Chapter 885 The Great Enemy Appears
"Woo, woo..." A few wild dog-like little beasts roared at Zhan Wuming and the others, and then they seemed to feel that the aura of these people was not something they could provoke, and quickly ran away.

Zhan Wuming and others just glanced at them, but did not kill these demonic wolves. The wolves are very vengeful. These few may be just a part of the carrion wolves in the battlefield of gods and demons. The number of such wolves If it is less, it will not pose a threat at all, but once one of them is killed, I am afraid that it will attract a group, which is not good.

We must know that this kind of magic wolf with not strong attack power can survive forever, there must be something special about it.At this time, seeing a few people running away with strong aura is also a kind of instinct.

"Let's go!" Zhan Wuming walked around the huge finger pit. The finger pit was like a sinkhole formed by the impact of a meteor from the sky. How powerful is the owner of this finger.

Who is the weak one who can participate in the battle of gods and demons back then? Even the sword spirit of the sword god Xuanhuang in the lower realm has an eternal artistic conception.Sword God Xuanhuang is a low-level figure in the God Realm. If he is placed on the battlefield of the ancient battle of gods and demons, he may be at the level of cannon fodder.

Regarding the understanding of the God Realm, Zhan Wuming knew a lot more than the Ye brothers and sisters, after all Cang Yu, Xuan Huang and You Huo had told him some legends about the God Realm.

There are basically no good things near the teleportation exit. After all, the geniuses of Gong Huatian have cleaned up countless times. I am afraid that even a needle can be cleared out. People realize that many of the powers of the laws have been absorbed by the predecessors, and it is not easy to realize the laws of the Dao in these ruins. Therefore, Zhan Wuming, Ye Tian and others had to go to the place farther from the transmission exit. place to find opportunities.

The three ran quickly, and after a while, they were thousands of miles away from the transmission entrance.Along the way, the landforms of mountains and rivers are not obvious, and there are potholes and cracks everywhere. The great war that year has wiped out all the mountains here, and many cracks have also restricted the formation of new mountains over the years. , reminding Zhan Wuming of the desperate wasteland of Sumeru Immortal Territory.

After running for thousands of miles, the three of them found a huge canyon. From a distance, it looked like a giant dragon. Only when the three of them flew high into the sky could they see the entire canyon clearly. Huge scars from the giant whip that fell from the middle.

This made Zhan Wuming, Ye Tian and the others speechless, but what made them happy was that the power of the law of heaven and earth emanating from this whip mark was so clear that it could actually touch the throbbing deep in the souls of the three of them.Perhaps it was because the owner of the whip was too powerful back then, the power of the law of heaven and earth in this whip mark has not completely dissipated, and the huge power of law contained in it moved Zhan Wuming deeply. Therefore, the three People set up defensive formations here, and quietly comprehend it here for several days.

The power of the laws of heaven and earth emanating from this canyon is more mysterious than the power of laws in the fairy world, and the Tao rhyme is more perfect, which contains the power of laws of gods and demons.

Rules are made up of the most perfect laws. In today's fairy world, no one can achieve the position of God. That is because the laws they practice are not enough to condense into rules. Then the soul core cannot complete the real transformation. Nature cannot become a godhead.

This is the sorrow of the fairy world, but in this battlefield of gods and demons, people can reversely evolve from the rules of heaven and earth, allowing them to comprehend the power of the laws of heaven and earth that make up the rules, although this power of laws may not necessarily be absorbed. But if one can comprehend the evolution process from law to rule, then one can fully grasp the original power of a certain law, which is the most heaven-defying opportunity.

The dao rhyme in Zhan Wuming's physical body is far beyond the scope of his own comprehension. It is the remaining will and perception of countless powers of the imperial clan scattered in the spirit enlightenment space inscribed in the spirit enlightenment pool, so that Zhan Wuming Wuming accidentally engraved it into his body, but his own comprehension of the origin of the laws of heaven and earth is very weak, so now he is only at the middle level of the Great Immortal. This is not to say that Zhan Wuming's comprehension ability is poor, Ming is much stronger than the comprehension ability of the Ye brothers and sisters.When the lower realm was still only Zhanzong, he was able to comprehend the ancient sword intent produced by the sword god Xuanhuang in the Xuantian secret realm.

One day after Zhan Wuming woke up from his comprehension, Ye Tian and Ye Fangrong woke up slowly, each gaining something, but Zhan Wuming couldn't see where their gains were.

"Are you awake?" Zhan Wuming didn't turn his head.

"Well, Brother Zhan, you woke up early?" Ye Tian stared blankly at Zhan Wuming, and said, "What is it, it smells so good!"

"Well, it smells so good, it's barbecue..." Ye Fangrong found that Zhan Wuming was actually grilling meat. She hadn't eaten for a long time, and Zhan Wuming's barbecue aroused her appetite.

"It's better to wake up sooner than later, it's just cooked!" Zhan Wuming couldn't help teasing the two of them, throwing a large piece of fragrant barbecue to Ye Tian.Asked: "Have you two gained a lot these days?"

"I have learned a lot in the past few days. This is really a good place. I have learned today. It is difficult to achieve this effect in Gonghuatian for many years." Ye Tian took a long breath, and the past few days have indeed gained a lot.Ye Fangrong was also very excited, and obviously gained a lot.

"Huh..." Zhan Wuming was startled suddenly, and with his hands together, a powerful air machine instantly combined the smell of meat in the void, as if it was wiped away from the sky, and the traces of sparks above the ground were also instantly extinguished .

