel hungry at all when I was digging just now, as if I was full just looking at the spirit stones, but as soon as the spirit stones were dug out, I was so hungry that my chest stuck to my back.Zhan Wuming complained, even if he didn't eat for half a month before, he wasn't so hungry. Could it be that mining consumes too much energy, making him so tired and hungry.But I didn't feel tired at all. With my physical strength, even if I came to such a Lingshi mine again, I wouldn't feel tired after digging in one go.

Zhan Wuming took out the dried meat from the Qiankun Ring, he had no choice but to eat it underwater, and check if there was anything missing, if he went up to the surface and then dived, he would waste a lot of time.

(End of this chapter)

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