Chapter 918: Hunting Ruin Beasts
"Let's go, the demons hold grudges the most. We stole so many things from them. I'm afraid they won't let us go easily. We should be more careful in this battlefield of gods and demons." Ye Lang took a deep breath, although this Once they had a big harvest, but it didn't make him lose his mind. He was very clear about the nature of the demon clan, and in this world of the battlefield of gods and demons, the demon clan is very powerful. As long as there is an abyss, there will be There are demons, although not all of them are wolf abyss demons, but wolf abyss demons have always been rich and powerful, and it is impossible to guarantee that they will not invite people from other demon clans to help them vent their anger.

"Hey, don't worry about this captain. If there is any trouble, it will be the geniuses of the Makino family. We didn't do anything to those demons." Zhan Wuming smiled strangely.

Ye Lang was startled, and looked at Zhan Wuming in confusion, but seeing Zhan Wuming's mysterious appearance, he suddenly asked, "What did you do?"

"No way, when we left, I looked at you, kid, what can you do?" Xuan Fang was stunned, and asked with some doubts, but seeing Zhan Wuming's expression, he felt that it must be this What did the ghost boy do, otherwise he wouldn't be able to smile so sinisterly.

"With your brain, how can you think of these things." Zhan Wuming joked.

"Your skin is itchy, don't you know how to respect seniors?" Xuan Fang laughed and cursed angrily.Xuan said sternly, "Tell me quickly, what have you done."

"It's nothing." Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Zhan Wuming shrugged and said, "It's just to radiate the spirit aura in the fairy baby of the Makino Meteor, and then send our aura together with a burst of light. You know, the demons are very disgusted with the breath of light. Our breath is caught in the breath of light, so they can't detect it, but the breath of the soul of the Makino Meteor is very clear. In addition, I put Makino A few drops of blood from Meteor were sprinkled in an inconspicuous place, and the demons must remember the aura of this bloodline deeply. I think the bloodline of the Muye family's children must not be of ordinary blood."

"Absolutely, you are really amazing!" Long Chengfeng couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard Zhan Wuming's words.

Ye Lang, Xuan Fang and the others couldn't help but look at each other, and laughed heartily. They knew Zhan Wuming a little better, and secretly decided in their hearts that they must not offend this kid in front of them in the future. I don't know, if the geniuses of the Makino family knew about this, I don't know what expressions they would have, it would be very exciting.

"There's no way, sooner or later the Makino family will find us, so let's find something for them to do first. If they don't have the extra energy to trouble us, that would be the best. Can you do something conveniently?" , just do it easily." Zhan Wuming smiled indifferently.

He knew that the Muye family still had a very powerful figure, Muye Ba, at least for now, he was not sure how to deal with such an unworldly genius. Although Xuan Kuang's aura was that of an immortal king, Zhan Wuming couldn't tell the depth of Xuan Kuang , although he is only a descendant of the Immortal King, or the peak of the Immortal King, it seems to him that he is more threatening than Tuntian. Therefore, a person who can be together with Xuan Kuang and that Tian Sheng is called Gong Hua The third son's is naturally not much weaker than Xuan Kuang's.Such an enemy, Zhan Wuming didn't want him to have the leisure to deal with him.


The Endless Battle Ruins is not as easy to walk as the safe zone surrounded by the Tianmo Mountains. Zhan Wuming has truly experienced the danger of the Gods and Demons Battlefield.In a blink of an eye, everyone walked away for more than a month, and it was nearly a month since they left Zanmogou. They didn't know how far they had traveled. During this process, Zhan Wuming narrowly escaped death several times. Seriously injured, if a few people hadn't consumed the secret treasure, I'm afraid, several people would have been buried in this endless battle ruins.

There are endless mysteries and dangers hidden in the endless battle ruins, ferocious beasts, demons, and there is also a kind of terrifying creature between the two in the endless battle ruins-the ruins beast.

Ruin beasts have the ferocity and viciousness of demons, and the ferocity and spirituality of ferocious beasts. Measured by the years of survival, Ye Lang and the others couldn't explain the exact year.

Zhan Wuming and others once encountered a million-year-old beast, and almost lost their entire army. They had to rely on a forbidden weapon from Xuanfang to let everyone escape. The terrifying beast was not killed. .This let Zhan Wuming know that the most terrifying thing in this battlefield of gods and demons is not those fierce beasts, nor those demons, but those extremely weird beasts.

Zhan Wuming and others also beheaded several 10-year-old ruin beasts, but they paid a high price. For this reason, everyone had to stop and recuperate for a few days on the road, and dared to continue on the road after recovering from their injuries. .The only thing that makes Zhan Wuming feel lucky is that the sacrifice is often directly proportional to the harvest. Although it is only a few hundred thousand years of Ruin Beast, the Ruin Beast Pill and flesh and blood have unimaginable benefits.In the blood of the ruin beast, Zhan Wuming saw the shadow of the ancient mythical beast, and from the massive blood of the ruin beast, he extracted the blood of the mythical beast.

