Chapter 886 Use Your Life

Ye Tian didn't know how Zhan Wuming knew that the above were members of the Soul Eater family. If it was true what Zhan Wuming said, then they really didn't dare to intervene easily today. Unless the person being hunted down was the Ye family, they would There's no need to risk your life.

Ye Tian didn't know that Zhan Wuming was very sensitive to the members of the Soul Eater family.Because he devoured the bloodline of Ba Snake who swallowed the sky, and refined the soul core of Immortal Emperor Chenglun, the Soul Devouring family is all the bloodline of Immortal Emperor Chenglun, with the bloodline sensory, Zhan Wuming can clearly sense the existence of the other party , but the opponent couldn't sense Zhan Wuming.Because what Zhan Wuming devoured was their ancestor, which was far higher than their existence, so it was impossible for them to sense Zhan Wuming from their blood.

"Boom... Boom..." The ground trembled, and there was a coherent explosion sound from the canyon, and the powerful shock wave caused the cliffs on both sides of the canyon to shake for a while.

Zhan Wuming, Ye Tian and the other three didn't make any changes. Their opponents were too strong, and they didn't want to arouse their vigilance. People from the Soul Eater family were not easy to mess with, especially the Immortal King, who could fight at higher levels. Under the situation of absolute advantage, Zhan Wuming is not unsure at all, even if he can escape, the brothers and sisters of the Ye family may become the prey of the other party, so Zhan Wuming never thought about being strong.

"There are two women." Zhan Wuming's voice was very soft. When those figures passed by his head just now, he smelled a faint fragrance in the blood. It was very light and faint. It should be the body fragrance of a woman. , very similar to Ye Fangrong's.

"You guys stay here, I'll go and have a look." Zhan Wuming signaled to the Yetian brothers and sisters, and wanted to climb up the canyon, but was pulled back by Ye Fangrong, who looked nervously at him. There is no life in the battle, shaking his head to signal not to go.

Zhan Wuming smiled, pulled Ye Fangrong's hand away, and made a gesture to reassure her, Ye Tian also nodded to his sister, he was more at ease against Zhan Wuming, although his spiritual sense could not reach far, But Zhan Wuming's vigilance made him believe that Zhan Wuming would not do stupid things. If it wasn't for Zhan Wuming, they would have already faced the Soul Eater family head-on.

Seeing that her brother agreed, Ye Fangrong had no choice but to let go, opened her mouth, and uttered two silent words: "Be careful."

Zhan Wuming nodded, suddenly felt that the little girl in front of him was quite interesting.

Zhan Wuming carefully climbed to the edge of the canyon, using the jagged rock to hide his figure, the dark power quickly transformed and completely covered his aura, as if he had sneaked into another space, if the other party hadn't passed by him , will never find his whereabouts.

Zhan Wuming's guess was correct. There were nine people who passed by his head, but there were three people who were besieged. Around these three people, four people attacked fiercely, and the other two guarded two directions. In case these three people had a chance to break out, the two of them seemed to be at their leisure, they obviously regarded these three people as something in their pockets, and they didn't believe that these three people would have a chance to escape.

Among the three besieged, two women had disheveled buns and were covered in blood. Under the dim light, Zhan Wuming couldn't see their faces clearly. The young man was also covered in blood and bruised. Under the attack of those four people, he barely supported.

The cultivation bases of these people are all of the Immortal King level. One of the besieged women is an Immortal King intermediate level, and the other is an Immortal King elementary level. Those who are named Immortal Kings are at the first level, and those who guard the two directions are at the middle level of Immortal Kings.

Zhan Wuming shook his head and sighed, the three besieged people felt like they were at the end of their strength, but the six people who were chasing and killing took turns to attack, and there were always two people guarding to prevent the three people from escaping. Obviously, these people wanted to grind those three people to death like this.

"Yue Mingshan, give up. What's wrong with being my He Qi's woman? At least I can save your life. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your sister. She is in full bloom, and she is already a fairy at such a young age." Wang Jie, and the elite among the immortal kings, has become a woman of my Soul Eater family, and will not humiliate your Yue family." A sinister voice came over, and it was the immortal king who was guarding the side. .

"He Qi, you have killed so many fellow disciples, and these people have shared troubles with you, don't you have any humanity at all?" The middle-level fairy king woman reprimanded with an angry smile.

"Humanity, hmph, don't the deaths of so many brothers and sisters of our Soul Eater family in Gonghua Immortal Mansion have nothing to do with them at all? So many people of our Soul Eater family died in Gonghuatian, wouldn't it be possible for you to die?" Does the shadow of the family exist? Now come and talk to me about human nature, since we know that we have gone through hardships together, why should we slaughter the brothers of our Soul Eater family, you all deserve to die." He Qi retorted angrily, his face raised With a tyrannical look.

"You know very well that if it wasn't because you were the woman I, He Qi, liked, then you would have become a pile of bones like them at this moment. If it wasn't because I, He Qi, liked you, we would have a thousand ways to release your sisters." But, can you still resist what I did to you? But I don't want to get your body like this, so you can escape so far!"

