Chapter 958 Xiaoxian dare not go

The land that was originally like ruins turned into a forest in a short period of time. With the Huashen Basin as the center, the land for thousands of miles has completely changed its appearance.

Zhan Wuming and the others ran for their lives in embarrassment, and rushed to Gourd Valley in one breath. Looking at the large forest in the distance, it was still expanding rapidly, and a huge roar was faintly heard.

The whole earth trembled, as if a huge mountain was moving in the distance.

It was a huge body like a mountain, or a piece of primeval forest moving slowly. Every step it moved was hundreds or even thousands of miles. Every step made the whole earth tremble violently, and countless gravel and dust bounced into the air like dancing. , fell again, and was bounced again at the next shock.

Yuxizi and the others are all big heads, is this weird underground creature going to let them go?They have been chasing closely behind them. Although the speed of Linma is very fast, the speed of the monster's movement is not very fast, but every time the monster moves, Linma will run for a quarter of an hour.Even though they ran desperately, they couldn't distance themselves from the giant monster.

As for a fight with that monster, go to hell, it's purely courting death, they have so many fairy kings, it's not enough for the opponent to bite.Just thinking about that terrifying Ruin Beast is enough to destroy them countless times. The mountain-like monster right now is many times stronger than that Ruin Beast.

"What should we do? If this monster keeps chasing us..." Jun Yuanzi asked anxiously.

"What can we do, we can only run away, but with this monster chasing us, no beast dares to block our way. It's really impossible. At worst, we can flee back to the fairyland. This monster can't penetrate the barrier!" Yuxizi gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"If we run a million miles in one go, we don't know how many lin horses will die from exhaustion." Chi Fengxian said depressedly.

Although their lin horses are fast and have good stamina, they have to take a break after running for 10,000 to [-] miles at full speed. If they run at full speed for [-]+ miles, they may not be able to run anymore. If they run again, they will be exhausted. .And that monster, who knows how strong its endurance is, it must not be worse than Linma's endurance.

Yuxizi was embarrassed. During this period of time, they had suffered a lot, and Linma had spares, but they couldn't afford to run for a million miles. What they said just now was just a vindictive remark.

"Maybe Calabash Valley can help us block for a while." Zhan Wuming said.

"Oh, isn't there a mantis monster there?" The Golden Horned Immortal King was startled.

Zhan Wuming looked at him dumbfounded, Jin Jiao is really not a good boy who loves to use his brain, and said: "Even if there is such a mantis monster, I'm afraid it can't withstand the blow of this monster. To the blocking effect."

"Could it be that there are more terrifying existences in the Gourd Valley?" Yuxizi was stunned and asked in surprise.

"In this battlefield of gods and demons, every place with legends is not simple. There is such a big secret hidden under the Flower God Hill. Naturally, there should be a big secret under the Gourd Valley. The Ruins Beast came to provoke it before. A giant praying mantis monster came out, and now a bigger and fiercer monster came, wouldn't the gourd valley not respond? There should be a show!" Zhan Wuming said with certainty.

He had seen the heart under the ground before. The heart as huge as a planet was as powerful as it was. He didn't think it would be weaker than the mysterious creature under the Flower God Hill. He couldn't guess the means of the heart in the underground world.

"The Gourd Valley is ahead, should we go in?" Yuxizi asked after thinking about it.

"No, we can't stop, the gods fight, Xiaoxian suffers, if there is any movement, we will be the first to be unbearable." Zhan Wuming said decisively.

Zhan Wuming took the reins and walked around the Gourd Valley. Others don't know, but he knows very well that there is a real great god in the Gourd Valley, and this great god is very likely to be alive.Although the Ruin Beast from before was powerful, it was just a small ant in the eyes of the owner of the Fengshen Heart.

Once the monster under the flower god basin rushes over, the meaning will be completely different, and it will definitely alarm the sleeping existence.

Seeing that Zhan Wuming didn't intend to stay, everyone had to follow Zhan Wuming to flee to the distance quickly. Anyway, a group of wounded people were still waiting in the canyon thousands of miles away. When such a thing happened, they had to take everyone to escape together. .

"Boom... Boom..." The tremors of the earth still haven't stopped. The green monster has already turned the green liquid that filled the basin into old vines. The jellyfish collided with the undispelled killing intent left behind during the battle between the ancient gods and demons in the air, so a ball of green juice splashed on the huge mountain-like body, like a splash of water on the surface of a huge lake.

The void and dark hole, which is enough to destroy any Immortal King or even Immortal Sovereign Rank, can't do any harm to the huge body of the green monster.

The monster pushed forward without any scruples. His huge weight flattened the places he passed, and the ravines were trampled down and filled up.

This big guy is a powerful steamroller. Let this big guy walk on this battlefield of gods and demons. It is estimated that many abyssal demons will cry, because the underground exits of those abyssal demons have been trampled down. If they want to come out again, they have to Dig through the collapsed place again.

