Chapter 946 Brave counterattack
A shocking explosion created a huge pit in the entire land, hundreds of feet deep and tens of miles wide.If there is a river here, there must be an extremely deep lake here. The gully was flattened by the violent explosion and connected into one piece, and a large amount of earthwork filled the bottom of the gully.

The damage in this range is because this is the battlefield of gods and demons, a terrifying battlefield that once could withstand the crazy battles between gods and demons. Although this once sacred land has gradually lost its divinity for countless years, its ground The firmness of it is beyond the imagination of the outside world.

Compared with the fairy world, this land is stronger and stronger, but such a devastating disaster still occurred.

As the white light receded, the power of chaos formed by light and darkness gradually dissipated, and the countless resentments in the void seemed to be assimilated by some kind of rule between the heaven and the earth.Speaking of resentment, there is no level of living beings that can compare to the resentment of countless gods and demons when they were dying in the endless years, even those artifact souls, the dozens of dead Hei Tian, ​​Mo Yi Tian and Buddha Tian Geniuses, when their souls dissipated and the fairy infant collapsed, he had completely disappeared on this land without a trace!
In the huge ruins of the deep pit, death is not the only thing, there are also some lucky people who feel that something is wrong, and their bodies quickly escape into the ravine. The terrifying explosion did not kill him, but under the impact of this destructive force, No one can remain whole.

Even Matsushita Guishin, who is as strong as one of the four dark kings, lost an arm, but he survived, the black scales on his body were torn like a torn sack, hanging on his body, His face, which was originally dark, was now alternated with red and red, and a scarlet streak slid across his face, making his appearance even more hideous and terrifying.

Matsushita Guixin is alive, but Soul Wuzheng is not so lucky. At this time, only half of his body is left, and it is still in dilapidated condition. If it is not for the third eye on his forehead, people know that it is a characteristic of the soul clan, but no one really recognizes it. The half of the body crawling on the ground turned out to be Hun Wu Zheng Xia.

All in all, Hun Wuzheng is not completely dead, at least his fairy baby is not broken, his head is still there, although the lower body has disappeared without a trace under the force of destruction, but as long as he is given time, with the vitality of a fairy, Even in the chaotic heaven and earth aura of the gods and demons battlefield, they will grow a complete body like weeds.Of course, this premise is that they must have this time.

A few figures crawled out of the huge deep pit, most of them were incomplete, and only a few lucky ones crawled out of the mud and rocks coughing blood. They were probably by the ravine at that time, and the terrifying explosion impact directly knocked them down. The shock entered the ravine, but escaped with his life, but the huge force washed away the sand and rocks on both sides of the ravine, and buried them deep in the ground. Luckily, those buried shallower could still come out. I'm afraid I'm still eating dirt under the ground.

However, being able to climb out is not necessarily luck. At least for now, their luck is over, because when they shake their dizzy heads, they find that they have fallen into heavy siege.

"Hey, isn't this His Excellency the Dark King Matsushita Guixin? Why does he look like this..." Yuxizi's mood at the moment is indescribably comfortable, sweeping away the previous decline, the previous battle with Faru in the battlefield of gods and demons It's not once or twice, each time it ended with him suffering a small loss, until he suffered a big loss not long ago, I thought it was hopeless to get back to revenge this time, the most hateful thing is to look at those two He is a huge monster, but he has no way to compete with his deadly enemy, which makes him very depressed.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Wuming came back suddenly, and immediately decided on this counterattack strategy after finding him. Although everyone lost their money this time, as long as they can avenge the big revenge, snatching those two behemoths is definitely worth the money.

So everyone gathered some fairy artifacts and some fairy stones. The light and dark fairy stones are the best things, and everyone is very rare, but Zhan Wuming generously took out a lot.

Zhan Wuming almost took out all the light and dark fairy stones from the fairy stones that Xuan Ji gave him, and then threw all those fairy artifacts into the heaven, so that the heaven's artifact souls could transform these little guys, their artifact souls Almost all of his will is in the thought of the heavenly tool soul.

Heaven is originally a place where the power of faith gathers. Its power of light and purification is simply not comparable to these high-grade fairy weapons and the occasional one or two low-level fairy king weapons. Naturally, it is easy to control all the tool souls .

Zhan Wuming set up a strange spiritual array underground to detonate the light and dark spirit stones in an instant. This method, Zhan Wuming has been playing since he was in the lower realm. I don’t know how many powerful people have been overshadowed. Naturally, he is familiar with it .

At the same time, Heaven's Artifact Soul caused those immortal weapons to explode.

The self-explosion of the dark and light fairy stones already produced the destructive power of chaos, and coupled with the power equivalent to the self-destruction of nearly a hundred immortals, this is the biggest game Zhan Wuming has played in so many years.The effect was a little worse than expected, and there were survivors among this group of people.

There is another important role in this plan, and that is the existence of Xiaotianchan. Because of the existence of Xiaotianchan, Zhan Wuming can easily grasp Faru's movements, and even quietly know of Faru's plan. Introducing the king into the urn by tricks directly made Faru throw his own life here.