After a pause, He Qi's voice suddenly turned cold, and he said indifferently: "But I can't let you go anymore, and if you go there, it will be the portal of Gonghua Immortal Mansion. If you want to continue to escape, then I can only use The last resort."

"He Qi, you are shameless!" Yue Mingshan scolded angrily, she knew what He Qi said was true.

Fighting alone, she is not afraid of He Qi. Although this He Qi is the son of Tuntian and has the most direct blood of the Soul Devourer family, he, Yue Mingshan, is also not easy to be with, but because of He Qi's different identities, Devourer Many surviving geniuses of the Soul family are surrounded by He Qi, and it is impossible for He Qi to give him a chance to fight alone.

Although her group beheaded as many as four members of the Soul Eater family along the way, they suffered even more losses, six of them died, and the three of them were also seriously injured.After all, the cultivation of the team she led was uneven. There were only four middle-level immortal kings, and the others were all elementary-level immortal kings. However, there were as many as six intermediate-level immortal kings around He Qi, and they were no match at all.

"I've given you enough time to think about it. If you don't agree again, then don't blame me for being rude!" He Qi finally showed a hint of impatience on his face. He really meant the woman in front of him.

In Gonghua Immortal Mansion, there are many people who like this woman in front of him. He is just one of these suitors, and he does not have the upper hand. Coupled with the changes in the Soul Eater family, he suddenly lost his chance.

He learned another news, that is, his Soul Eater family is actually Cheng Luntian's real imperial family, possessing the blood of the imperial family, which made his mind active again. He is a direct descendant of the imperial family, although his father Tuntian three Thousands of concubines have many heirs, but he, He Qi, was born to the wife of Tuntian Mingmei, and his status is not comparable to that of the wild species born by those so-called concubines.

Since he can't pursue Yue Mingshan clearly, then he will use other means. Anyway, he has already torn his face with Gong Huatian at this moment, and he is very familiar with the battlefield of gods and demons near Gonghua Immortal Mansion. He believes that there must be a chance Meet this woman.

He Qi finally waited for this opportunity, besieged and killed Yue Mingshan's team, and even chased them all the way out of the canyon.

"Don't even think about it, even if I, Yue Mingshan, die, I won't become the woman of your Soul Eater family. Who doesn't know that nearly a hundred of the three thousand concubines of Tun Tian are his daughters-in-law, who will become the women of your Soul Eater family?" It's a woman's shame!" Yue Mingshan mocked with disdain.

"Good scolding, yes, that old thing is indeed a whore, but fortunately, he is dead, I promise that as long as you become my He Qi's woman, I will not let any man touch you." He was angry at the insult, but he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that the reason why Yue Mingshan rejected him might be because of his father, but this incident was indeed a disgrace to the entire Soul Eater family, and it was also the laughing stock of the entire Gong Huatian.

"You've got to die... Ah!" Before Yue Mingshan could finish her sentence, she suddenly felt a huge force coming from behind her, and then all the strength in her body suddenly disappeared, and a big hand suddenly pinched her throat.

"Sister..." The girl beside Yue Mingshan exclaimed in surprise, and then shouted angrily, "Dongfang Wen, what are you doing?" She discovered that the person who suddenly attacked her sister and restrained her was not a member of the Soul Devourer family, but someone from the Soul Eater family. They fled here together in Dongfangwen.

"He Qi, tell them all to stop, or I'll kill Yue Mingshan!" Dongfang Wen's eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly spun Yue Mingshan's body, and the four besieging fairy kings originally attacked him They all moved away suddenly, they were afraid of accidentally hurting Yue Mingshan.

He Qi and the members of the Soul Eater family were all stunned, and they really stopped attacking for a while. They never expected that the guy who fled with Yue Mingshan would attack Yue Mingshan at this time, and even took Yue Mingshan as a hostage. , He Qi only felt a headache. He really liked Yue Mingshan, which was why he had been unwilling to hurt Yue Mingshan and her sister, but unexpectedly, it became a move against him.

"Dongfang Wen, you bastard!" Yue Mingshan's face turned pale, she never thought that she would be plotted against by her own people.

"Ming Shan, I think Brother He is a loving and righteous person. He has a deep affection for you, which is much better than that of Yan Feifei. However, this time it is considered an offense. You sisters love each other deeply. Brother He may not treat you because of love for Wu and Wu. How about you, but what is my Oriental language, I believe that even if you agree to be his woman, I will only turn into a pile of dry bones, but I don't want to die, so I have to borrow your life to use it!" Yue Mingshan died A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Dongfangwen's eyes. In order to survive, there is nothing in this world that cannot be done.

"Dongfang Wen, let her go, I can spare your life, but if you dare to hurt her hair, I will definitely destroy you Dongfangmanmen!" He Qi's face was very ugly, but at this time, he really I don't know what to do, as long as Dongfang Wen exerts his strength, Yue Mingshan will turn into a beautiful corpse. This is definitely not the result he wants to see. This accident made He Qi confused for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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