Chapter 866 The Secret of the Soul Forbidden Whip

Tuntian’s palace is a temptation for many people. Apart from Yuegu Peak, it is said that Tuntian does have several palaces, but few people know their specific locations, even some families that are related to the Soul Eater family It is only unknown about Tuntian's palace.

Rather than saying that it is Tuntian's palace, it is better to say that it is Tuntian's treasure house.

Now that Tuntian has disappeared, and Yuegu Peak has also disappeared from the world, no one can be sure whether Tuntian's palace has become the secret residence of the Soul Eater family, but the imperial family is still very interested in Tuntian's palace.

As for the young immortal who provided the location of the Heaven Swallowing Palace, the veterans of the Imperial Clan also knew something about it. Some old monsters were very optimistic about this son, because this guy seemed to have broken the longest spirit enlightenment time in the Enlightenment Pool for 10 years. Record.Some old monsters wanted to take this boy as their apprentice, so I heard that it was Zhan Wuming who provided the news, and hoped that he would lead the team there without being hindered too much. He is a member of the imperial family, and a member of the most loyal imperial family.

As for the relationship between Zhan Wuming and the Yun family, not many people know about it. Instead, it was the members of the Yun family who fought against Zhan Wuming in the imperial city, and were almost beheaded by Zhan Wuming. It was a big topic of conversation, because it was such a strange thing that a boy of the Tianxian rank almost killed an immortal king, and the Yun family even became the laughing stock of the Imperial City because of this.But at this time the Yun family was no longer there, no one cared whether he smiled or not.

It is impossible to guess Zhan Wuming's intention to ask the Feng family, Wang family and Qi family to go together, but for such a small request, the elders have no reason to refuse, especially in the Swallowing Palace. When they became the base of the Soul Eater family, they couldn't be sure that it would be safe to go here. Letting the three major families join would also reduce the risk of the Imperial Clan's existence.

During this period of time, the Imperial Clan dispatched too many masters, and the injuries and losses were not small. It would be good if other families could be used to complete the Heaven Swallowing Palace.

It was a surprise for the three major families to learn that the elders would let them participate in the attack plan of the Tuntian Palace.All the families in Gonghuatian know what Tuntian's palace means, it means that treasures are piled up like mountains, and beauties are like clouds.

Although they also considered the possible accidents and crises in this operation, they also saw the possible opportunities. Generally speaking, they felt that the chances of opportunities would be greater.

Of course, this is because they don't know the relationship between Yun Yiyi and Zhan Wuming at all, and they don't know that their plan to participate in the trip to the Heaven Swallowing Palace this time is exactly what Zhan Wuming requested, so they don't have any Confuse.

The person in charge of this trip to the Heaven Swallowing Palace was actually Zhan Wuming, a small newcomer of the Great Immortal rank, which made the three major families feel a little uncomfortable, but think about this little guy. Fighting against the Immortal King, it can be seen that his potential is huge, and then this son was discovered by the Yuanzu, these are not secrets that cannot be made public.

Maybe Zhan Wuming really has a special relationship with Yuanzu, so he is valued by the elders. After all, not everyone is qualified to know about the Qiling Pool of the Emperor Clan. Among the Imperial Clan, only some old monsters are qualified to know about Wuming. After all, this kid has performed too well. Once the news of Zhan Wuming is spread, it may cause the enemies of the Imperial Clan to destroy Zhan Wuming in advance. Lifeless, this is not the result that the Imperial Clan wants.

Zhan Wuming became the leader of this trip to the Heaven Swallowing Palace, but he was not the person in charge of this team.The person in charge of this operation was Xuan Yingzi, a middle-ranked expert of the Emperor Clan, whose status was almost the same as that of the Yuan Zu, except that he was not a direct descendant of the Emperor Clan, so he did not receive any reward from the city.

This action did not allow Yuan Zu to go out in person. His injuries are not completely healed, and he is not suitable for fierce confrontation. Xuan Yingzi has a very good attitude towards Zhan Wuming. Elders and even veterans want to accept Zhan Wuming as a disciple. Zhan Wuming will definitely be a new star of the imperial clan in the near future. At that time, Zhan Wuming's status will not be lower than him. Well there is no harm in that.

What's more, Xuan Yingzi has a good relationship with Yuanzu. Before the trip, Yuanzu specially told Xuanyingzi to take care of Zhan Wuming. Yuanzu also sent two middle-level immortal kings as Zhan Wuming's guards, which shows the relationship between Yuanzu and Zhan Wuming. Therefore, Xuan Yingzi did not despise Zhan Wuming because his cultivation level was only at the Great Immortal level.

Zhan Wuming became the second-in-command of this trip to the Heaven Swallowing Palace, and he was the person with the highest status besides Xuan Yingzi, which made the three major families feel very jealous in their eyes.

For this operation, the three major families even sent out a strong man of the first level of the Immortal Emperor, because they were worried that Tuntian's palace would become the residence of the Soul Eater family. The four Immortal Emperors led the team, and Zhan Wuming alone The boy of the Great Immortal Rank actually became the second-in-command, which made the three major families feel ashamed. Of course, they knew that Zhan Wuming was a genius that the Imperial Clan paid special attention to. Thinking that he was just an outsider to the Imperial Clan, Zhan Wuming When life is the real one, I feel relieved.

