Chapter 945 Died at the hands of ants
"Fa Ru!" Everyone couldn't help but whispered, Fa Ru's voice was too familiar to them, and there was always a hint of evil in that fake compassionate voice.

"It's a good idea to want revenge, but I never like to leave tails when I do things, so don't even think about having this opportunity. Come to think of it, those two behemoths still need a little time, so use this time to clear your tails Go." Everyone turned their heads, and Faru seemed to have penetrated directly from another space, holding the purple Xin bowl in one hand, showing a compassionate smile.

"My way of doing things is very similar to Master Faru's. When I go to enjoy my treasures, it's best not to have any worries. I'm not like you little mice. I only thought that there might be a squirrel behind me after I made a move. I usually like to eat the oriole on the back first, and then eat the cicada with peace of mind." Another cold voice came, it was the voice of Matsushita Guixin.

Yuxizi's face became very ugly, Faru and Matsushita Guixin were quietly hiding behind them, and they were so close.

"Let's go..." Yuxizi didn't even think about it, he let out a low voice, and everyone knew what it meant for Faru and others to suddenly come behind him.As soon as Yuxizi finished speaking, all of them rushed towards the direction of the two giant beasts as if they had a tacit understanding.

The reaction speed of Yuxizi and others surprised Faru and others. This is not what he imagined should happen.With the pride of geniuses like Yuxizi and even the Golden Horn Immortal King, how could they run away without even fighting for a single round.What surprised Faru and others the most was that Yuxizi and others fled in the direction of the two giant beasts.

"No way?" Matsushita Guixin was stunned on the spot, he just said a word, and before he could make a move, these people ran away faster than he imagined.Although their people blocked Yuxizi's back, but because there were two giant beasts in front of Yuxizi and others, which were the focus of everyone's attention, they didn't dare to take action lightly and did not deploy any force.

When Faru, Matsushita Guixin and others reacted, more than [-] people, including Yuxizi, had already rushed out of Baizhang, running with all their strength like flying.The domains of the Immortal Kings were wide open, and they tried their best.

"What a shame, is this just running away?" Hun Wuzheng stared at the group of people running wildly, with contempt in his eyes.Is this the top genius among the great immortal realms?Do they still have a little bit of pride that geniuses should have?Not only these three people were surprised, but the three teams were all stunned. They didn't know whether to attack or not for a while.

"Chasing, wanting to run, it's not that easy!" Matsushita Guixin growled. The survival of this group of people is a threat. He didn't want this group of people to turn around and make trouble when they shared the two beasts. At the critical moment, No more people are allowed to share.

Faru was slightly taken aback, opened his mouth, thought for a while but didn't say anything, and followed Songxia Guixin to chase Yuxizi and the others.

With this distance, he didn't believe how far Yuxizi and the others could escape.With these twenty or so people, he didn't need to sneak attack like last time at all, he could directly crush them with strength.

The reaction of Yuxizi and others was indeed beyond their expectations. This unexpected feeling was like everything was out of his control. He didn't like this feeling, but when this feeling appeared, , he had to accept it again, and was led away by this feeling.

"No..." At this moment, Faru seemed to realize something. This should definitely not be the behavior Yuxizi and others should have.

Faru knew something about Yuxizi, the Golden Horn Immortal King, and even Chi Fengxian. He knew the characters of these people very well, and he had a good idea of ​​the possible reactions of these people.Such a situation should never have happened. Then, there must be something that he didn't plan. He didn't know what it was, but it made him feel extremely uneasy.

This feeling of something wrong caused some inexplicable crisis in his heart, and he finally couldn't help but speak out, but no one paid attention.

"Things are deceitful!" Faru shouted suddenly.

"What happened?" Faru's voice fell, and a figure suddenly landed beside him, looking at him suspiciously.

"Xiaotianchan?" Faru was slightly taken aback, except for Xiaotianchan, the others didn't seem to care about his shouting. "Something might be wrong, stop everyone for me!"

"Something's wrong?" Xiao Tianchan was stunned, not quite understanding what Faru meant.

"That's right... ah... you..." Faru howled angrily, and Xiao Tianchan's hand pierced into his body without hindrance.

With a blow to break the void, everything is invincible, and nothing is indestructible. Even the defensive fairy king weapon on Yi Faru's body can't stop Xiao Tianchan from close range.Faru never guarded against Xiao Tianchan's sneak attack on him at all. After all, Xiao Tianchan was from the Buddha's Heaven. Even if he might make some small trips, he never thought that the other party would kill him.

"I didn't expect you to be so vigilant, but there is something wrong with me." Xiao Tianchan blinked and showed a mischievous smile.In Faru's eyes, this smile was so eerie.

