Chapter 951 Immortal Spirit Vein

It is not that there is no life in this underground world, but the life here exists in a way that others cannot understand, and the evolution of life here takes time.The reason why Zhan Wuming knew this was because he saw the million-year-old ruin beast and the body of the huge monster under the ground.There is a special connection between the two market beasts. It is not known why the million-year-old market beast escaped from this underground world first.

"There should be a fairy spirit vein here." Just as everyone was proceeding cautiously, a fairy king from the extremely windy sky suddenly said.

He discovered that there was a spring under a giant tree, and an extremely rich spiritual energy escaped from it, and the spring water was so clear that it was all spiritual liquid.

"Even if it's a spiritual vein, we can't dig it away. However, this spring water is a good thing, comparable to the spring of life. This is the spring water in the body of the flower god." Chun Yuanzi rushed over, and his eyes lit up. .

Breathing the rich breath of life that seeps into the bones is refreshing, this place can definitely be regarded as a paradise.

"This spring can be used as medicine. If it is used to make alchemy, it will definitely improve the quality of the elixir a lot, and even increase the success rate." Zhan Wuming couldn't help but his eyes lit up. good idea.

If you use this kind of spring water to irrigate jelly grass, you will get twice the result with half the effort.It's a pity that the spring water doesn't seem to be too much. It formed a small stream and then slipped into a small tree hole with rotten roots and disappeared. If it didn't happen to pass by this place, I'm afraid it wouldn't be found at all.

"Come on, let's pretend to be some, this thing is not common." Chun Yuanzi said watching everyone's heartbeat.

So all the people took out the jade vases, each filled some, and the whole creek bottomed out quickly, and then it was enough to flow out of the spring, and each person filled a hundred and ten catties, and then no one was willing to leave the bottle. It's time to wait.

Someone proposed to dig this spring, maybe there will be a bigger pool deep in the spring, this proposal is very tempting, but it was rejected by Zhan Wuming, let everyone not act rashly, in the secret realm, the most taboo The thing is to dig out treasures and cut roots. Although the spiritual spring is tempting, it is not enough to make people refute Zhan Wuming's face, and everyone believes what Zhan Wuming said.

"This forest is alive, it has its own life, once we destroy it, I'm afraid there will be unexpected changes. If you really want to see what's under the spring, we can remove it when we leave." Zhan Wu Destiny is authentic.

If there were real treasures in this world, he would not mind destroying this forest at all, but it would not be worthwhile to make himself an enemy of this forest just for a little spiritual spring water.

This forest is alive, this is what Zhan Wuming feels in his heart, that Ruin Beast is probably a part of this forest, it may be because of what Xiaolan did to this forest that it will be destroyed Terrifying Ruin Beast.

Zhan Wuming once entered the Magic Treasure Space to ask Xiaolan, that guy hesitated, as if he was worried about something, and it must not be a good thing to make Xiaolan worry.

For exploring this underground world again, Xiaolan has no desire at all. Zhan Wuming felt that Xiaolan was afraid of entering this forest, so he stopped forcing her and let her guard the two stolen giant beasts in the space. Life nucleus.

Those two gigantic beasts, which almost belonged to the strange beasts of the emperor rank, naturally had life cores.The life core is not an ordinary treasure. Although Zhan Wuming and Yu Xizi are in the same team, they are not generous enough to share such priceless treasures as the life core.

Even if these two life cores are really taken out, I am afraid that the distribution of this small alliance will be uneven and cause division, because no one can want to give up this life core to others.

However, with the power of the crowd, it is impossible to have the opportunity to cut it into many shares. In this way, I am afraid that there is no way to distribute it between Yuxizi, Chifengxian and Jinjiaoxianwang. Zhan Wuming took it away first, making everyone think that it would be better without this thing.

Zhan Wuming didn't know where the two life cores were located in the bodies of the two giant beasts, after all, they were too huge, and it would not be easy to find these two life cores.Even if Yuxizi and the others really wanted to obtain this life core, they had to disassemble the two giant beasts step by step and explore them in pieces of flesh and blood.

Zhan Wuming doesn't know where the two life cores are, but it doesn't mean that Xiaolan doesn't know. Xiaolan is very sensitive to things with strong vitality. The life core is the place with the most vitality, and it is the source of life of the two behemoths.

Zhan Wuming circled around the huge meat mountain of the two giant beasts, found a place where no one could see, and put Xiaolan's huge wound into it.

It will take several hours for everyone to slowly disintegrate the pile of meat, but Xiaolan can run towards the life core in the body of the ruin beast. It is very easy to open a passage in the body. With the huge body of this Ruin Beast, a passage that can only accommodate a human body is smaller than the intestines of this Ruin Beast. Seeing a cave as tall as a person, it was just a trachea, and never thought that a humanoid monster had entered the body of the beast and stole the life core.

