Chapter 917

Hundreds of miles away from the Burial Devil Ditch, it took half a day for Zhan Wuming and others to rush out. There are too many gullies here, and they are of different sizes. There are often various demon activities in the cave, so in order not to disturb these demons, Ye Lang asked everyone to get off their horses and walk.

After robbing the demons of the wolf abyss, Zhan Wuming actually saw three kinds of demon creatures in the burying ditch, including the earth eater, night demon and rock demon. These demons have different shapes, as if The entire Devil Burial Ditch is an important transit point for the major demon races, because there are too many gullies here that can lead directly to the abyss, so it has become a natural abyss passage.Many transactions between the demons will also come to the burying ditch.

Zhan Wuming and the others don't have time to provoke these monsters.Although the number of opponents is not large, the demons hold grudges very much. In this battlefield of gods and demons, it is the home field of demons. It is an unwise choice to offend too many demons. They will not sneak up on those wolf demons for those babies who have no life waiting for their hearts.

Everyone rushed out of the Burial Demon Ditch in one breath and entered the Endless Battle Ruins.The Devil Burial Ditch is the dividing line of the endless battle ruins. Although the Devil Burial Ditch is only a few hundred miles wide, no one knows how long it is. The Devil Burial Ditch is like a dividing line surrounding the Heavenly Demon Mountain Range. It is far longer than Tianmo Mountain.

Ye Lang heard rumors from other fairylands that there was also a burial ditch hundreds of miles wide and unknown in length where they were located. Therefore, some people thought that this ditch might directly pass through several major fairylands. However, there are not many places with the shallowest ravines, and the place outside the Tianmo Canyon is the most obvious one.

Zhan Wuming obeyed everyone's words, and together with Yetian brothers and sisters, they each found a place to bury their soul imprints, so that in the future, even if no one else led the way, they could easily pass through this maze-like burial ditch .

As for the various fairy gold obtained from the wolf abyss demon, Zhan Wuming didn't hesitate to share it with everyone. Of course, the tears of God are a bit troublesome. With Xiaolan in it, Zhan Wuming didn't dare to touch it easily. , Naturally, I can't take it out for everyone to distribute. Originally, he wanted to take out a few pieces to share with everyone, but when he thought about it, if he only took out a few pieces of God's Tears, I'm afraid people will suspect that he has more than just a few pieces in his hand. , the result is not beautiful, so, simply do not take out even a piece.

Absolutely no one would have imagined that there would be such an incomparably precious life god gold as the tears of gods in those boxes, and it was even more impossible to imagine that there would be a lot of them inside.It's like Zhan Wuming couldn't imagine why Xiaolan appeared in that box, and even used the tears of God as food.

In fact, the tears of God are not something useful to the demons. For the demons, the tears of God are not as good as dark gold. At least this kind of dark breath is the favorite breath of the demons, but God The tears of God are full of breath of life, and the vitality suppresses the negative emotions of the demons. Therefore, the tears of God are treasures that the demons do not pay much attention to, but for the monks of the human race, or even the non-dark creatures , but it is a rare treasure.

If you can add a little trace of God's tears to any armor, then this armor will have ten times the self-repair ability. For vitality, to support the owner and speed up the recovery of the owner's injuries.

If the armor is refined from the tears of gods, it will be an undead armor with unparalleled repair ability and life energy. Even if the master's fairy body is broken, as long as the armor is on the body, it can provide you with a huge vitality. Quick recovery.At least it has a recovery speed that is several times higher than usual.

The tear of God is not completely invincible, and no one will completely use the tear of God to make a whole piece of armor, because the tear of God is too hard, so the best way is to mix it with other fairy materials, so that Not only can a piece of armor be refined, but it can also be refined into a precious garment. The close-fitting precious garment is more effective than armor.

Of course, even if some god's tears are mixed into ordinary fairy artifacts, then this fairy artifact will also have the ability to repair itself. This ability is also an inestimable benefit for immortal artifacts.

Just like Jiuyan Tianzun's Nine Flame Dragon Crutch, which was violently severed millions or even longer ago, if it wasn't for Zhan Wuming's continuous instillation of divine materials and divine power, it would be a damaged fairy weapon, difficult to No matter how effective it is, if you want to return to the peak state, you must rely on chance and coincidence to obtain more magical materials or divine substances, so that you can slowly recover in the process of continuous devouring.

If the tears of the gods were added when the Nine Flame Dragon Crutches were first refined, then, in millions of years, no matter how badly the Nine Flame Dragon Crutches were damaged, they would have already repaired themselves completely, even after the self-repairing process. In the process, he returned to his peak state, which is the function of the tears of God.

It’s just that the tears of gods are too rare, even in this battlefield of gods and demons, it’s just a legend. It’s that the tears of gods dripped on a special kind of mineral veins to form an extreme fusion, which requires a special environment. Special ore veins need God's tears even more, and after countless years of precipitation and fusion, how can it be so easy to form.

