Chapter 916
Zhan Wuming looked at the innocent eyes that day, and was dumbfounded for a moment, everything in front of him was unreal, a naked girl, a pile of tears of the god of life, the god of life, and the most weird thing is, the person in front of him The girl actually took the life god gold and chewed it like candy.

Zhan Wuming wondered if this was the real life god gold. Legend has it that the life god gold is extremely hard. Even if it is fused with fairy fire, it must be melted with a fairy fire of level [-] or above. His Qingming fairy flame is entering The Immortal World was only a third-rank fairy flame before, although the original fire that swallowed a large amount of Nether Vulcan and Youhuo fell into a deep sleep, after he swallowed the original flame of the Nether Vulcan, it can only recover to seven The appearance of the eighth grade, you know, it is the fire that swallowed the origin of the gods, and this kind of opportunity cannot be found in the fairy world.

Qingming Xianyan was originally the immortal fire of Jiuyan Tianzun. Jiuyan Tianzun was already a strong person at the peak of Xianzun back then. I am afraid that he is at least at the level of Soul Eater Tianzun. He can enter the rank of Immortal Emperor in one step, otherwise It is impossible for Xuanwu to think highly of him.But even the Immortal Flame of the Immortal Venerable Rank is only at the eighth rank, and it is enough to refine the tears of the gods, and the God Demon Earth Fire of Xuanzu Mountain is blessed by the fire spirit, so it can reach the peak of the seventh rank level.

It is such an incomparably hard tear of God, the girl actually eats it with gusto, what kind of monster is this?All of a sudden, Zhan Wuming didn't dare to directly collect the treasures here like other boxes.

"This, this, girl, why are you alone in this box?" Zhan Wuming felt the threat from the naked girl.It was a kind of throbbing in the depths of the soul, and Zhan Wuming couldn't tell the reason, but he knew that every time such a situation happened, he was often facing unpredictable and terrible dangers, and if something went wrong, he might die Tao Xiao.

Therefore, he had to be very careful to make his expression extremely kind and kind. Compared with the girl's innocent expression, he really felt like a ferocious beast trying to lure mortal beasts.However, he knew that the girl in front of him seemed extremely innocent, and he was afraid that she was the real beast.

"Eat..." The girl was slightly taken aback, spread the tears of God in her hand to Zhan Wuming, and answered simply with one word.

"Do you like to eat it?" Zhan Wuming was stunned, feeling his scalp tingling.He originally thought that all this was just an illusion, but after the girl answered, he knew that all of this was not an illusion, but a real existence. The girl actually ate the life gold as a snack like candy.

"Yeah!" The girl nodded innocently, suddenly appeared in front of Zhan Wuming, and handed over the remaining half of the tears of God: "You eat..."

Cold sweat oozes from Zhan Wuming's vest. At that moment just now, he didn't even see how the girl took that step. The speed was so fast that he didn't even have a chance to react. The opponent had already appeared in front of him, and A few clear tooth marks on the piece of blue crystal iron made the expression on his face even though he was smiling, but it was uglier than crying.Can he eat this thing?He didn't think that his teeth could be stronger than that seventh-rank fairy flame, he really didn't know what level of terrifying species this girl in front of him was.

"It's better for you to eat, I'm not hungry." Zhan Wuming found that his voice was a little dry, and he didn't even know how to answer the girl, is this food for people to eat?
The girl smiled at him, revealing an extremely peaceful smile, and then lightly closed her teeth, only to hear a "creak...", and a small piece of the tear stain of God was missing.

Zhan Wuming secretly groaned inwardly, who is this girl in front of him, but she doesn't seem to be hostile at all, but now he can't let him let go of so many tears of God.But if he doesn't give up, how will he face this terrifying girl.

He looked at the girl's innocent smile again, and suddenly he felt an evil thought, and his expression suddenly became more kind and he smiled: "Little sister, what's your name?"

After hearing Zhan Wuming's words, the girl couldn't help staring at Zhan Wuming with wide eyes and turned her head. She seemed very strange to Zhan Wuming's question, but she shook her head after a while, as if she had answered it.

"You don't have a name?" Zhan Wuming was stunned and asked tentatively.

The girl nodded her head, as if she recognized Zhan Wuming's words.

"Then how about I call you Xiaolan?" Zhan Wuming asked tentatively.

"Blue..." The girl repeated a word, looked at Zhan Wuming carefully, and then swept the ice-blue brilliance all over the floor, smiled happily, showing two pointed canine teeth in her mouth, nodded.

"Well, Xiaolan, then you are Xiaolan. But Xiaolan, this box is too stuffy to be fun, brother here has a very beautiful and fun place, why don't you go there to play?" Lifeless and persuasively induced.

"Eat..." The girl thought for a while and shook her head suddenly, but her eyes fell on the teardrops of God all over the floor, obviously she was reluctant to part with the God of Life gold all over the floor.

"You mean you are reluctant to part with these foods?" Zhan Wuming asked again.

"Yeah!" The girl nodded abruptly.

