Chapter 953
Seeing this pool of blood, everyone suddenly woke up, reawakening the sense of crisis deep in their hearts, and reflecting on what happened just now, it turned out to be like a dream.

It's all real, but it gets lost.

They did find some six-star fairy grasses, even seven-star fairy grasses, but apart from everyone being wary at the beginning, everyone felt more relaxed as time went on, and their minds and souls seemed to be completely relaxed.

Zhan Wuming's face was very ugly, because he found that his vigilance and sense of crisis were much stronger than others.But just now he was the one who was most addicted to it. Thinking about it, he suddenly understood that the person with the wood spirit root in this forest is the most dangerous person, because he is too weak, compared to the For this forest, his body and soul are too weak. People with wood spirit roots are the easiest to be assimilated by this forest, just like returning to the origin.

If a piece of sand falls into the river, it may take a long time to melt away, but if it is itself a drop of water, then once it falls into the water, it will quickly mix with the river water, directly assimilation.

Zhan Wuming, who didn't know why, transformed his physique into that of Mu Lingen, which was tantamount to suicide.

When Zhan Wuming regained his mind, he found that most of the vitality in his body had been lost, and his whole body felt weak.

"This forest is unknowingly absorbing our vitality, we have to leave here as soon as possible!" Zhan Wuming took a long breath, and his face had never been solemn before.

"There is blood here, so the injured person should not be far away." Yuxizi took a deep breath. He also felt that his vitality had been seriously lost, but because he woke up earlier, the loss was not too great. The loss was not as great as that of Zhan Wuming.

Zhan Wuming took out the fountain of life, took a small sip, and felt his vitality recover quickly. At this time, how dare he appear with the physique of the wood spirit root and directly transform into the most stable body of the five elements, Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are endless, stabilizing one's mind.

"It's not far, the one above us should be there." Chifengxian said suddenly.

Everyone couldn't help looking up, and suddenly found a shriveled corpse on a thick and long vine above their heads. The whole person looked like a mummy that had been drained of water, but the armor on his body was very neat, giving people a sense of humor. It felt extremely weird, but what chilled everyone the most was that the tip of the vine that pierced through the corpse was slowly wriggling like a snake.That vine turned out to be a living thing.

"Don't shoot!" Zhan Wuming suddenly stopped Liu Liangmin who was about to cut off the vine directly.

"What does Brother Zhan mean? That vine is a living thing, a human and evil thing that can be eaten." Liu Liangming said with a very ugly expression.

"No, that vine won't attack us, at least not for the time being, but if you attack it, I'm afraid it will be a different scene, we will all collapse here!" Zhan Wuming said solemnly, pointing to the giant trees around , the tone was cold and authentic: "Look, these vines seem to be one by one, but they are actually a whole. If you attack this vine, then we will touch all the vines around us, and we will fall into it." caught the prey in this net."

Everyone looked in the direction of Zhan Wuming's finger, and saw that where they came, the branches on all sides were densely covered with various vines like the branches of banyan trees, which looked like an upside-down rainwaterfall. They all seem to be wriggling quietly, and the tip is shaking towards the crowd, like a group of snakes that are feeling the heat.

"Go, let's get out of here first!" Yuxizi took a deep breath.

"Everyone, be careful, don't let yourself get blood on your body. These vines will only attack because of the blood. Their goal is to devour blood. As long as we don't leave wounds on our bodies, they won't be able to sense us for a while. Exist." Zhan Wuming said with certainty.

"So that's how it is...thank you." Liu Liangming breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that if Zhan Wuming hadn't grabbed him with vigilance just now, he might be like a fly in a spider's web at this moment. Everything is so weird.

"Aw...boom..." At this moment, there was a roar, and a violent shock suddenly came from behind everyone.

"Dongyan..." Chun Yuanzi exclaimed. When he turned his head, he found that a junior brother behind him was directly blown to pieces by a shadow that suddenly rushed out.

"Ruan Tianpeng..." Yuxizi exclaimed in amazement, he recognized the shadow that suddenly rushed out, it turned out to be a member of Miao Chengtian's Ruan family. Higher than that, he never expected that Ruan Tianpeng would suddenly appear here, not only that, but also attacked him, he was a little stunned for a moment.

Yuxizi was taken aback, Ruan Tianpeng rushed towards him like a shadow, extremely fast.

"Boom..." Chun Yuanzi was furious, regardless of whether the other party was Miao Chengtian or not, he actually shot and killed his junior brother, so he went up to him without hesitation, but found a terrifying force surging like a mountain torrent To his body, with his late-stage Immortal King power, he was actually shaken away by that force.

The moment Ruan Tianpeng pushed him away, his body split into two halves, one half continued to pounce on Yuxizi, while the other half chased Chunyuanzi.

"So strong!" Sensing that aura, Chi Fengxian couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Ruan Tianpeng is no stranger to her. As a master who can compare with Yuxizi in Miaochengtian, or even slightly stronger than Yuxizi, almost all of them are in the list of geniuses in the major fairylands.

