Chapter 947 Killing the Dark King
"Om..." Yuxizi moved forward as soon as he retreated, and spread out a large net with dots and dots. He didn't know where the Panasonic ghost letter was, but he could roughly guess where the other party was. It was the Panasonic ghost letter. The bloody smell on his body made him sensitively aware of its possible direction.

The big net was thrown down, and Matsushita Onishobu's body moved sideways. He could disappear in the void, but he couldn't tear up this layer of space and jump to another layer of space like a ghost beast.If he didn't want to be covered by that weird big net, he had no choice but to move sideways.

"Boom..." Matsushita Guixin's body moved sideways, and hit heavily into the arms of a middle-level immortal king.

The sudden appearance of Matsushita Guixin is like a ghost. Although the opponent has been on guard all the time, the opponent is still a little bit astonished at the moment of sudden appearance.

The strong middle-level Immortal King was directly knocked out, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out of the void.After this resistance, Matsushita Kishin's body was also forced to stagnate for a while, and fell into the siege of the crowd again.

"Since you won't let me live, then you can die with me!" Seeing Yuxizi rushing again, Matsushita Guixin's eyes flashed with madness.Under the siege, there is only a fleeting chance to stand out. Once he delays, the Golden Horn Immortal King and Red Phoenix Immortal will arrive, it will be his death, so he can only fight, if he fails, he will be benevolent.

Facing Yuxizi's attack, he did not dodge or dodge, counterattacked in a wild way, risking his life, it depends on Yuxizi's reluctance to sacrifice his own life in exchange for blocking Matsushita Guixin.

Yuxizi's face suddenly became very ugly, a strong immortal king launched a ruthless attack, he cannot stop it, although he can severely injure or even kill Matsushita Guixin, but he will definitely hit Matsushita Guixin with all his strength His mind and soul were completely wiped out, but at this moment when he had the upper hand, did he need to risk his life?

Just a slight hesitation, the momentum immediately weakened a bit, but Matsushita Guixin didn't hesitate, either die or leave, even if Yuxizi left scars on his body, as long as Yuxizi dare not exchange his life with him, Then, a path must be made for him, and he only needs one path, a path that can avoid the big net.Possessing the talent of darkness, it is not too difficult to escape in this battlefield of gods and demons, as long as you get out of this encirclement.

"Hey..." A blood arrow flew out, and Yuxizi's sword slanted across, leaving a long wound on Matsushita Guixin's body. The scarlet blood was as poignant as flowers, but Matsushita Guixin Laughed.

At the last moment, Yuxizi still chose to get out of the way. Yuxizi was reluctant to risk his life when he won a big victory. In exchange for Matsushita Guixin, he was unwilling to fight with the enemy at this time. perish together.Obviously has the advantage, who would be willing to trade their lives for their lives?
Yuxizi's face was very ugly, he knew that once he recognized this path, then Matsushita Guixin could easily escape, but he had to let it go, unless he wanted to die, even though Matsushita Guixin's life was worth a lot Gao, even in the eyes of others, I'm afraid Matsushita Kishin's life is more valuable than his own, but other people's lives belong to others after all, and his own life really belongs to him, so he doesn't need to take his own life To take this risk, even if Matsushita Guixin is still alive in the future, so what...

"Boom..." Panasonic Guixin rushed through Yuxizi's defense like a ghost, and his figure quickly faded away. He was about to merge into the void, and escaped with the talent of darkness, but as soon as his figure merged into the void, he felt a terrifying force. It hit him heavily like a barbaric beast, his body swished past Yuxizi's head, and fell into the encirclement again.

Matsushita Guixin was terrified, he hadn't seen clearly what the hell brought him back, only saw a mocking look flashed in Yuxizi's eyes, and then a sword's edge plunged into his head like a shock, piercing him His temple pierced through the fairy baby in the Sea of ​​Consciousness with his sword.

Precise and ruthless, ruthless, and fatal with one blow, Panasonic Guixin's unwilling eyes gradually shifted to a young man walking slowly out of the void behind Yuxizi, a very strange face, which made him unbelievable the most The strange thing is that the other party has only the cultivation base of the second rank of the Great Immortal.

It was this little immortal who knocked him back from the void. If someone told him that such a thing might happen before, he would not believe it even if he was killed, but he just experienced it himself.Although he was injured repeatedly, his vitality and blood were exhausted, and he was even a little weak after rushing through Yuxizi's defense, but the opponent was only a small ant with the cultivation base of a great fairy.He was on the other side, and he felt a familiar aura, it was a dark aura!
"Who are you...?" Matsushita Guixin struggled to spit out a few words. Seeing a faint smile on the other party's face, he shrugged and replied casually: "Zhan Wuming."

"Zhan Wuming..." Matsushita Guixin had a look of reluctance on his face, and finally closed powerlessly.

"Thank you!" Yuxizi turned his head and looked at Zhan Wuming with a sincere smile.

In fact, he really hesitated. At the moment when Matsushita Guixin wanted to die with him, he couldn't make a decision. He was a genius, and he was a genius among geniuses. His pride made him not allow He flinched in the slightest.But if he doesn't retreat, Matsushita Guixin who is in a hurry will definitely die with him. At this time, he received a message from Zhan Wuming, so he no longer hesitated, and made way for Matsushita Guixin, and at the same time The final blow was ready for him.

Zhan Wuming's words can be accepted by Yuxizi, not only because Zhan Wuming took his full blow, but also because Zhan Wuming's ingenious layout allowed them to win the victory. The three teams of troops were wiped out.

