Chapter 903
Just as Zhan Wuming thought, if the Nether Beast just followed him from afar, then he would really have no way to find out these things, but once the Nether Beast started to attack him, it would definitely make him feel it. Because of this, he instantly found the location of the Nether Beast.

Sensitive to the dark power, before the Nether Beast actually started to attack, Zhan Wuming had already realized that the power of space is indeed extremely powerful. If it were someone else, even if he found the Nether Beast's position, he would not be able to attack it at all. They, but Zhan Wuming is different, his immortal sword intent contains the power of time and space.Under the recoil of space-time power, there was a strange scene where layers of space were peeled off. After the Nitian Sword became the Immortal Emperor's Weapon, it was really different. Its power was so strong that even Zhan Wuming was a little surprised.

The indestructible sword intent is the power of time and space, and the time and space are infinite, so the sword intent is indestructible. Zhan Wuming's indestructible sword intent is naturally not comparable to the sword god Xuanhuang, but his sword has made the shape of the ghost beast The finish shows up.

"Aw..." The Nether Beast let out a roar, and the moment his figure was revealed, it had slammed into Zhan Wuming like an electric fire.The netherworld beast claw protruded from the void, revealing wisps of wind, causing cracks to appear in the void.

Zhan Wuming was horrified, at this moment he knew why those fairy kings who were all geniuses were unable to block the sneak attack of this ghost beast. These were not without reason, but because the claws of this ghost beast were too terrifying.What Ye Lang said, there is no fairy king domain that can block the attack of this ghost beast, it is not false at all.

"Be careful!" The Nether Beast revealed its real body in the space stripped by Zhan Wuming's sword. Its attack was immediately seen by the Yelang people in the distance. It can be cut into pieces, if it is allowed to hit the body of Shi Zhan Wuming, I am afraid that it will directly tear up its fairy body...

"Ding..." Zhan Wuming forced out the Nether Beast with his sword, and retreated sideways without rushing in. The Heaven-Defying Sword came out obliquely, and struck the Nether Beast's sharp claws with incomparable accuracy, with a light and crisp sound The sound of metal and iron clanging.

"Aw..." The Nether Beast let out a low howl, a stream of blood shot out, and a claw was cut off by the Heaven-Defying Sword.

"Hmph, the little Nether Beast dares to act fiercely in front of brother!" Zhan Wuming snorted coldly, the Nether Beast broke its claws, Zhan Wuming's figure paused in the air, his left hand quickly reached out, and grabbed the Nether Beast the other paw.

Everyone in Yelang in the distance stared dumbfounded at the Nether Beast, which was as big as a giant elephant, like a mouse dragged out of a hole, and its huge body "boomed" to the ground.

"Boom..." The whole earth shook suddenly, and under everyone's gaze, the Nether Beast made a huge hole on the ground.

"Boom..." The Nether Beast's body landed on the ground, Zhan Wuming gave up using the sword, and slammed his fist heavily on the Nether Beast's scales. The huge bombardment sound was heard very clearly by Ye Lang and others who were far away.

"Boom...boom..." With a series of critical strikes, the Nether Beast's body was smashed to the ground countless times like a sandbag, and everyone was stunned. ?In the hands of Zhan Wuming, he became an irresistible little mouse.

Violence, absolute violence, a little fairy beat up that ghostly ghost beast in the most violent and wild way.At this time, they realized that they had completely underestimated this little boy of the Great Immortal Rank.

"Aw..." At this moment, a pair of voids fluctuated around Zhan Wuming.A huge black claw suddenly protruded and grabbed Zhan Wuming's back.

Ye Lang and Xuanfang's expressions changed immediately, just as Zhan Wuming's crow's mouth said, not just one Nether Beast, but a second Nether Beast appeared.At this time, their hearts suddenly hung up again, they couldn't wait any longer!

"Kill..." Ye Lang yelled softly, and the Linma, which had already been ready to go, had a big wing, and rushed towards Zhan Wuming like four phantoms. There was only one chance. If he couldn't hit him with one blow, then , I'm afraid it's not just the Nether Beast fleeing for its life, but Zhan Wuming also has to lose his life.

"Damn!" Zhan Wuming couldn't help cursing in a low voice, he realized that he was still a crow's mouth, and suspected that there was more than one ghost beast, and this really came a second one, I'm afraid this second ghost beast didn't think about it at first. The shot was because his companion was beaten up by Zhan Wuming and couldn't help sneaking up.

Zhan Wuming's keen sense of spirit is so sharp, plus he has been quietly on guard, when the claws protruded out, his figure dissipated like a shadow, and the claws of the Nether Beast just shattered the shadow into pieces, and Zhan Wuming's figure was no longer in place.

The Nether Beast that was pinned down on the ground and almost covered in bruises struggled, but this Nether Beast didn't choose to attack Zhan Wuming, but fled to the void immediately after standing up together. This change came from afar. Everyone couldn't accept it, the Nether Beast actually wanted to run away.

"It's already here, how can you leave as soon as you say it." Zhan Wuming didn't want to do it, and it was not so easy for the Nether Beast to escape.

"Om..." Everyone felt that the entire void was suddenly shaken. They rushed over at an incomparable speed, but suddenly, they seemed to have entered a swamp.