The blood of God may be easy to find, but the tears of God are too difficult, so it only exists in legends.God's tears are compassion, so they are vitality, infinite vitality!And Zhan Wuming found a large number of smelted God's tears in this magic burial ditch, which really surprised Zhan Wuming.

Fortunately, the tears of God are really not of much use to the demon clan, so it is cheaper for Zhan Wuming and others.Fortunately, the Langyuan demons are only good at mining various minerals, but they are not familiar with the functions of fairy metals, because demons are not good at refining weapons, so naturally they don't know the real functions of various fairy materials.

Zhan Wuming is full of doubts but the mysterious girl Xiaolan.Appearing naked on this pile of God's tears, and eating this god's gold as food, this is a creature beyond Zhan Wuming's imagination.

However, at this moment, Zhan Wuming didn't have the opportunity to communicate with Xiaolan too much. He felt that Xiaolan was like a newborn baby, who didn't have too many thoughts at all, and could only communicate very simply. This made Zhan Wuming Life is very confused.

Zhan Wuming knows that in this world, there are too many incredible creatures that exist in ways he doesn't know, so this mysterious girl Xiaolan is probably one of them. At least, he is in this world. The mysterious girl felt a terrifying threat. This threat made him feel like he was facing an old monster. This came from the depths of his soul.

Zhan Wuming does not believe that this mysterious girl will come from the fairy world like him. If it is from the fairy world, then, if he can feel the threat of terror, he is probably already a strong person above the fairy king, and the fairy king It is impossible for the above people to easily enter this battlefield of gods and demons, let alone sneak into the Barton beast's box to steal the tears of the God of Eater.

Long Chengfeng set up barriers all around, and dozens of arrays covered everyone's aura. Just above this wasteland, everyone began to share the spoils.Zhan Wuming opened the magic weapon of space, and it was filled with fairy materials like small hills. The light radiated everywhere, making people dazzled. Zhan Wuming looked at everyone's smiles, and knew that these guys had never seen it before. What a big world.

Zhan Wuming felt that he hadn't seen much of the world, because he was also very excited when the spoils were divided, just as excited as Ye Lang and others.

Ye Lang, Xuan Fang and the others kept their word. These fairy materials were divided into ten shares, and Zhan Wuming got two shares. Except for Ye Tian and Ye Fangrong who got one share, everyone else got one share. one serving.

Naturally, Ye Tian and Ye Fangrong had no objections, and this time it was thanks to the fact that everyone brought them along because of Ye Lang's face, otherwise no one would be willing to take them on an adventure together.

Besides, the brother and sister were originally a family, and they were very satisfied with getting one share. As for Zhan Wuming getting two shares alone, no one had any objections.

Think about the lunatic Zhan Wuming, who created such a big explosion that almost buried everyone in the deep ditch of thousands of feet, and thus gave them a chance to kill the embarrassing demons with one blow, and attrition of more than a thousand demon soldiers Nearly half of it has been lost, which can be said to be a great contribution.

The most important thing is that this idea came from Zhan Wuming, his violent thunderbolt really played a great role, what other people consume is only their own aura, but Zhan Wuming consumed a lot of violent flame and thunderbolt, and There are quite a few Bright Immortal Stones, but they are top grade Immortal Spirit Stones.

Therefore, Zhan Wuming was the most costly in this operation. In addition to the conditions that everyone negotiated at the beginning, it is only natural for Zhan Wuming to get two shares.

Of course, Zhan Wuming would not tell Ye Lang and the others that what he used was only a small amount of bright fairy stones, but a large amount of bright bright yuan stones. If he used all the bright fairy stones, the destructive power would directly destroy those spirit stones. Most of the team's magic soldiers were wiped out, so how could the opponent have the strength to fight? However, Zhan Wuming is not stupid enough to say that his losses are very small. He has a big family to support, and the creatures of a continent must work hard. Earn resources.

This was an unexpected harvest, and the Dark Gold Devourer made everyone feel that the trip was worthwhile. Although some other fairy materials are not as precious as the Dark Gold Devourer, they are better in large quantities, which are generally needed in the fairy world. Large immortal materials are also worth a lot. Except for the dark gold, everyone else gets a share of the immortal materials. If they are handed over to Gonghua Immortal Mansion, at least tens of thousands of contribution points can be exchanged.

They are not like these demons, they can be easily carried directly into the magic weapon of space, regardless of the weight.As for the dark gold, no one is thinking of giving it to Gonghua Immortal Mansion, but thinking of giving it to their own family, or to the auction house for auction. Of course, only part of it can be taken out at an auction, otherwise There are too many things that are worthless, but if so much dark gold is handed over to the family, the impact on the family is absolutely incalculable.

(End of this chapter)

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