Although a large amount of fresh blood is needed to extract the true blood of the divine beast, after all, the true blood of the divine beast is an absolutely rare treasure in the world.And the inner alchemy of Ruin Beast has divine power, which is enough to make Zhan Wuming's realm break through the middle stage of the Great Immortal that has been compressed, and once again be promoted to the late stage of the Great Immortal. Condensed, as long as he takes the Reborn Pill, he can easily break through to the Golden Immortal Rank.Because the divinity in the Ruin Beast Pill not only perfected his own law of immortality, but also benefited a lot from the Heavenly Artifact.

After absorbing the Ruin Beast Pill, Zhan Wuming discovered that this strange creature had absorbed too much spirituality of gods and demons in the endless years. He suspected that this so-called Ruin Beast might be just like him in Su Shenxu. Those monsters that parasitize the ancient gods and survive by sucking the blood of the ancient gods seen in the movie.

Ruin beasts were also parasites parasitic in the bodies of gods and demons at the earliest time. After the fall of gods and demons, they still absorbed the flesh and blood of gods and demons to grow. Therefore, there were many divine substances in their bodies, and The few beasts they killed are most likely parasites in the body of some ancient beasts. Therefore, the true blood of these beasts can be extracted from the blood of these beasts, because they have swallowed too many parasites. flesh and blood and divinity.

Of course, these are just Zhan Wuming's speculations. Even Ye Lang and Xuan Fang couldn't explain how these beasts came from, because their lives are very long, but they can't survive forever. The divinity is very dependent, and after being strong to a certain level, it will begin to decline again, and it will decline at an incomparably fast speed, like a deflated balloon.

Therefore, although the Ruin Beasts are terrifying, their numbers are not too many.If they want to live longer, they need to devour their own kind to ensure that their lives can last longer.

Tongtian Shenzang is located in the depths of the endless battle ruins. If the speed of the safe zone within the Tianmo Mountain Range is used, and in a month's time, with the foot strength of Linma, everyone may have reached the area of ​​​​Tongtian Shenzang. After the Tianmo Mountains, there were too many obstacles, too many accidents and dangers along the way.

Zhan Wuming and others are probably still 10,000+ miles away from Tongtian Shenzang, but this will be a more dangerous road.

Zhan Wuming and others dug a temporary cave in a cliff, and then covered the entrance of the cave and everyone's breath with formations and chaotic rocks, and the group of people hid in it to rest quietly.

Not only Zhan Wuming, but also Ye Lingshuang, Xuanfang and others were seriously injured, Yetian brothers and sisters were still in a coma, the million-year-old beasts really chased them too badly, although Xuanfang used the secret treasure forbidden weapon, But in the end, it was still at the cost of his serious injury, and other people were also seriously injured. The only one who was better was Ye Lang.

Ye Lang was seriously injured before he met this million-year-old beast. At that time, everyone teamed up to kill a nearly 50-year-old beast, and Ye Lang was severely injured.It's a pity that the Ruin Beast Pills that are less than 60 years old are not very effective for the powerhouse of the Immortal King, so the few Ruin Beast Pills in front are cheaper than Zhan Wuming and Ye Tian brothers and sisters.

Ye Fangrong has advanced to the rank of Golden Immortal, and Ye Tian's cultivation has also reached the late Golden Immortal stage. Unfortunately, Jinxian's cultivation is still just cannon fodder and ants in this battlefield of gods and demons. Severely injured and unconscious.

Thinking of the million-year-old Ruin Beast, Zhan Wuming couldn't help being afraid for a while.Everyone had the same thoughts as Zhan Wuming, now there are only three of the four Lin horses left, more than ten people ride together, and they will take care of each other more.In such a highly dangerous area, no one dares to be careless in the slightest. Once careless, it will surely lead to a state of irreparable doom.

Everyone also found a very serious problem, that is, the closer they are to Tongtian Shenzang, the higher the probability of encountering Ruin Beasts, and the more powerful they become.First, the Ruin Beasts that were tens of thousands of years old could be easily wiped out, then the Ruin Beasts that were more than 30 years old still could not pose any threat to everyone, and then there were 50-year-old Ruin Beasts and [-]-year-old Ruin Beasts.

When they faced the million-year-old Ruin Beast, they almost didn't even have a chance to escape.The closer they get to Tongtian Shenzang, will they encounter Ruin Beasts that are longer and stronger than a million years?No one can guarantee that what they can do is to heal all the injuries of everyone in their team, and make sufficient preparations to break through in one fell swoop. Otherwise, in their current situation, once they meet the powerful Ruins Beast, then, it is very likely that everyone will turn into resentful souls.

(End of this chapter)

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