"You, why?" Faru asked in disbelief.He felt that the life energy in his body was constantly being lost, so fast that it was unimaginable to him. There seemed to be a strange energy in the blade of Xiaotian Chan, which was constantly devouring the vitality and soul of his body.

That's right, the blade inserted into Faru's body actually has the power to devour the soul of life, the power of heaven and earth, the power of soul.

"This... this kind of not yours..." Faru's face turned ashen, he felt that his spirit was very weak. The devouring power is like a shackle that fate has placed on his soul.

"That's right, it's not all my power, but also the great power of emptiness that my master blessed me with. It's the power of illusory destiny. You can't break free, and you can't fight against it."

"Who is it? Your master..."

"Zhan Wuming!" Xiao Tianchan laughed, a little weirdly.

Faru felt that his body was shrinking. At this moment, a dazzling white light shot up into the sky, and a huge force erupted from the ground like a god, demon and earth fire. In an instant, the bodies of Faru and Xiaotianchan were thrown away.

In the endless white light and destructive power, Faru saw many masters of the Dark Heaven, Moyi Heaven and his Buddha Heaven shattered into pieces in the white light.Immortal bodies and artifacts are as fragile as pieces of paper under the terrifying destructive force.

Faru felt the power of light and darkness intertwined in this space, and the souls of many immortal artifacts were wailing, his heart sank into the abyss, and there was a coldness in his heart that he had never felt before.

In the place where their people had just chased, a large number of light and dark fairy stones and a large number of fairy artifacts were buried under the ground. At that moment just now, someone somehow detonated the power of light and darkness at the same time. Even the souls controlling those fairy weapons exploded at the same time.

The huge air wave almost opened up the entire land, and the air flow brought by the endless destructive force actually caused the bodies of the two mountain-like monsters in the distance to toss twice, howled and twitched twice, and then there was no more movement.

Faru was stunned. He couldn't imagine what kind of method it was, which could detonate a large number of light and dark fairy stones at the same time. This is something that even the children of light and darkness can't do. They must master the power of light and darkness at the same time, or separate them. Mastering the power of light and darkness, and being able to cooperate closely, is this possible. The souls that control those fairy weapons explode at the same time at the same time. What kind of means is this?
Every fairy artifact has its own artifact spirit, and each artifact spirit is like an ordinary creature. It will not easily erase its own soul, let alone self-destruct easily, unless it is a natal fairy artifact that is very intimate with its owner , in the most critical time may self-destruct to save the savior.

When an immortal weapon of the same level explodes itself, it is equivalent to an immortal of the same level self-destructing, and the destructive power produced is naturally unimaginable.In the destructive power of the explosion of the dark and light fairy spirit stone, he actually felt the resentment of many very mixed weapon spirits.

That is to say, what exploded along with the power of light and darkness this time was a large pile of immortal artifacts. When all the power gathered together, the power produced was so powerful.He saw his companions shattered into pieces in his sight, and even the fairy infant had no chance to escape, and turned into dust under the destructive force.

"Bah..." Xiao Tianchan spit out a few mouthfuls of sand, looked at the doomsday scene ahead with a face full of dust, and couldn't help feeling agitated in his heart.

"How is it possible?" Faru stared blankly at everything, feeling that her life was completely drained by this explosion.The real crisis came from the ground. Unfortunately, no one else heard his cry, and he had no chance to yell again. Everything in front of him was turned into fly ash. Even if they survived, how many people would be able to survive?
Faru didn't know, but that was no longer something he needed to consider, because Xiao Tianchan cut off his head without the slightest hesitation, and the fairy baby that could have broken out seemed to be a piece of rotten flesh. The wood is average, dry and gray.All the essence's souls were swallowed by that force, and most of that force was not absorbed by Xiaotian Zen, but was sucked away by a kind of power in the dark.

That is the luck of Faru, the luck of a Buddha who is immortal and genius. Buddhism is the most concerned about cause and effect, and luck is also the power of cause and effect. Luck, belief and destiny have their own causes and effects.Zhan Wuming has an extraordinary understanding of the power of cause and effect. The reincarnation of hundreds of generations made him understand that there is always some kind of power in the dark, and he wants to jump out of this cause and effect and control his own cause and effect.

Faru's death, amidst the endless chaos, did not attract everyone's attention.A raid turned into a huge firework, and in the fan-shaped pursuit formation, the hunter and the prey were reversed.

Faru discovered the problem, but everything was expected by others, so Xiao Tianchan didn't give him more opportunities.Because of the existence of Xiaotian Chan, Faru's whereabouts could not be hidden from Zhan Wuming at all, and the so-called sneak attack became a farce of scheming.

Si Faru didn't figure out what kind of person Zhan Wuming was, but he was just a little fairy, and in his eyes he was just a tiny ant, so after all his calculations, it was impossible for him The little Daxian counts in.Therefore, he was unwilling to die in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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