As for the mantis monster, because its head was wrapped in the body of the mantis monster, it was unable to struggle, so Xiaolan directly entered the head of the mantis monster from the body of the ruins beast, made a small hole in its head, and entered the mantis head to steal. Walking away from the core of life, he retreated without anyone noticing.At that time, Zhan Wuming pretended to cut up the Ruin Beast, and quietly took Xiaolan into the magic weapon of space.

No one expected Zhan Wuming to have such a helper by his side, let alone such a fierce creature as Xiaolan.Compared with those people, the mysterious Xiaolan's level is too high, even if Yuxizi stood on the back of the giant beast and looked at Zhan Wuming's body that swung his ax to chop the beast's body, he didn't see Zhan Wuming quietly retracting it. Xiaolan left.

They disassembled the entire Ruin Beast, found the big head of the mantis, and found that the big head was melted by the Ruin Beast's acid, and no one thought that one of the inconspicuous wounds was broken by Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan couldn't directly swallow those two life cores, and it was not easy to absorb them, so she had to put them in the space of Zhan Wuming's magic weapon and guard the two life cores.

Zhan Wuming was a little worried about Xiaolan looking at those two life cores, God knows if this guy can't help but eat them like carrots.He wanted to lure Xiaolan away, but it wasn't easy. Although that guy didn't have any scheming, he admitted his death, thinking that the two life cores were the treasures she got back, so he just guarded them.Zhan Wuming wanted to absorb it, and she didn't object much, but it was impossible to take it away.

After entering the underground world, Xiaolan behaved much better. She was very quiet in the magic weapon space, as if she was worried about accidentally exposing her aura. Zhan Wuming believed that her nervous appearance must have a great relationship with this underground world. If it wasn't for the This place has unimaginable dangers, I am afraid that with Xiaolan's unpredictable speed and ability, there is no need to care about this underground world at all.

What's more, a terrifying ruin beast has already come out of this underground world, almost possessing the strength of an emperor. Many people think that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Since there is already a powerful existence in this underground world, there should not be another powerful one. exist.But under Xiaolan's caution, Zhan Wuming guessed that the so-called powerful Ruin Beast did not evolve naturally, but a powerful guardian deliberately created by the endless forest in this underground world.

This is a forest that can create powerful guardians, so how powerful is this forest itself?It's creepy to think about.

Zhan Wuming unknowingly magnified the power of the wood element in his body, and the Taixushen Jue transformed his physique into a pure wood spirit root, and he could clearly feel the majestic vitality of this forest.Therefore, he didn't want to provoke this forest, even though he knew that there might be treasures under the spring.

"This forest is really weird. Those corpses outside died only a few hours ago. Normally, those people should still be in this underground world. Why haven't they found any trace of them?" Chi Fengxian said to herself doubtfully. .

"Because what you see with your spiritual sense is actually fake. In this forest, all the power of your spiritual sense is misled by some kind of power in this forest." Zhan Wuming suddenly said shockingly typical.

"What, that's impossible." Chi Fengxian was stunned, and lost her voice. She felt that although her consciousness was affected by the rules of heaven and earth in the battlefield of gods and demons, the fairy aura in this forest was extremely strong. It can be explored tens of miles wide.

"Then, your spiritual sense tells you, what is behind that big tree?" Zhan Wuming didn't argue with Chi Fengxian, but pointed to a huge tree hundreds of feet away in front of him. Hundred feet high, the thickest part of the thick trunk was nearly ten feet, standing there quietly, like a huge wall.

"There are many jellyfish emitting fluorescent light, and a small tree...and then there is a piece of dry grass..." Chi Fengxian said with certainty after a slight sweep of his consciousness.

"Let's go over and see if your spiritual sense has lied to you." Zhan Wuming said with a faint smile.

Everyone was curious. He didn't know why Zhan Wuming was so sure, but they hoped that Zhan Wuming was wrong. If everyone's spiritual sense in this forest was useless, they wanted to discover the truth of this forest. The crisis in China is not so easy.

"How could this be?" Chi Fengxian and the others quickly walked around the giant tree, and couldn't help being stunned, because the scene behind the tree was completely different from what he saw with his spiritual sense. Behind the giant tree, there was only one The gray vines tightly wrapped around a branch, and one section fell to the ground, like a giant vine with its head on the top of the tree and its tail on the ground. There were no fluorescent jellyfish floating in the air, but some very Each of the beautiful but unnamed flowers bloomed perfectly, like a work of art, growing all the way to the treetops on the flower stand entwined with vines.

(End of this chapter)

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