There were quite a few people on this trip. In addition to the four Immortal Sovereigns, there were also thirty strong Immortal Kings, one hundred Golden Immortals, and nearly 200 disciples of Great Immortals. The preparations this time were enough to wipe out a city. And most of these people are the strength of the three major families, and there are also some masters in the imperial family, accounting for only a quarter of the entire team.

This arrangement makes the three major families more happy, which can explain two things, one is that the imperial family has paid more attention to their three major families, and the other is the trip to the Heaven Swallowing Palace, but it is a lucrative job, as long as it is really taken Then, more or less, there will be something to gain, so Feng Yunyang, Qi Zhengyu and Wang Tongtian also joined this team.

The purpose of Feng Yunyang, Qi Zhengyu and Wang Tongtian to join this team is not because of the lucrative job, but more importantly, the three thousand concubines who have searched for the entire Gonghuatian, even in the The [-] concubines in the other fairylands also took a lot of effort to gather, and they might be able to make up for the shortcomings caused by Yun Yiyi's death.

Before setting off, Zhan Wuming received the soul-forbidden whip that Yuan Zu brought from Qi's family. Yiyi's weapon, but at the moment the forbidden soul whip is still there, and Yi Ren is dead.

At first, Zhan Wuming didn't know the name of this whip, so he gave it to Yun Yiyi casually, but after Yun Yiyi used it a few times, he knew that this fairy king weapon turned out to be a rare soul-binding weapon. Directly attacking other people's souls, or even imprisoning other people's souls in it, although it is only an Immortal King Tool, its value is no less than an Immortal King Tool.If it wasn't for Yuan Zu's face, the Qi family would really be reluctant to give up this treasure.

Seeing the Forbidden Soul Whip, Zhan Wuming felt a little more hope, because this whip has a characteristic, that is, it can autonomously absorb the wandering spirits around it. Zhan Wuming feels that this fairy weapon is special, so in A few prohibitions were placed, this was a special hidden hand, even Yun Yiyi didn't know it.

After Zhan Wuming received this whip, under the investigation of his spiritual sense, there was indeed a group of bound colorful souls in this soul-forbidden whip. Only Zhan Wuming could find out with special means, this colorful soul It was Yun Yiyi's originally dissipated soul, but it was collected in the whip by the forbidden soul whip, and it did not completely dissipate.

The remnant soul was seriously injured, even if it hadn't dissipated, Zhan Wuming couldn't help her reshape her physical body immediately, and this remnant soul would need a longer period of warming before it could have a chance to regenerate into the same body.

Zhan Wuming's hidden hand in the soul-forbidden whip is actually a means to protect Yun Yiyi. If Yun Yiyi is really in danger, as long as the whip is by his side and has not been destroyed, then this whip can capture Yun Yiyi. Yun Yiyi's soul was placed deep in the whip space for warming, waiting for the opportunity to restore it.

When Yun Yiyi detonated Wuyunling, her body was indeed blown into pieces, and her soul was also destroyed, but when the soul was about to dissipate, a large part of it was captured by the prohibition of the soul whip, and it was not completely destroyed. dissipate.

Immortal, as long as the soul is still there, there will be a chance of resurrection. If the soul is still there, you can even take the body and rebirth directly, but now Yun Yiyi's soul is incomplete, and you can't take it away. You have to warm up first, and then take it again. The act of giving up.

Zhan Wuming didn't think it was a good thing to seize the house. He found a book about the spirits in the fairy world in He Kun's secret room, which recorded a kind of spirit that turned into a lotus. If it is still there, then you can put your body in the incarnation lotus. The incarnation lotus will absorb the power of the heaven and earth to nourish the soul, until the soul and the lotus are completely fused, the whole fairy lotus will be transformed into the master of the soul who wants to incarnate Most people will choose to return to their previous appearance. The spirit and soul will not change, which is another kind of rebirth. This lotus incarnation will have a natural fairy body, which is the life with the purest spiritual root between heaven and earth, but this incarnation of lotus is not It's hard to find, but Zhan Wuming won't let go of a chance.

The legend about the incarnation lotus comes from ancient mythology. According to legend, there was a great god who offended the dragon clan at the beginning of his birth. In order not to hurt his family, he cut off his body in front of the dragon clan and returned it to his parents. It doesn't matter, only a ray of soul was taken away by his master and fostered in a lotus flower. Later, the lotus flower was transformed into a human form, which was called the lotus incarnation. That was the legend of the original incarnation of the lotus.

Qi Zhengyu didn't know that Yun Yiyi's soul still remained in that whip, he just felt that this whip was very strange, but he couldn't see what was in it, because he hadn't completely refined the whip, otherwise I'm afraid he won't hand over this whip.He didn't even know that the soul-suppressing whip was in Zhan Wuming's hands right now.

(End of this chapter)

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