You know, there are more than forty people in these three teams, and all of them are elite fairy kings. Before being attacked, they still had the idea of ​​fighting recklessly. strength.

But all of this is not the case in the hands of Zhan Wuming. With less manpower than the opponent and much weaker strength than the opponent, he actually wiped out the opponent's entire army. This kind of person does not necessarily have to be strong. He The mind is the most powerful force.

Yuxizi didn't think that Zhan Wuming asked him to avoid him because he wanted to relax his belief. He knew that Zhan Wuming's intelligence naturally saw his embarrassment.

He and Zhan Wuming completed the most tacit cooperation. Although he completed the last and most fatal blow, it was entirely due to Zhan Wuming. Zhan Wuming saved his face, so he asked Zhan Wuming thank.

"We are allies, and allies are brothers!" Zhan Wuming smiled calmly.

Immortal King Jinjiao and Immortal Chifeng stopped, and smiled happily at him. Obviously, they also saw Zhan Wuming's sudden move to slam back Matsushita Guixin just now. They recognized Zhan Wuming from the bottom of their hearts, so their smiles were very sincere.

On the other hand, under the leadership of Chun Yuanzi and Liu Liangmin, Xu Ying, Ding Yuanzi and others and a group of immortal kings dealt with all the remaining people, leaving only the two seriously injured Zhou Tianguan and the seemingly seriously injured Xiao Tianchan was captured alive, leaving Zhou Tianguan and those two still for Xiao Tianchan's sake.

Although everyone doesn't know the true relationship between Xiaotian Chan and Zhan Wuming, they do know that Xiaotianchan is Zhan Wuming's person and he is a member of Zhou Tianguan. Therefore, no matter what the purpose is for the survivors of Zhou Tianguan However, everyone still cooperated with Zhan Wuming to perform such a scene.

Xiao Tianchan did not participate in the final attack, he hid aside after killing Fa Ru, and no one from the Buddha Heaven saw Xiao Tianchan's actions, thinking that Xiao Tianchan survived just like them.

"Xiao Tianchan, I saved you, but you brought them to sneak attack on us, it's really disappointing!" There was a little anger in Zhan Wuming's voice, and Yuxizi and others got goose bumps after hearing this Well, this guy has acted to such an extent, he really has to be convinced.

"The person who killed you, Gong Huatian, was my fault, but it was forced." Xiao Tianchan showed no regrets.

"Datianchan, do you know why we didn't kill you?" Zhan Wuming kicked Xiaotianchan to the ground, turned around and looked at Datianchan who had lost a leg and was covered in wounds and asked indifferently.

"If you want to kill, kill me, why humiliate me?" Datian Chan's eyes flashed with anger.

"If I want to kill you, I won't talk nonsense to you. Just like Xiao Tianchan said, if you let the people in Zhoutian Temple be killed or injured, it is not necessary, because you are among them, and I can't make a distinction, but I did tell them that I hope to be lenient to you Zhou Tianguan, do you know why?" Zhan Wuming looked solemn.

"I don't know!" Da Tianchan didn't appreciate it. This time, not only was he seriously injured, but only three of his five disciples in Zhou Tianguan remained, which aroused his hatred for Zhan Wuming and others.

"We are not real conspirators. Both me and Miao Chengtian have a clear distinction between love and hate. We will repay you for your kindness and revenge for your revenge. The reason why we don't want to hurt you is because we thank you for the kindness you gave us in Gourd Valley. Reminder, it is because of your reminders that we have a chance to survive. Although you led a group of people and killed most of us, we still don't want to kill you all, that's why I'm still talking to you!" Zhan Wuming said awe-inspiringly.The words are generous, but there is indeed a manly spirit.

Da Tianchan was taken aback, he didn't expect Zhan Wuming to say such words at this time, he was at a loss for words.Indeed, the two sides used each other's tricks, and led their own people to attack them first, causing more than half of the masters of Jifengtian, Miaochengtian and Gonghuatian to be killed or injured.

The other party actually said that he still didn't want to hurt the people in his Zhou Tianguan, but because of a reminder from himself, he suddenly felt a little more guilty. After all, Zhan Wuming had saved his junior brother before, so he couldn't help turning his gaze to Xiao Tianchan. The younger brother's face was full of shame, he didn't dare to look at Zhan Wuming, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, he really couldn't blame others for this matter.

"Then what do you want?" Datianchan took a deep breath and asked a little weakly.

He knew that the life and death of his three brothers and sisters depended only on the thought of Zhan Wuming. Although Zhan Wuming was only a great immortal, he saw that in the eyes of other people, he could not accept this little immortal. But with a very respectful look, he knew that Zhan Wuming had the right to speak among the crowd.

"I want you to swear a poisonous oath that you can't tell what you saw today, and then you can leave. I really don't want to kill you, but I don't want people to know what happened today, it will bring us endless Therefore, I want you to swear a poisonous oath, as for how you explain it to others when you go back, that is your business." Zhan Wuming said seriously.

"It's that simple?" Da Tianchan was taken aback.

"Don't you want something more complicated?" Zhan Wuming asked back.

"This one……"

"Don't worry, if my little Tianchan tells the story of what I saw today, I will be sent by the heavens, my soul will be devoured by thousands of thunders, and I will never recover, and I will never have a bright future!" Xiaotianchan rushed to answer. , interrupted Da Tianchan's words.

Da Tian Chan was startled, seeing Xiao Tian Chan's passionate expression, he sighed in his heart, and he also read it, and the other naturally followed suit, the two senior brothers had already said it, so there was no hesitation for him.

(End of this chapter)

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