"Senior brother Ruan..." A disciple of Miao Chengtian exclaimed, wanting to stop Ruan Tianpeng's attack, but he didn't dare to kill him, he only spoke half of his words, Ruan Tianpeng hit him hard as if ignoring his existence on the body.

The disciple named Miao Chengtian groaned, and the Immortal King Weapon on his body shattered instantly.The moment his body was shaken away, Ruan Tianpeng grabbed one of his arms and tore it off with extremely violent means.

"Ah..." The Miaochengtian disciple let out a miserable howl and fell backwards.

"Ruan Tianpeng, you actually killed your fellow disciples?" Yuxizi came to his senses at this moment, furious.

"He has gone crazy, he has become a puppet of this forest, and he can't recognize you at all." Zhan Wuming let out a low cry.

"Is he crazy?" Chifengxian didn't hesitate any longer. Originally, he saw that it was Miao Chengtian, and wanted to see how Yuxizi would deal with it, but he saw that the other party beheaded one person, recreated another person, and forced Chun to retreat. Yuanzi, with a desperate posture, Zhan Wuming's reminder immediately made her realize what was going on with the other party.

"Boom..." Ruan Tianpeng's attack was blocked by the Golden Horn Immortal King, and two huge impact forces caused a shadow of Ruan Tianpeng to fall backwards and hit the pole of a giant tree heavily. Wang was also forced to fall several feet down.

The Golden Horn Immortal King was horrified, it was a shadow of Ruan Tianpeng, that is to say, it was only half of Ruan Tianpeng's body strength, and he didn't take advantage of it.He couldn't believe it was true, although he knew that Ruan Tianpeng was very powerful, but he was only on the same level as him, and now he surpassed him by so much, why did the dark king of the dark sky, Matsushita, believe it.

"Boom..." The figure of Ruan Tianpeng attacking Chun Yuanzi was knocked into the air by Liu Liangming and Chun Yuanzi.Also crashed into the tree pole.In an instant, the two figures of Ruan Tianpeng merged into one, and a big hole exploded in the tree trunk, and Ruan Tianpeng rushed out of it like a big bird.

"His spirit has been lost, and the potential of his body has been fully stimulated. We must join hands." Zhan Wuming immediately saw that something was wrong with Ruan Tianpeng.He was able to injure people even with everyone working together, and his combat power was probably stronger than that of the dark king of the dark sky, Matsushita Guixin.

"Ah..." At this moment, there was another scream from behind the crowd.

Zhan Wuming turned his head and saw that it was the middle-level Immortal King whose arm was torn off by Ruan Tianpeng in Miao Chengtian. Countless vines wrapped it tightly, like a wasp struggling in pain in a spider web.

"Chi, Chi..." Zhan Wuming turned around and spun the sword, ten thousand rays of light suddenly bloomed, and the Heaven-Defying Sword seemed to penetrate the void, back in time, the strange tentacles instantly withered under the light of Zhan Wuming's sword, It seemed that thousands of years had passed at that moment.

The body of the disciple named Miao Chengtian fell heavily on the ground, but Zhan Wuming did not stop his sword, and countless dots of cold light suddenly exploded around him, like a bright light curtain.

"Take him into the magic weapon space." Yuxizi was about to rescue him, but Zhan Wuming made a move before him, and when he made a move, the magnificence of his sword light dazzled him, this was the first time he saw Zhan Wuming make a move, Before, even though Zhan Wuming had fought hard with him, and hit back the Matsushita Guixin with a single move in the dark, but almost all of them were glimpses, and he never saw the real thing.

He has always thought that Zhan Wuming might be a physically formidable opponent. Knowing that Zhan Wuming used his sword, he felt a sense of horror from the bottom of his heart. In the light of the sword, he saw layers of space shattered and time. The feeling of the passage of thousands of years made him feel like he was in reincarnation.

He suddenly discovered that in his team, perhaps the person with the lowest level was Zhan Wuming, but the most terrifying person was also this young man who seemed to be at the lowest level.He secretly decided in his heart that no matter what, he must make friends with this person. He saw a super genius who could compete with the Son of Light and Darkness.

At this time, he thought, perhaps, this is the reason why Gong Huatian's team didn't even have a late-stage Immortal King, and they were able to go so deep into the battle ruins, and the loss was not heavy.

Amid Zhan Wuming's shouts, Yuxizi didn't hesitate, and directly took the Miaochengtian disciple who hadn't had time to say thank you into the magic weapon space.He knew that the reason why those vines attacked him was because they smelled blood. The disciple was seriously injured, and blood aura emanated from his broken arm, triggering the attacks of countless vines.

"Let's go!" Yuxizi yelled after putting away that fellow student. He was not sure of killing Ruan Tianpeng with one blow, but he had already disturbed the vines all over the sky, and they seemed to be caught in a huge spider web. .If you don't escape in time, I'm afraid you will fall into it.

(End of this chapter)

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