Chapter 952 Six Star Immortal Grass
Everyone was shocked. When Zhan Wuming asked this question, Chi Fengxian was not the only one who released his consciousness. Most people released their consciousness, although their consciousness might not be able to release it. No matter how far, but a distance of more than a hundred feet is still not a problem. Even if they are not in this world full of fairy spirits, but in other places on the battlefield of gods and demons, their spiritual consciousness can also spread more than a hundred feet.

Their spiritual senses were similar to what Chifengxian saw after investigating, but when they really saw the real scene behind the big tree, they knew that their spiritual senses had deceived them.

"How could this be?" Yuxizi and Jinjiao Immortal King also stared blankly at everything in front of them. They didn't feel that there was anything special about the things in front of them, but why did they detect something else with their spiritual sense? What about a situation?There was silence for a while, and some people set their eyes on Zhan Wuming, wondering how Zhan Wuming found out about this situation.

Zhan Wuming smiled wryly and said: "Don't look at me, because I don't know, the reason why I know that our spiritual sense has deceived us is because I scanned the location of the spring just now with my spiritual sense, and it is in my What appeared in the consciousness was a bush, and there was no such thing as a spring, but you found a spring there, and there was no bush.

Therefore, I guessed that my divine sense might have made a mistake, so I tried a few more times just now, and found that what we saw with our divine sense was not real at all, it was more like a modified illusion. "

Everyone was relieved immediately, but their hearts were a little more worried.It's no wonder that the people who came in front didn't notice such a good fountain of life, but let them see it. The reason is that the people who came in front probably swept this space with their spiritual consciousness and appeared in their spiritual consciousness. All of them are unreal pictures.Naturally, it was impossible for them to discover the fountain of life.

"It seems that this forest is really weird. If it weren't for Wuming's reminder, we really thought it was what we saw, and we were actually deceived by this forest!" The Golden Horn Immortal King said in a daze.

Everyone felt a little more reverence for this forest, maybe this forest is really alive as Zhan Wuming said.

"Every time we walk a distance, we will make a mark. In this forest, we can only search in the most primitive way. That's fine. Even if the people in front really come a few hours before us, so what, This underground world has a radius of tens of thousands of miles. If their spiritual sense is invalid, they may not be able to completely search this forest even if they spend a month. In this underground world, I am afraid that there are many treasures waiting for you. Watch us." A gleam of excitement flashed in Zhan Wuming's eyes.

This is an unknown world. How many treasures of heaven and earth can grow from such a rich spirit of the wood fairy in countless years?He doesn't care about things like fairy materials, but if he can find some precious medicines from the previous year, that is the real good thing!What he lacks most now is not any fairy material, but the elixir that truly belongs to the fairy world, some pills that can make a large number of his relatives in the heaven world, and can quickly improve their cultivation. There are too many people there, what he needs The amount of pills is also large.

There are too many people with weak foundations in the paradise world, because their environment cannot be compared with that of the fairy world. Except for a very few geniuses who can get the resources provided by Zhan Wuming, most of the other people have no chance to achieve the fairy position so quickly.

The talents in Poyan Continent are his team, and those talents are the people he trusts the most. When the people in Poyan Continent become stronger, the power of faith he gets will be even greater.Although he can't use the power of faith now, when he reaches the rank of Immortal Emperor, only with the power of faith can he achieve the godhead and obtain the god position.

In the fairy world, if there is not a hidden force quietly maintaining the balance of the entire fairy world, I am afraid that in these countless years, because the road to the god world cannot be found, the immortal emperors in the [-] immortal realms have already launched a big attack. In large-scale wars, if we can unify the fairy world, it is possible to gather the power of faith in the entire fairy world. Even if we really can't find the passage to the god world, gathering all the power of faith in the entire fairy world is enough for people to break through and become like a god. Existence can break through the void.

The Almighty back then only used the [-] days of the fairy world as a blueprint to refine a map of the heavens in the fairy world. With the power of faith, I am afraid that there will really be a chance to break through the void.

The only thing Zhan Wuming wants to do at this moment is to bring the treasure hunting pig out of the heavenly artifact. Unfortunately, the power of the treasure hunting pig is not strong enough. Although Zhan Wuming can open up the heaven world a bit, it also needs the treasure hunting pig in the heaven world. Only when people cooperate can they have the opportunity to bring out the people inside.

Although he can now communicate with people in the heavenly world, Yan Qingqing and others have been practicing in the sword world and have never come out. It is impossible for him to find someone to send the treasure hunting pig out.

Xiaolan is the most suitable candidate, but Xiaolan is like a mouse hiding in a hole, she doesn't even dare to release her spiritual consciousness.Now Zhan Wuming is also very depressed, so he has to rely on his own nose to search for it. Fortunately, Zhan Wuming's ethereal art has transformed his physique into a pure wood spirit root physique, which fits very well with the breath in this forest. The feeling has also become a lot stronger.

Soon, Zhan Wuming found a six-star immortal grass. Although it is six-star, its age is almost 5000 years. Grass is generally used more as the main material of the sixth-grade immortal medicine.

To Zhan Wuming's surprise, this medicinal herb grows in a tree nest several tens of feet high, where there is a tree nest crossed by several tree trunks, countless years of fallen leaves have grown a lot of soil in the tree nest This six-star fairy grass blood band ganoderma took root in the tree nest, absorbing the nutrition of this big tree and growing.

