Chapter 904 too ferocious
Long Chengfeng hesitated a little, Zhan Wuming actually attacked him, even though he was still separated by a screen, he felt a creepy pressure.Zhan Wuming asked him to open a gap in the formation. If he really opened a gap, he even doubted whether he, a powerhouse of the Immortal King, would be able to withstand Zhan Wuming's terrifying blow. Watching Zhan Wuming pick out the Nether Beast from the void with a sword from a distance, he didn't really feel the horror in person, but at this moment he realized how much the Nether Beast wanted to sneak attack Zhan Wuming. An unlucky thing.

Long Chengfeng was only slightly hesitant, and still opened a gap in the virtual formation. Although he felt that the impact of Zhan Wuming's sword posed a huge threat, he didn't believe that Zhan Wuming would hurt him at this time. As for the killer, the reason why Zhan Wuming is like this is definitely for a reason. As for the reason, he doesn't know, but every teammate, he will not doubt it.

"Boom..." Long Chengfeng opened a gap, only to feel countless volcanoes erupting from the sharp sword energy erupting from the screen.

Countless sword lights exploded in the void around Long Chengfeng like blooming fireworks. At this moment, Long Chengfeng felt like he was in a black hole in time and space, and the space around him was like a silkworm cocoon that was spun layer upon layer. , the world seems to be eternity at this moment.But at this moment, Long Chengfeng's face became extremely ugly, because at the moment when Zhan Wuming's sword surrounded him and the layers of space were peeled off, he saw a pitch-black claw protruding from the void. , was grabbing at the top of his head.

"Ghost Beast..." Ye Fangrong suddenly lost color under the screen, she finally understood why Zhan Wuming suddenly violently attacked Long Chengfeng, it wasn't that Zhan Wuming went crazy, but appeared The third ghost beast.

The third ghost beast did not attack Zhan Wuming at the beginning, but hid aside. After Long Chengfeng set up the big formation, this ghost beast unexpectedly attacked Long Chengfeng. The ghost beast is too smart or the ghost beast is cunning.

Long Chengfeng was terrified, he tried his best to control the formation, he only thought that there were two ghost beasts, and they were all trapped in the formation by him, he never thought that there was one lurking outside the formation, this is a Fatal oversight.

"Ding..." Long Chengfeng felt a sudden shock in his body, but the big black claw stopped three inches above his head, and the sharp cold air penetrated directly into the Baihui acupoint, making him unable to resist hitting. There was a shiver, Zhan Wuming's sword was hot, but the claws of the ghost beast were extremely cold.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's sword pressed against the sharp claws of the Nether Beast, and Long Chengfeng was not idle. A formation talisman hit the shadow of the void, and there was a sudden explosion in the void, and a huge blast The shock wave instantly lifted Long Chengfeng's body into the air. To Long Chengfeng's surprise, the explosion of his talisman only caused a few ripples in the void, and the huge impact quickly calmed down like water waves. The Nether Beast didn't hurt even a single hair, but Zhan Wuming let out a muffled grunt and was shaken back by the impacting air wave.

"Senior Brother Long, what the hell are you doing?" Zhan Wuming was extremely depressed.

Long Chengfeng looked embarrassed. He never expected that the explosion of his formation would be like this. The Nether Beast seemed to be in another space, and the explosion force in this space didn't seem to affect him at all.At this time, Long Chengfeng thought of another terrifying talent of the Nether Beast, which was the talent of space.

The Nether Beast was indeed sneaking up on him, but the Nether Beast's body was not in this space, except for the claw that Zhan Wuming's sword touched, although its huge shadow could be vaguely seen, but It can't really touch the body of the ghost beast.

Long Chengfeng was puzzled, none of his talismans could attack the Nether Beast, but how could Zhan Wuming be able to drag the Nether Beast out of the void, and he had seen Zhan Wuming dragging the Nether Beast out of the void before? The Nether Beast beat him up violently, that cruelty, why couldn't he beat the Nether Beast by himself?

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming's figure was shaken back, and Long Chengfeng's body also rolled away, but his figure had not settled down yet, a black tail was drawn heavily on his body, as if A dragon snake that suddenly emerged from another layer of space.

Long Chengfeng spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow, the ghost beast's attack was too weird to defend against, Long Chengfeng's Immortal King Domain had no effect at all under the ghost beast's attack.Only at this time did he really understand why the Nether Beast turned sour.

"Damn, you're still so fierce!" Zhan Wuming was annoyed.

He felt that the aura of this ghost beast was much stronger than the other two.That Nether Beast actually spotted Long Chengfeng, and after hitting it with its tail, its huge body suddenly appeared. The body of this Nether Beast was almost the size of a Linma, a little bigger than the other two Nether Beasts. big circle.

Long Chengfeng was stunned by this blow. The spirit power that had been deployed in the formation was consumed enormously. When the Nether Beast pounced, it seemed that an invisible force locked the void tightly, directly pulling the dragon Chengfeng's Immortal King realm shattered into pieces.

