Chapter 957 Pulse Soul Riot
"Boom..." The entire Huashen Basin was trembling. Zhan Wuming and the others rushed out of the crack like birds piercing through the clouds. In the end, Chun Yuanzi rushed out crookedly. If Yuxizi and Chifengxian hadn't made a move, he would have been sucked back by that terrifying devouring force at the last moment.

Chun Yuanzi's face was indeed flushed. The moment just now was too dangerous. First there was a huge roar, and then there was an unimaginable impact, like thousands of volcanoes erupting in an instant, but at the most critical moment, the spurt The power turned into a crazy swallowing power again, as if an ancient god suddenly woke up, and his breath caused a huge destructive force in the world.Countless rubble and debris seemed to have encountered a huge black hole, quickly approaching the crack, and then all of them sank into the crack, almost sweeping away the ruins of Huashenqiu at once.

"Let's go!" Zhan Wuming didn't stop any longer, and drove the fairy to fly quickly at low altitude. In this Huashen Basin, as long as it is not higher than the edge of the basin, there is usually no death hole. Therefore, everyone let go of the speed and fled here.

"Boom... Boom..." When everyone flew over the Flower God Basin, they were shocked to find that the ground in the entire basin trembled, and then countless cracks appeared on the ground. With the crack as the center, it expands rapidly in all directions. Looking from top to bottom, it looks like a cracked ice surface, and the crack grows from small to large.In the end, it exploded with a "boom", turning into huge ravines.

"Boom..." A huge green rhizome-shaped thing looked like the tail of a soaring giant whale, broke through the cracked gap, and slapped heavily on the people flying fast in the void, startling a hurricane.

The powerful aura almost caused everyone to stagger in an instant, but after all, the rhizome just broke out from the ground, and they couldn't really feel the exact position of Zhan Wuming and others, so they were blown away with one blow and pulled out on the ground. A terrifying gully.

"Let's go..." Zhan Wuming's complexion changed, and when he turned to look, he found that almost everyone's complexion became very ugly.

Straits of green liquid quickly gushed out of the cracks on the ground of the huge Huashen Basin, and then these green liquids seemed to have life, and quickly merged with the green liquid gushing out of other cracks. The liquid is in one piece.In just a moment, the Flower God Basin turned into a sea of ​​green, and even some gullies were directly filled...

This change was too weird, and everyone felt an extremely ominous premonition. However, their figures also quickly flew close to the edge of the basin, which was the only comfort they felt.

"Chi... Chi..." But just as everyone's hearts were suspended, branch-like tentacles pulled out from the green ocean in an instant, rushing towards everyone in the sky like countless sardines jumping out of the water.

"Damn it!" Zhan Wuming cursed in a low voice, the fairy sword under his feet was already flying at the fastest speed, but under the green liquid line rushing up like a fountain, it seemed a bit slow.

"Ding... ding..." The sword light on Zhan Wuming's body suddenly exploded, and countless tentacles flying towards him were directly shattered into pieces, and then his body rushed out of the edge of the basin instantly with the fairy sword under his feet.

The Red Phoenix Immortal turned into a ball of fire phoenix directly, and the approaching tentacles directly turned into fly ash.Others use their own methods, and being entangled by those green tentacles will definitely not do any good.They are all very clear that the tentacles that popped up at this moment are just the hasty reaction of the monster under the ground, and the green liquid gushing out of the cracks will take a while to transform, and this is when the tentacles are at their weakest .

Zhan Wuming and the others guessed right, it was the time when those tentacles were at their weakest, and after the first wave of attacks failed, those countless tiny tentacles quickly joined together, and the green liquid in the green ocean also began to deform. , it seems that there are thick and giant trees breaking through the water in the ocean, holding countless liquids, like umbrellas growing from under the water surface, and countless juices slipping down from the umbrella-like tree poles, Behind the big tree, countless strange snakes suddenly appeared in the water, entangled with each other, quickly raised, and the entire water level rose rapidly. The original Huashen Basin has completely changed its appearance.But in the center of this basin, there seems to be a green mountain rising.

The whole earth was trembling, not just the Huashen Basin, but the land around the Huashen Basin was also trembling, as if the earth was cracking.

The Huashen Basin was completely torn apart and turned into countless fragments that were swallowed by the greenery that spewed out of the ground. The huge damage caused by the cracking of the earth also had a huge impact on thousands of miles outside the Huashen Basin. There was a change, and even a hint of green appeared in some deep ravines.

The faces of Yuxizi and the others turned green. This time he saw what the most terrifying life was. When the life in the forest in the underground world exploded, they realized how small they were.

