Chapter 865
Looking at Zhan Wuming's expression, Yuanzu suddenly felt a kind of depression in his heart that he had never felt before, as if he was facing a huge volcano that was about to erupt. He felt that there seemed to be a kind of terror in Zhan Wuming's body. Extreme energy was roaring, but Zhan Wuming closed his eyes, as if with great perseverance, he forcibly blocked a volcano that was about to erupt under the ground.

King Hejian saw that Zhan Wuming's body was trembling slightly, and even the space around his body felt extremely unstable. He suddenly realized that what he was facing was not a great immortal, but an ancient mythical beast. , The boundless coercion made Hejian Wang feel difficult to breathe.He was horrified. When he was at Yuegu Peak, he had seen Zhan Wuming slaughter the Immortal King of Tuntian Palace, like slaughtering a dog. But at this moment, he felt that Zhan Wuming seemed to have become stronger. He even had an illusion, As long as Zhan Wuming is willing, he can break through at any time, and he has to be a little more in awe of Yuanzu's vision.

"Brother Zhan, if you feel uncomfortable, vent it!" Yuan Zu sighed, he didn't know how to comfort Zhan Wuming, but he could feel the faint sadness coming from Zhan Wuming's body, he He even saw that the big-leaf fairy orchid behind Zhan Wuming withered and withered quickly in this sad atmosphere. He didn't know how many negative emotions Zhan Wuming had endured in his body.

Yuanzu wanted to say something, but Zhan Wuming raised his hand to stop Yuanzu's next words, took a long breath, and said lightly: "I want to calm down, I will find you later."

Yuan Zu was stunned, Zhan Wuming's words obviously meant to see off the guests, but they didn't blame Zhan Wuming, he winked at King Hejian, and then retreated quietly, only Zhan Wuming looked blankly. Looking at the empty hall, no one knew what he was thinking.

King Hejian wanted to say something, but was stopped by Yuan Zu. At this time, Zhan Wuming didn't want anyone to disturb him, and he didn't want anyone to disturb Zhan Wuming either.When he heard about Yun Yiyi's news, Zhan Wuming didn't erupt suddenly, which surprised Yuanzu. He felt that he had underestimated Zhan Wuming's city, but this kind of non-explosion was more terrifying than eruption.

Yuan Zu didn't think that Zhan Wuming was a person who could easily give up hatred, so once Zhan Wuming broke out, he was afraid that there would be unexpected results, but he was a little worried in his heart. After all, it was three families, not three people. .Although the strongest of these three families is only the Immortal Emperor rank, there are probably nearly a hundred Immortal Kings in total, and there are ten Immortal Emperors in total, otherwise Yuan Zu would not be afraid.

After all, any family that can stand in Gonghuatian for a million years will have its own background. Although Gonghuatian is the only one of the imperial family, all the big and small families together form a complete puzzle of the fairyland. Through various operations, these families have circulated the wealth among the various domains of the fairy world, making the major fairy domains full of vitality.

Although Zhan Wuming has experienced the approval of Qilingchi, he is a member of the future genius of the Imperial Clan, and has great potential, but before he is truly recognized by the high-level officials of the Imperial Clan, it is impossible for someone to offend three talented disciples for the sake of one genius disciple. Families close to the imperial clan, if there is only one choice between the two parties, the elders will most likely kill Zhan Wuming without hesitation. After all, people from these three families have entered the Gonghua Immortal Mansion.It can also be regarded as the most outstanding genius of the three major families in the past ten thousand years, and because of this, the three major families are tied together with the imperial family and become the supporters of the imperial family.

Yuan Zu was really worried that Zhan Wuming would impulsively deal with Feng Yunyang and the others. The three sons of these three families can also be said to be rare geniuses among the three families.Yuanzu believed in fighting alone, and Zhan Wuming could kill any of them, but Zhan Wuming was alone and alone.

"My lord, Mr. Zhan has come out!" When Yuanzu was in a state of confusion, King Hejian pulled him and reminded him.

Yuanzu saw it, and it was indeed Zhan Wuming who walked out of the palace, except for a slightly numb expression, there was nothing else.

"No life..." Yuan Zu hesitated to speak.

"It's okay, I want to visit Yun's house." Zhan Wuming seemed to know what Yuanzu wanted to say, and said calmly.

Yuan Zu was startled, thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Zhan Wuming was noncommittal, and walked towards the Qinchun Garden.


The Yun family is no longer in a mess. It is already the fourth day since the Yun family was destroyed. The entire imperial city seems to be a living thing with the ability to repair itself. The courtyard of the house was slightly damaged, but a group of people were busy repairing it, they were from the Feng family.Obviously, the Yun family has changed hands at this moment, and the new owner is the Feng family, one of the masterminds who destroyed the Yun family.

Every inch of land and every inch of gold in the imperial city, the Feng family would never care about such an extra property.The Yun family has been in business for hundreds of thousands of years, and once it is destroyed, its wealth will naturally be divided among the three families, and a part of it will be dedicated to the elders of the Senate and some imperial families.

As a result, the Imperial Clan and the Senate turned a blind eye to the actions of the three major families, acquiescing to the division of the Yun family by the three major families. Someone will care.

"Who are you, sneaking around here..." A voice startled Hejian Wang, he couldn't help but frowned, and then looked at Zhan Wuming who seemed to be immersed in a certain emotion, and couldn't help but angrily said: " Blind your dog eyes."