"Aw..." The two Nether Beasts in the screen void howled miserably. Under the joint efforts of several great immortal kings, they were blasted all over their bodies. These great immortal kings were originally geniuses among geniuses. For the opponent, the space talents of the two Nether Beasts have lost their effect, and they can't break through the screen void to penetrate another layer of space at all, and they are injured by a few blows.

"Aww..." The eyes of the Nether Beast rushing towards Long Chengfeng suddenly turned red, and its speed suddenly accelerated, as if it was directly compressing the void.

"Boom..." A foul-smelling heat suddenly hit Long Chengfeng's face. He saw that bloody mouth was about to wrap his body in it. At this moment, he felt a sudden shock in his body. A thin figure suddenly appeared in front of him, like a meteor hitting the jaw of the Nether Beast.

After a loud noise like thunder, the huge body of the Nether Beast rolled over like a piece of wood hit by a huge wave.

"Junior Brother Zhan!" Long Chengfeng let out a long sigh of relief. It turned out that Zhan Wuming used his body strength to knock the Nether Beast into the air at a critical moment. Suddenly, he felt that he had become very weak in front of this little fairy, and that feeling made him very depressed.

"Guard the formation below!" Zhan Wuming waved his hand, losing Long Chengfeng's control, the virtual formation below actually began to loosen, and the wave-like texture kept melting away, gradually thinning out.

"Be careful!" Long Chengfeng took a deep breath, he felt a little ashamed in his heart, a fairy king actually needs the protection of a junior brother of the great fairy rank, this is indeed a joke that people don't think is funny.However, Zhan Wuming's methods of dealing with these ghost beasts are indeed far superior to him.

He felt that Zhan Wuming's attack seemed to have a bit of space power, and in this space power, there was also a bit of strange and unpredictable power. It was this kind of power that prevented the so-called space talent of the Nether Beast from being able to use it. He didn't have the style he should have, and was even inexplicably suppressed by Zhan Wuming.This reminded him that Zhan Wuming had said at the beginning that he wanted the demonic core of the Nether Beast. Perhaps, Zhan Wuming was also that kind of extremely rare spatial talent practitioner.

"It's just a kitten." Zhan Wuming smiled coldly, but his expression turned serious.He felt that this Nether Beast seemed to be integrated with some mysterious and unpredictable power in this world, and the endless darkness and chaotic power gathered to it from the void, and it gradually produced a huge psychological pressure. Apparently, this Nether Beast was angry, and Zhan Wuming's collision just now actually caused it a lot of damage.

This is not an ordinary ghost beast, at least, it is also a monster of the leader level of the ghost beast.

"Aw..." The figure of the leader of the ghost beast suddenly jumped up. Its target was Zhan Wuming, but the moment it jumped up, its body disappeared instantly like air melting into the void.

However, Zhan Wuming's figure moved slightly to the side here, and at the moment his figure moved sideways, a big pitch-black claw had already impacted on Zhan Wuming's phantom.But as the phantom dissipated, Zhan Wuming's figure also disappeared.

"Boom..." A thunder-like tail also followed, gently smoothing the sky where Zhan Wuming was just now.However, the ghost beast still hit the air, Zhan Wuming's speed was extremely fast, and more importantly, he seemed to be able to sense something in advance, so the attack of the ghost beast did not pose much threat to him here.Not only that, Zhan Wuming suddenly grabbed the big tail of the ghost beast from behind.

"Get up..." Zhan Wuming yelled violently, and Zhan Wuming's huge body was dragged out of the void again by Zhan Wuming. This time, Zhan Wuming was equally violent, and he didn't give it a chance at all.

"Boom..." Zhan Wuming grabbed the big tail of the Nether Beast and slammed it heavily on the Pingxu Formation. The entire formation almost flowed like a stream of water, shaking for a while. Fortunately, Long Chengfeng has fully presided over the formation here. Sitting in the battle, so that it did not cause any disaster.

"The power of space, hum!" The space talent of the Nether Beast is something that Zhan Wuming is not familiar with, but it cannot be hidden from Zhan Wuming's spiritual sense.


Zhan Wuming and the Nether Beast were tumbling quickly in the void. Long Chengfeng, who presided over the formation, and Ye Fangrong, who was a little at a loss in the formation, were stunned when they saw Zhan Wuming and the Nether Beast. Unexpectedly, this mysterious and unpredictable Zhan Wuming is like a terrifying beast, fighting against the nether world, even fighting close to hand, not only that, but also seems to be punching to the flesh.

With every punch, a few more scales fell off the Nether Beast's body, and Zhan Wuming also suffered a lot of injuries all over his body. The teeth and claws of the Nether Beast would always make Zhan Wuming feel uncomfortable. However, Long Chengfeng discovered a problem. The Nether Beast couldn't use the talent of space to fight in front of Zhan Wuming. This discovery made Long Chengfeng horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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