On the other hand, Zhan Wuming didn't react too much to all this, he only knew to run away.

Back then on the Sushen Star in the Sushen Starfield, he had seen similar creatures formed from a huge forest. That time he not only saw a green goblin as huge as a forest, but also a mountain-collared giant, He even personally experienced the confrontation between the mountain giant and the green goblin. At that time, his cultivation base was very weak, but now the creatures in the underground world he faces are very similar to the green goblin, but their life level is much higher than that of the green goblin. I don't know how much higher the Green Goblin is. I'm afraid it's higher than some life forms in this fairy world, almost reaching the strength of a pseudo-god.

"Aw..." A huge roar came from the mountain peak rising in the middle of the Flower God Basin. It looked like a giant tree, but it also looked like a dangerous mountain peak. Countless tentacles and branches quickly sprang from the mountain peak. stick out above.In that crazy roar, everyone could feel the anger of that creature.

It's just that its body is too big, and it doesn't take a short while to squeeze the ground out from under the ground. Even if he crushes the hard crust of the Huashen Basin with his incomparably huge body, It is also impossible to exert the strongest combat power for a while.

Zhan Wuming knew that he had stabbed a hornet's nest this time, and Xiao Lan probably stole something in the underground world before, so the underground world split into a quasi-emperor-level ruin beast to chase and kill.This time, Zhan Wuming actually stole the pulse soul from the land that suppressed the Demon Sacrifice, which angered that creature, and the whole land suffered.

However, for this pulse soul, Zhan Wuming felt that the risk was worth taking, unless he hadn't seen this pulse soul, once he found it, he would never let him escape from his grasp, this thing can be regarded as a living creature. A living being can also be regarded as a priceless fetish. The body fluids it secretes are equivalent to the spring of life, and the vitality it possesses is so majestic.

This pulse soul is probably derived from a certain heavy vein in the corpse of the flower god, and it itself has the effect of living and dead human flesh and bones. If it can be used as medicine, even a ninth-grade elixir will be the same It can be refined, as long as the alchemy technique is strong enough.

This pulse soul has become a reality, if it can be separated, there will be a chance to turn into a divine crocodile, which is already a god-level existence.This Pulse Soul did not have such an opportunity, and it did not take long to form, so although it was also very powerful, under the sudden sneak attack of these dozens of immortal kings, and with the help of Zhan Wuming's formation, it was unexpectedly It can be said that it is very useless to be subdued in an instant.

If there is only Zhan Wuming alone, then, if you encounter this kind of pulse soul that has already formed, you will go as far as you can, because even this crocodile-shaped pulse soul is still at the level of the peak of the immortal emperor, but it is a pity This thing has been dormant underground, and has never really fought against other creatures. Its talent is very single, so it was hit by Zhan Wuming and others, and was captured alive.

If this pulse soul is allowed to struggle for a while longer, then his space separation formation will definitely not be able to last that long. Once the terrifying life in the underground world senses it, it will be his doomsday. However, they are very lucky. Zhan Wuming had calculated everything in advance, and the first shot not only stunned the pulse soul, but also nailed the limbs, tail and seven inches at once. After Wang Lei's tribulation, he possessed a powerful thunder power, which had a strong restraint effect on such soul-like creatures.

After Yuxizi and others landed on the cliff, they quickly released the Linma and fled as fast as possible. In this space, there was almost no real safe distance, because they knew very well that the underground monster had tens of thousands of The forest in the inner space, he didn't know if it was a self-contained underground space, or if the ground under their feet had already been hollowed out by the terrifying creatures, anyway, now they just want to leave as quickly as possible, because they feel this The green monster that came out of the ground was much stronger than the beast that fought against the mantis monster outside the Gourd Valley, and the aura made everyone's souls tremble thousands of miles away.This is a supreme form of life.

"Boom..." As the crowd ran wildly, a huge thick and long tentacle bounced out from hundreds of miles away behind them, and slammed heavily not far from the crowd, directly blasting the ground into a huge deep pit. , that terrifying creature hated these escaping lives very much, even if it just squeezed out of the ground a little bit, it didn't want to let these people go.

Just because half of his body was still trying to squeeze out of the ground, the aim of the attack was off the mark. After hundreds of miles, everyone easily dodged it. However, this blow shocked everyone. He didn't escape the opponent's attack range at all. To everyone, it was like a big knife hanging above their heads.

There was nothing good for the crowd, so a few lin horses spread out to escape. If they were too concentrated, they might have been hit by the monster's tentacles.

(End of this chapter)

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