The man felt the aura of the Immortal King of Hejian, he couldn't help but shuddered, and immediately apologized. They just felt that the behavior in front of them was very suspicious, and they might be the remnants of the Yun family, but they didn't expect that the other party would be an Immortal King At this time, even if they know that these people in front of them are the remnants of the Yun family, they dare not talk too much. After all, if they make a move before the masters of the Feng family arrive, the opponent will be able to catch up with them before the masters of the Feng family arrive. They were all slaughtered before, and no one wanted to take their own lives as a joke.

The Immortal King of Hejian carefully looked at Zhan Wuming, but didn't see any change in his face, but quietly walked slowly on the street outside the Yunjiamen, as if he was a body without a soul.

Yuan Zu didn't speak, but quietly followed behind Zhan Wuming. He didn't know what Zhan Wuming was thinking, but he felt that Zhan Wuming's soul seemed to have a slight fluctuation.

"Did Yiyi not leave any relics behind?" Zhan Wuming suddenly stopped and turned to Yuanzu and asked.

"Relics?" Yuan Zu was slightly startled, and could not help shaking his head slightly, but he did not ask Yun Yiyi what relics he left behind, but he couldn't help but glanced at King Hejian and asked, "Did Yun Yiyi leave any relics? "

The King of Hejian was startled, thought for a while and said, "There is an Immortal King Artifact that is well preserved, and it is said to be a whip!"

"Where is that whip?" Zhan Wuming's eyes lit up and he asked.

"It seems to have fallen into Qi Zhengyu's hands!" King Hejian replied.

"Master Yuanzu help me find this whip, let's go, let's go back!" Zhan Wuming just said softly, then turned around and walked back the way he came.

Yuan Zu was slightly startled, took out a token and handed it to King Hejian and said in a deep voice: "You take my token and go to the Qi family to ask Qi Zhengyu for that whip back, the Qi family still dare not give me face."

"Okay!" King Hejian ordered to leave. It's not a difficult task, but it's just an immortal king's weapon. As Yuanzu, he really didn't pay attention to the Qi family. Yuanzu's current status is among the elders In the eyes of those old monsters, it is much more important than a small second-rate family.Moreover, Yuan Zu was also the lord of the city, so how could a second-rate family be able to compare.


"I hope Lord Yuanzu can do me a favor!" Returning to Qinchun Garden, Zhan Wuming said calmly.

"You just say it!" Yuan Zu was startled, slightly worried, but he did not refuse Zhan Wuming's words. If Zhan Wuming really wanted him to help deal with the three major families, then maybe he would have to make a plan, after all, he was against Zhan Wuming. The hopelessness of lifelessness is incomprehensible to others.

He saw with his own eyes that Immortal Emperor Xuanming rescued Zhan Wuming and him, and Immortal Emperor Xuanming obviously did it for Zhan Wuming and not his Yuanzu. Therefore, in the eyes of Yuanzu, Zhan Wuming definitely has unlimited potential in the future. Immortal Emperor Xuanming's injury has healed, then, I'm afraid it's Zhan Wuming's chance!
"Tell the Council of Elders, I know the location of Tuntian Palace, but there are many guards inside. I heard that there are many treasures that the Soul Eater family has searched for over the years, and Tuntian has collected them all in some of his palaces. These locations are very Secret, only I know, if the elders want to get the treasures in these palaces, I hope they will send experts from the three major families of the Feng family, Qi family and Wang family to follow me. I don't object to the people going, but these three families must go, otherwise they won't be able to find Tuntian's palace." Zhan Wuming said flatly.

"What?" Yuan Zu's heart was shocked, he asked with some worry: "Wu Ming, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true." Zhan Wuming said with certainty.

"If it's true, then it's easy to handle." Yuanzu heaved a sigh of relief. He believed that Zhan Wuming would not lie to him about this matter, because if he reported this matter to the Elders' Association, he would be responsible to Yuanhui. , This is not like dealing with the three major families, but when he heard Zhan Wuming say that the three major families must send a large number of masters to go, he knew that Zhan Wuming was not not refraining from taking action, but to do it openly .

His intuition told him that Zhan Wuming had to deal with the three major families, but Yuanzu didn't worry about this, as long as Zhan Wuming didn't fight the three major families directly.Then there will be no conflicts with the elders of the Imperial Clan, and now it is obvious that Zhan Wuming is also aware of this problem. The so-called Swallowing Palace is a huge cake, how can the elders be willing to give up such a piece of fat? Meat.

Going to dig out Tuntian's palace is a big job. After all, Tuntian is the sole heir of the Soul Eater family, and the three thousand concubines alone are enough to make the men of the big families of Gonghuatian swallow their saliva. Life makes people believe that there must be countless treasures hidden in the palace of Tuntian, who can be sure that the family who is lucky enough to enter the palace and search for a few treasures will not be able to grab a few treasures.If what Zhan Wuming said is true, then I'm afraid that the three major families will still be grateful to the Yuanzu who recommended him.

Of course, Yuan Zu would not let the three major families know that he recommended it, because he knew very well that Zhan Wuming would not give the real benefits to the person who killed Yun Yiyi. I'm afraid the trip is not that simple.

"At that time, I will send some masters to go with you." Yuan Zu said as if thinking of something.

Zhan Wuming smiled gratefully, knowing that Yuanzu understood what he meant, he nodded and said, "Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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