"That's easy to handle. I can put all these foods in there, and it's the same for you to eat there." Zhan Wuming smiled, like a generous brother, opened the entrance of his own space magic weapon, and let Xiaolan see the food in the space. Beautiful woods, exquisite huts, beautiful lakes and lovely creatures, he said: "Brother is talking about this, we put all the food in, and you eat here, okay?"

Seeing the completely different world in the magic weapon of space and this box, Xiaolan's lovely eyes suddenly curved like crescent moons, very excited.

"Xiao Lan is so good. Look, I'll help you move all the food in and put it in the yard. You can eat it anytime you want." Zhan Wuming waved his hand as he spoke, and first collected some of the tears of God to enter the place. In the magic weapon of space, seeing that Xiaolan didn't stop her, she immediately signaled to her: "Look, there's something in it now, it's much better than this box, or I'll move all the food in, and you can go there to eat it." How are you?"

After a long while, Zhan Wuming saw that Xiaolan did not object, and quickly moved all the remaining tears of God into the magic weapon of space. Suddenly, the whole box became pitch black, only Xiaolan's naked body exuded a hazy glow. The blue is smooth, but it is similar to the brilliance of the tears of the gods. I don't know if it's because she really ate too much of this incomparably precious metal, or because of some other reason.

"Eat..." Xiaolan stared at the tears of God that filled the space of the magic weapon, and uttered a word in a daze.

Zhan Wuming's heart moved, and he had some guesses about the mysterious girl in front of him, he couldn't help getting excited, and said kindly: "Hey, everything is inside, it's all yours, go in and eat, no one will bother you. "

Xiaolan took a look at Zhan Wuming, hesitated for a moment, then strode into the magic weapon space.The magic weapon space is like a small cave, although it is not very big, but it has a radius of more than ten miles, which is much larger than this box. It is full of spiritual energy, with mountains and waters. Although it is decorated by some people, it is also It can be considered a luxury, this space magic weapon is the best space treasure specially selected by Zhan Wuming, it used to be a space magic weapon that belonged to Tuntian.With Tuntian's wealth, he naturally made his space magic weapon like a palace. Not only is it full of aura, but it is also carefully crafted, which will not make Xiaolan feel disgusted.

Seeing Xiaolan enter the magic weapon space, Zhan Wuming let out a long sigh of relief.At this time, several demon soldiers crawled in from the gap, Zhan Wuming let out a cold snort, closed the space of the magic weapon, sent out a comforting consciousness, and smashed the two demon soldiers who rushed forward, like ghosts Suddenly the huge box flashed out.

The fighting in the ravine was in full swing. Although Ye Lang and the others were fine, they were still in a panic. Even if there were no embarrassing demons, hundreds of demon soldiers plus a few demon generals who would sneak up behind them would be dozens of times the enemy , although they killed a lot, it was enough. If Ye Fangrong and Ye Tian hadn't thrown out a few violent thunderbolts from time to time, they might have run away by now.

"The wind is tight, scream!" Zhan Wuming saw the distressed appearance of several people, but he didn't suffer much injuries. Only Ye Tian seemed to have been tricked, and Ye Fangrong was guarded by Xu Ying. Throw violent flame and thunder.He let out a loud cry, and then rushed up the road without looking back.

Ye Lang was speechless when he heard Zhan Wuming yelling a slander, when did his group of people become robbers, and such slander, but seeing that Zhan Wuming came back unharmed, he had already succeeded, so he couldn't help but groan Heaving a sigh of relief, the Immortal King's domain suddenly expanded, and countless gravels flew under the power of this suddenly expanding domain, crashing into those magic soldiers like countless meteor showers, and then his figure suddenly lifted into the air, Drink in a low voice: "Let's go!"

"Let's go!" Xuanfang laughed loudly. Although everyone was struggling at this time, and they were a little embarrassed, but after all, their cultivation base was very different from these demon soldiers. His advantages cost him quite a lot.

Several heavily wounded demon generals roared. They were on the periphery of the demon soldiers and did not dare to fight Ye Lang and the others. Although their sneak attacks from time to time caused great trouble to Ye Lang and the others, they also Because the distance was slightly far away, it was impossible to prevent the evacuation of several people.

When they saw those Barton beasts, they knew something was wrong. These people must have taken away the treasure they had brought back from the Fire Demon Clan with great difficulty.But Ye Lang and the others wanted to escape, how could these demon soldiers catch up with them, and those demon generals didn't dare to chase too close alone, so they could only watch Zhan Wuming, Ye Lang and others disappear in front of them. In their sight.

Although they can track the aura of Zhan Wuming and others, but without enough strength, even if they catch up, what can they do? After chasing for dozens of miles, another bright force burst out suddenly, and the impact of strong light No matter how painful the magic soldiers were, they also lost the courage to chase, and had to give up chasing Zhan Wuming and others.

When the light disappeared, these demon generals searched around, and finally even the aura of Zhan Wuming and others became a little blurred, but they found a trace of abnormal soul aura and some bloodstains.After chasing to no avail, the demon generals could only carefully capture the aura of the soul and the blood in the blood. They secretly decided that when they returned to the wolf abyss, they must ask the emperor to find the owner and owner of the aura of the soul. Enemies with this kind of bloodline power will not let their opponents go easily as long as they are in this battlefield of gods and demons.

(End of this chapter)

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