When it comes to playing tricks, Faru is indeed a genius, everything is calculated in every possible way, he doesn't care about the inconspicuous Daxian kid at all, but among the Yuxizi group, the most insidious character is not Yuxizi at all, but Yuxizi. It's lifeless.

Yuxizi, Jinjiao Xianwang and others are not particularly manipulative figures, they have their own way of doing things, so the battle between Yuxizi and Faru always ends with Yuxizi suffering a little loss.

This time, they could really feel proud. As for Faru's death, Yuxizi was not worried at all. The Buddha was powerful, but he was so wonderful that he was not easy to mess with.It's just that he was surprised that it was Xiao Tianchan who killed Faru, the one who was almost killed by him, and who dared to break through directly in front of him.

He was a little fortunate that Xiao Tianchan's life was not taken away in Gourd Valley at that time. Otherwise, how could he be so happy at this time? It is not easy to betray one's own Immortal Realm and team, even though Xiaotian Chan may only be a middle-level Immortal King when he is subdued.

Xiao Tianchan is now a true descendant of the fairy king, and a rare genius in Zhou Tianguan. With a sneak attack, although Fa Ru is the top among the descendants of the fairy king, he faced a descendant of the fairy king defenselessly. The strong man's close-up sneak attack, coupled with the fact that Zhan Wuming did not know what kind of tricks he used to kill the normally invincible Faru in an instant, is considered a very gratifying move.

"Yuxizi, you despicable villain, you have the guts to fight your uncle one-on-one with me!" Song Xia Guixin's face was livid, and the grief and indignation in his heart were beyond words. When he gave the order to pursue, Faru seemed to hesitate, and he also I saw it, but as the captain of He Hetian, his cultivation base is stronger than that of Faru, so he naturally didn't want to listen to that Faru's command in everything, so he didn't care about the meaning of Faru's hesitation at all, and directly chased after him .

He also vaguely heard the "no" that Faru yelled later, and it was because of Faru's yell that he escaped catastrophe and only lost one arm.For him, losing an arm was just a trivial matter. If he wanted to, he could regenerate his arm in the time of a cup of tea, but that would consume a lot of his original strength.

When the war was imminent, he did not repair his arm immediately.It's too late to regret now, Yuxizi will not give him a second chance.

"What a joke. Now that I'm thinking of a one-on-one duel, I'll pick your mother. Why didn't you yell first when you attacked my brother. You guys have a good time. Now when it's time for me to have a good time, you still have the face to yell here!" One-on-one duel, I'll pick you up." Yuxizi laughed back angrily.

"My lord, although I am sneak attacking, I am still killing with real swords and guns. You villains, who only use these insidious methods, what kind of heroes are you?" Matsushita Guixin yelled brazenly while trying to recover from his injuries.

The more time, the better for him. With his strength, none of this group of people is his opponent. Although he can't turn the situation around, it is still possible to escape with his life. As long as his life is still alive, there will always be revenge day.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, Matsushita Guixin, are you suicidal, or do you want your Grandpa Jinjiao to do it yourself?" The Golden Horn Immortal King seemed to see Matsushita Guixin's careful thinking, and smiled coldly, no Give Matsushita Ghost Letter another chance.

"If you want grandpa, I'll commit suicide. Go ahead and dream!" Panasonic Guixin knew that the other party would not give him any more time, so it was better to take the initiative than to be passive. .

The injuries on Yuxizi's body were not completely healed, and his cultivation base was weaker than that of the Golden Horn Immortal King. Although his body skills were weird, he had the talent of darkness and was not afraid, so he rushed towards Yuxizi.

"It's not that easy to escape!" Yuxizi yelled softly, and naturally saw the intention of Matsushita Guixin, and the Golden Horn Immortal King, Chi Fengxian and others also quickly shot, although the destructive power just now also had an impact on them. There was a certain impact, but it didn't cause much impact. Now that there are more people beating people than few people, and there are still some disabled soldiers, thinking of the brothers who were killed and injured before, how can they be merciless.

"Boom..." Yuxizi absolutely refused to take half a step back at this time. Although his attacks were mostly light and weird, and he was not good at fighting hard, he had to do his best at this moment.

Under the violent bombardment, Yuxizi's face turned pale, and he felt a turbid and dark force pouring into his body from the meridians, like a bottle of ink poured into clear water, causing the aura in his body to be chaotic. He fell over ten feet.

Although Matsushita Guixin has only one hand, its strength is extremely powerful. After hitting Yuxizi, his figure flashed, as if disappearing into the void, dodging the pincer attacks from both sides of his body. This is the talent of darkness. Although it doesn't have the space power that can travel through the Nether Beast, it can disappear freely in this void, as if the body can directly merge into nothingness. This is why Matsushita Guixin is confident that he can escape.

The talent of darkness is one of the most powerful talents in this world. That's why the Son of Light and Darkness can become the well-deserved Immortal King Rank No.1.

(End of this chapter)

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