"Oh..." Just as everyone was thinking wildly, a long hissing sound came, and the rumbling sound behind him seemed to be slower than before.

Everyone was startled, not knowing what happened to the green-skinned monster, they turned their heads to look, and found that the huge mountain-like body of the green-skinned monster stopped for a while, and hesitated when it approached Gourd Valley.Everyone didn't have the mood to pay attention to it, they only hated that Lin Ma's wings were too short to fly.

"Om..." The entire ground suddenly made a strange vibration. This vibration is not the same as the vibration of the green skin monster's big feet stepping on the ground, it is more like something suddenly shaking from the ground.

"The pulsation of the earth!" The Golden Horn Immortal King cried out in a low voice. He felt that the vibration turned out to be the pulsation of the earth, which only existed in the legendary sound of the pulsation of the earth.

"Impossible, could it be that this land is alive, how can there be a pulse?" Chi Fengxian said in surprise.

"Aw..." At this moment, the green-skinned monster let out another long howl, but this time the voice seemed a little hurried, and everyone felt that the green-skinned monster's voice seemed a little more frightened.

"There are indeed other terrifying existences in Gourd Valley!" Yuxizi was overjoyed, he felt that the pulse of the earth seemed to be coming from the direction of Gourd Valley, and the green-skinned monster was not far from Gourd Valley Hesitant, afraid to move forward.

"What exactly is it?" Chun Yuanzi took a deep breath, no matter what, as long as the green-skinned monster didn't dare to chase after it, it would be fine, at least they didn't have to run for their lives in too much embarrassment.

"Om..." There was another sound like plucking strings on the ground. The dust on the ground was lifted up a few inches at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then sank again. The feeling was extremely strange.

"Aw..." In the eyes of everyone, the green skin monster's countless green tentacles protruding into the Gourd Valley seemed to be shattered by some invisible shock wave, turning into a ball of green juice in the air, and spilling on the ground.

The green-skinned monster let out a miserable howl, and did not dare to stick out its tentacles again. Its huge mountain-like body took a step back, and it was hundreds of miles away from Calabash Valley.

"It really sounds like a heartbeat, so weird." Yuxizi frowned and said to himself.

The shock wave formed by the pulse soul of the earth had no effect on them, but the huge green-skinned monster clearly felt the terrible shock.

"Why can't we feel that power?" Ji Chang asked in a daze.

"Because you are still too weak, and your body is too small, there is only a little connection with the earth, so naturally you can't feel the pulsating power of the earth. There is a lot of body fluid in the body of the green skin monster , the shock of the earth, the first thing to feel and sensitive to is the water, so this kind of shock is the most harmful to the green skin monster..." Zhan Wuming smiled faintly.

He knew that the so-called pulsation of the earth was exactly the heartbeat from the huge Fengshen Heart in the underground space.The green skin monster is very powerful, but it is still not the full power of the underground flower god world. It is just a more powerful individual split from the underground flower god world. Although this individual is not as powerful as the god-level powerhouse, it is by no means What ordinary immortal emperors can compare to is probably the existence of demigods. This kind of powerful existence will naturally stimulate the heart of Fengshen in the underground space, or the soul of Fengshen.

"Om... Om..." Just when everyone's hearts were slightly relaxed, they suddenly found that the ground under their feet was pulsating rapidly.

As Yuxizi said, this series of pulses is like a beating heart suddenly breathing rapidly.The faces of the people who were still smiling suddenly swelled like pig's liver. Everyone felt that their hearts were completely uncontrollably pulled by the pulsation of the earth, and quickly beat with the frequency of the pulsation of the earth. Under the rapid beating of the heart, the blood seemed to be boiling.The hoofs of the Lin horses gave way and fell to the ground directly.

Zhan Wuming, Yuxizi and others were thrown out with a miserable grunt. The moment their bodies just fell out, they heard a few muffled sounds of "Pu, pu..." from behind, and a few lin horses let out a miserable howl , A big hole exploded at the position of the heart, and none of the fallen Linmas survived.

Everyone was horrified. Although the Linma could not be compared with the Immortal King, it was almost at the level of the Golden Immortal Rank. However, at that moment just now, his heart was directly blasted by the pulsating power of the earth. After the sudden heart rate was assimilated , life is pulled by the pulsation of the earth, Linma's huge body is more easily assimilated.

"How could this happen?" Yuxizi and the others held their hearts tightly. He felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He desperately held his heart tightly with his hands, trying to make it beat slower, but it didn't seem to work. big.

Linma's body actually showed cracked textures, as if it was quickly shaken and cracked by an invisible sound wave, and the strength of Linma's body could not be maintained under such high-frequency vibrations. whole.Seeing this scene, there was even a trace of despair in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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