"Let's go!" Zhan Wuming finished all this, and his body like a big bird rushed to the huge canyon, and sank into the dark gap in front of Ye Tian and Ye Fangrong.

The brothers and sisters of the Ye family were slightly startled, without any hesitation, although they didn't know why Zhan Wuming did this, but they believed that Zhan Wuming would never help Wuming, and followed Zhan Wuming into a dark shadow on the edge of the canyon among.

"What's wrong!" Ye Tian asked in astonishment when he saw Zhan Wuming's figure shrinking in the shadows like a night bat.

"Murderous, very strong, coming here." Zhan Wuming's voice was very soft.

Zhan Wuming has a beast-like intuition, and his spiritual sense cannot reach far here, but this does not mean that Zhan Wuming's spiritual perception is invalid, it is a natural intuition.

"Hush..." Ye Fangrong was about to speak, but Zhan Wuming covered her mouth.

At this moment, a bloody wind flew over the heads of the three of them, and the atmosphere in the void was disturbed into chaos. Afterwards, the Ye brothers and sisters also felt a strong bloody air approaching from far away. Perhaps it was the murderous intent that Zhan Wuming mentioned.The shock in their hearts did not come from the group of people flying overhead, but from Zhan Wuming's powerful spiritual sense. If they were a little later, they would be hit by the group of people flying overhead.

Although I don't know who the group of people above my head are, I can feel a terrifying aura, at least the aura of Immortal King Rank, but this aura is a little muddy. Obviously, the people who flew over their heads just now may have been hurt Seriously injured, they are fleeing for their lives. How can the immortal king who can enter this battlefield of gods and demons be so simple, and the person who can make the immortal king escape with serious injuries is not something they can compete with.

"Boom..." Ye Tian only felt the cliff above his head and behind him vibrate, as if a terrifying force exploded above the canyon, they had no choice but to hide their breath deeper, and even stopped breathing, he didn't want to Spotted by the group above.

Once involved in the war above, he is only at the elementary level of the Golden Immortal, and Zhan Wuming and his younger sister Ye Fangrong only have the cultivation level of the Great Immortal.Even if they have the ability to step up challenges in the outside world, so what, the fairy kings in this battlefield of gods and demons all have the ability to step up challenges, and the only way to compete with them is to die.

Whoever is on it, they'd better not get involved.Sometimes, the more secrets you know, the faster you die.

Ye Tian turned his gaze to Zhan Wuming, but found that Zhan Wuming's fingers were slowly opened, one by one, at this moment he had opened the eighth finger, and after a while, the ninth finger was also opened, listening attentively.

Yetian knew that Zhan Wuming's fingers represented the number of people who passed by their heads just now, and he couldn't help but look at Zhan Wuming in front of him even more. If he didn't use his spiritual sense to detect the movement above, and just listened like this, he had already counted the number of people chasing and fighting.He didn't know that Zhan Wuming grew up in the World of Warcraft Forest since he was a child, and he has the talent of a natural hunter, so he doesn't need to search for it at all. He has more ways to get the outside situation and grasp the nearby movements.

"Soul Devourer Family..." Ye Tian just wanted to listen intently, when he saw Zhan Wuming's fingers gently swipe on the mountain wall, and the strokes Zhan Wuming drew were these four characters.It was the Soul Eater family, Ye Tian was shocked, secretly glad that he, Zhan Wuming and others saw the opportunity earlier and hid in the canyon early, otherwise they would have become the group of people attacking at this moment. to kill.

The Soul Eater family is the enemy of the entire Gong Huatian. All the unindependent cities in Gong Huatian have completely cleaned up the Soul Eater Family. Those independent cities are either close to the Soul Eater Family, or are directly controlled by the Soul Eater Family. Now it is being attacked by the imperial clan, and the entire Gonghua Immortal Territory is in flames.

In Gonghua Heaven, the Emperor Clan represents the royal power after all. Although the Soul Devourer Clan supported the city and stood on their own, they were killed and wounded under the attack of the Emperor Clan. Many important materials and people were all moved to Chenglun Heaven.

Some people say that the Soul Eater family has a great relationship with Immortal Emperor Chenglun, and that the Soul Eater family is Immortal Emperor Chenglun's spies in Gonghuatian, so they are rejected by all major forces.

As for Gonghua Immortal Mansion, the genius disciples of the Soul Eater family were also purged.However, the Soul Eater family is the most powerful family other than the Imperial family, much stronger than the Yan family. Even if the Gonghua Immortal Mansion wants to be completely cleaned up, it is not an easy task, there will always be some rumors It was leaked that although many genius disciples of the Soul Eater Clan had been killed, there were still many disciples of the Soul Eater Clan who fled into the battlefield of gods and demons.

In the battlefield of gods and demons, the most powerful is the immortal king. Once these talented disciples of the Soul Eater family enter the battlefield of gods and demons, even the old monsters of Gonghua Immortal Mansion can't help.But also because of this, the genius of the Soul Eater family has become another huge threat to Gonghua Immortal Mansion who has experienced in the battlefield of gods and demons.

There are many disciples of the Soul Devourer family who are practicing in this battlefield of gods and demons. After these disciples received that their clansmen were cleaned up by Gonghua Immortal Mansion, they no longer left the battlefield of gods and demons, but gathered the geniuses of the family and became This genius hunter of Gong Hua Tian in the Gods and Demons Battlefield specializes in hunting down the geniuses of Gong Hua's Immortal Mansion who have entered the Gods and Demons Battlefield to practice.

Ye Tian didn't expect that he would meet a group of disciples from the Soul Eater family to hunt and kill fellow disciples here.

(End of this chapter)

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