"Long Chengfeng..." Zhan Wuming let out a low shout, although Long Chengfeng's figure on the Linma was stagnant due to the invisible shock, but Zhan Wuming's hands did not stop at all, counting Hundreds of streams of light quickly spilled out like a meteor shower. The light rain either merged into the void, or implanted in the ground, or shuttled indefinitely, instantly forming a huge light net in the sky around Zhan Wuming, and then each light point A layer of green brilliance appeared, and suddenly formed a mask like an enchantment.

"Senior Brother Ye, my screen formation can only last half a cup of tea, the rest is up to you!" After Long Chengfeng sprinkled the light rain, his face immediately turned pale, obviously setting up the formation It was very exhausting, but at this moment, his body had rushed into the void, on top of the blue light mask, like a cross-legged arhat, he firmly pressed down on the light mask.

"It's up to us now." Xuan Fang shouted in a low voice.

"Om..." Siqi Linru passed through a layer of water curtain, and the void rippled for a while, and several people rushed into the formation quickly, attacking Zhan Wuming's side.

"Boom..." When Long Chengfeng flung out the array, Zhan Wuming was not idle. His immortal sword intent pierced into every inch of the void like quicksilver, and even knocked out the bird that was trying to escape. The Nether Beast was stripped out of the void again, and the sneak attacking Nether Beast at the back grabbed Zhan Wuming's body with its tail after grabbing the air with one claw.

"Senior Brother Zhan!" Ye Fangrong was startled and exclaimed, and after seeing Zhan Wuming let out a miserable groan, he suddenly bumped into the void wall covered by Long Remnant Wind, and the water waves swayed like It was an invisible barrier, and Zhan Wuming slipped down along that barrier.

"Aw..." The two ghost beasts roared angrily. When Zhan Wuming's immortal sword intent dragged it back from the void, although they also hit Zhan Wuming, they found that the original The cracks that were torn open in the void healed quickly like a disappearing vortex in the water. They realized that something was wrong, and the two ghost beasts gave up the battle and did not care about it. They wanted to tear the void to escape again, but they suddenly found The void seems to have an extremely flexible barrier like a water curtain, which cannot be torn apart for a while.

"Nie Zhan, you also have today!" Ye Lang, Xuan Fang and the others were so relieved that they actually did it. Not only did they draw the two Nether Beasts out, but they also blocked their escape route so that they could not relax again. Even though they didn't know how Zhan Wuming held back the two Nether Beasts so forcefully, preventing them from escaping before they came and the Void Formation was fully activated, Zhan Wuming Wuming really did it, although they don't know Zhan Wuming's life and death, but this is enough to make them look at Zhan Wuming with admiration.

"Brother Zhan..." Ye Fangrong didn't participate in the encirclement, and flew to Zhan Wuming's side.Noticing that Zhan Wuming struggled a bit, he stood up, with a little blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, looked at Ye Fangrong with a disheartened face, shrugged with a wry smile, "Shame on me, I was tricked by the beast."

"Puchi..." Seeing Zhan Wuming's expression, Ye Fangrong couldn't help laughing.Still a little worried: "Brother, are you okay?"

"Just a little dizzy." Zhan Wuming said, but his eyes fell on Long Chengfeng at the top of the formation, and he smiled wryly, "Senior Brother Long, your formation is so thick, it made me dizzy."

"You kid!" Long Chengfeng was slightly relieved when he saw that Zhan Wuming was still in the mood to joke at this time, knowing that at least Zhan Wuming would not die.

Ye Lang, Xuanfang and the others who surrounded the two ghost beasts also breathed a sigh of relief. As long as these ghost beasts cannot freely shuttle in the void, it is equivalent to cutting off their minions.Then its combat power is at most about the same as that of the immortal king, and at most it is at the middle level of the immortal king. However, the real combat power of these two ghost beasts is only at the level of the first level of the immortal king, and one of them is not injured. Lightly, looking at the broken scales and the mud all over its body, one can see how aggrieved that Nether Beast is under Zhan Wuming's violent ravages.A group of Immortal Kings fighting against two Immortal King-level beasts is a massacre.

"I'm still joking at this time!" Ye Fangrong also heaved a sigh of relief, seeing Zhan Wuming's expression, even if he suffered some injuries, it probably doesn't matter, even though Zhan Wuming is a great immortal, his body is not broken , The fairy baby is not destroyed, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as it doesn't hurt the source, it will basically not die, so Ye Fangrong is relieved.

"Brother Long, open a gap for me and let me go out." Zhan Wuming's expression changed suddenly, and he said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Long Chengfeng was stunned, not knowing why, the formation had just been closed, and a gap was about to be opened, which was very likely to give the Nether Beast a chance.

"Senior Brother Ye, attack immediately!" Zhan Wuming shouted suddenly, then rose into the sky, and shot directly at Long Chengfeng.

"Let me out." Zhan Wuming's figure flew towards the top of the formation like a flash of lightning, his breath of no return seemed to turn his whole body into a giant sword that rushed into the night, and the gangster that was startled by the incomparable speed The wind was like a flowing wave, making Long Chengfeng at the top of the formation feel that the formation wall under him was violently fluctuating.

"Senior brother Zhan, what are you going to do?" Ye Fangrong couldn't help being startled, Zhan Wuming suddenly violently attacked Long Chengfeng, what's going on?

(End of this chapter)

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