If it wasn't for Zhan Wuming's extremely sensitive nose, he had been haunting the monster forest since he was a child, and he was very familiar with the habits of medicinal herbs in the mountains. Most people would never have thought that there would be fairy grass growing on tree poles in mid-air.

The value of the six-star fairy grass is not low in the fairy world, but the blood band mushroom is not a masterpiece, but the 5000-year-old blood band mushroom is very rare.

Although everyone was a little surprised, they were not jealous. They had more or less encountered this kind of six-star fairy grass in the battlefield of gods and demons. The sixth-grade elixir is not too difficult to buy in the fairy world, unless some special ones Elixir, so the six-star fairy grass is not worthy of the envy of their group of elite fairy kings.

Zhan Wuming actually found this bloody mushroom on the top of the tree, which made their minds active, and found that not all the treasures of heaven and earth in the underground world are on the ground, there are also trees on the poles and branches in the air. some baby.It would be unrealistic to ask them to conduct a three-dimensional search of the sky and the ground, and it would add a lot of difficulties when the spiritual sense could not work.

The crowd walked for more than an hour, not only Zhan Wuming found a few fairy grasses, but everyone else also gained something. Most of the fairy grasses in this forest are five-star and six-star, and occasionally there are seven-star fairy grasses. , it's a pity that Zhan Wuming didn't pick it up, and was discovered by Chi Fengxian.This woman also became the luckiest of all.

The Seven Star Immortal Grass can be sold at a good price, and it is also a rare treasure in the fairy world. Zhan Wuming is very interested in this Seven Star Immortal Grass. It is a Tongxin Orchid with Seven Apertures, and Zhan Wuming will definitely use it in the future If Zhan Wuming can really find the incarnation lotus in the future, then using the Qiqiao Tongxinlan as the acupoint for the incarnation lotus can give Yun Yiyi more chances of resurrection.Therefore, Zhan Wuming directly exchanged the Qiqiao Tongxinlan with a cowardly demon pill.

If it is an ordinary sixth-grade elixir, Chi Fengxian really wouldn't notice it, but this cowardly demon pill is an ancient formula exclusively repaired by Dan Sheng Chi Lingzi, and it is the only secret medicine that he can refine. Its effect is miraculous , can give Chi Fengxian an extra life. It is said that Chi Lingzi has some relationship with her Chi family, but there are many misunderstandings between them. Chi Lingzi's medicine is not sold to his Chi family, which makes them very angry depressed.

So Zhan Wuming exchanged the Cowardly Demon Pill, and Chi Fengxian agreed without even thinking about it.Let everyone envy.

There is no one in the fairy world who does not know the effect of the Demon Cowardly Pill, and what they envy most is that Chi Fengxian can get a Demon Cowardly Pill.

At this time, everyone knew that Zhan Wuming was actually a fifth-rank immortal alchemist. This status was much more popular than the Immortal King, which made everyone look up to Zhan Wuming even more.Ji Chang knows the identity of Zhan Wuming's alchemist, so it goes without saying that Gong Huatian's people are.

As for some six-star immortal grasses, Zhan Wuming also exchanged some of them, either with pills or immortal materials. Anyway, most of the immortal grasses that Zhan Wuming liked could be exchanged, and the price also satisfied the traders. Zhan Wuming didn't ask everyone to give up benefits because of his special status in the team. Anyway, he has a lot of fairy stones and materials. When he took out a few pieces of Thunder Immortal Iron, someone rushed to exchange them. As a small ornament carved out of a piece of heartwood from the tassel wood ancestor, Yuxizi took out the seventh-grade fairy grass that he had obtained not long ago on the battlefield of gods and demons.

Yuxizi is naturally a person who knows the goods, and the tassel wood ancestor is a great power of the wood system of the Immortal Emperor, and the heart of the tree is the essence of his life. Although it is only a small ornament, it has a majestic vitality. The thing is not ordinary, so I took out the Seven Star Immortal Grass and exchanged it.

"I found their whereabouts!" A voice came, it was Chun Yuanzi.

Everyone gathered in the direction of Chun Yuanzi, and their faces became gloomy, because what he saw was blood, a puddle of blood dripped on a giant tree, the blood was not completely dry, obviously the dripping The time is not too long.

There is a pool of blood in this seemingly quiet forest, so it only shows one thing, this forest will definitely not be as peaceful as everyone imagined.This more than a hour of tranquility almost made them forget one thing. The forest under them might be a living creature. Until they saw this pool of blood, they suddenly realized a terrible problem, that is, they were not half on guard just now.

All of this is absolutely abnormal, and it is definitely not the mentality that a cultivator should have!
"It seems that this forest can not only affect our spiritual consciousness, but even our thinking. We just fell into it without knowing it. If this blood stain hadn't awakened our consciousness, I'm afraid we would have become like this. A wandering soul in a forest." Chun Yuanzi let out a long breath and said with a gloomy face.

"Wandering soul?" Ji Chang murmured to himself beside Zhan Wuming with some puzzlement.

"Your soul will be assimilated by this forest without knowing it. From then on, you will be a walking dead, and your soul will become the nutrient of this forest!" Zhan Wuming took a deep breath.

He also underestimated the horror of this forest. This forest is not really peaceful. They have already attacked them, but they didn't feel it.

(End of this chapter)

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