963 - One World

Zhan Wuming took the initiative to attack. Although Tanaka Yuansuke's attack power was very powerful, almost every time he swat Zhan Wuming flying tens of feet like a fly, but Zhan Wuming was like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death. After flying, he counterattacked quickly. Not only did his breath not weaken, but it became stronger as he fought.

Everyone watched the weird battle between the two in astonishment. Ryosuke Tanaka shot Zhan Wuming into the air again and again, or blasted him into the ground, but the next moment, Zhan Wuming still jumped up to counterattack vigorously, and Ryosuke Tanaka fell in pain every time. A killer, but his attack was affected by the power of gods and demons around Zhan Wuming's body, so he couldn't cause a real fatal injury to Zhan Wuming.Although Zhan Wuming was covered with scars, it made Tanaka Yuansuke feel powerless.

Zhan Wuming is like an immortal puppet, which can never run out of power. Not only that, after each critical strike, the opponent will fuse the power of the gods and demons around him, and the breath will be stronger. Jie found that this battle was not like attacking the opponent by himself, but rather like he was constantly tempering the cultivation of Zhan Wuming.

In the eyes of everyone, the war should end soon, but in the end it was not the case at all.Tanaka Yuansuke's face became more and more gloomy. Between the frantic attacks and counterattacks, Zhan Wuming's aura became stronger and stronger, but he consumed more and more.

Tanaka Yuansuke felt that every time he slapped Zhan Wuming's body away, the distance was a little closer than the last time. Under the ebb and flow of each other, I am afraid that the result of his confrontation with Zhan Wuming would be reversed.Tosuke Tanaka knew that if he didn't use his hole cards, it would be difficult to achieve the result he wanted!
"Sky Devouring Soul Realm!" Seeing Zhan Wuming rushing over again, Tosuke Tanaka's eyes flashed a cold mockery, and he flicked his hands lightly in the air, a dark door suddenly appeared in the void in front of his body.Zhan Wuming rushed directly into the pitch-black gate.

"Boom..." Just as Zhan Wuming rushed into the gate, Tanaka Yuansuke put his hands together, and the dark gate that suddenly appeared disappeared like a bubble, just like when it appeared, without any traces, just like it As if it didn't exist.Zhan Wuming also disappeared out of thin air.

"One world!" Yuxizi and others cried out in a low voice.

They instantly recognized the disappearing portal in the hands of Tosuke Tanaka, which turned out to be one of the most wonderful space magic weapons in the legend. This kind of space magic weapon can no longer be called a magic weapon, it should be called a world.There is a complete world inside. It is said that in one world, someone refined one world into laws, and used the souls in this world as a guide to refine them into resentful spirits, which became the tool soul of one world.

As the masters of this world, they are like gods in the world. Their power is supreme and they can mobilize any power in this world.

They didn't expect that Yuansuke Tanaka had such a treasure in his hands.Everyone was worried about Zhan Wuming, God knows what kind of danger will be in that world.

"It's your turn!" Yuansuke Tanaka's complexion was not good. A little big fairy broke through to the golden fairy in front of him, and even pestered him to keep attacking him. It can use one world and put it into one world.

"Buzz..." Just as Yuansuke Tanaka finished speaking, the beads in his hand suddenly jumped up, making a trembling "buzzing" sound in the air.

Tanaka Yuansuke's face became extremely ugly, that bead was his world, at this moment, the world in his hand was buzzing tremblingly, there was only one possibility, that was that Zhan Wuming was threatening in his world. The stability of the world on the other side.For a moment, he actually felt frightened towards this boy who couldn't be beaten to death.

Although this guy has just broken through the Golden Immortal level, his physical body is so strong that he has nowhere to attack him. No matter how he attacks, he can't do much damage to the opponent's body. The opponent doesn't know how terrifying Talent, constantly devouring the spirit of gods and demons in this world, and taking strange liquids, makes the recovery ability of the physical body extremely powerful.

With an extremely strong physical body, possesses the elixir that can make him recover quickly, and is in the process of being promoted to swallow a large amount of aura and laws of heaven and earth, Yuansuke Tanaka is really very big headed, if it is replaced by even In the late stage of an immortal king, he was sure to smash the opponent's body to pieces, but Zhan Wuming couldn't kill him no matter what.

Even the dark erosion he is proud of is completely ineffective against Zhan Wuming, it is not surprising, you know, the power of gods and demons in this battlefield of gods and demons, as well as the chaotic laws of this world, Zhan Wuming takes everything as it is No, I didn’t see eating his body badly, his darkness erosion is just one of the laws of chaos, and there is nothing unreasonable about being swallowed by the other party, so Tanaka Yuansuke can only collect it in one world.

He originally thought about cleaning up Zhan Wuming, who was taken into one world, after a while, and cleaned up Yuxizi and others first, but he didn't expect that this kid would be so restless after being taken into the world, and let his side of the world appear Unprecedented instability.

"Boom..." Just as Tanaka Yuansuke's spiritual consciousness poured into one world to suppress Zhan Wuming, a violent fluctuation suddenly appeared in the void ahead, and then a slender crack exploded instantly.

Tosuke Tanaka was startled, before he had time to react, he found that the sky in front of him was completely covered by the bright sword light, and the space in front of him was peeled off layer by layer in the sword brilliance, and then he saw a red dragon piercing through the brilliance. come over.

"Ding..." In the middle of the haste, Tanaka Tosuke held a small black five-story pagoda in his hand.

The red dragon pierced through layers of void, but was blocked in the void by this small tower. The sound of metal and iron clanging was like a dragon chant and a phoenix cry, which shook people's hearts.

Yuansuke Tanaka's body rolled over ten feet in the air before he fell heavily, his feet sinking into the ground several inches deep.

The sword brilliance that seemed to come out of a different dimension was like a shooting star, the brilliance dissipated, and a embarrassed figure left a series of footprints on the ground, and the body stopped several feet away.

"No life..." Yuxizi and the others were overjoyed, but also inexplicably surprised.

Just now they saw with their own eyes that Zhan Wuming was taken into a world by Tanaka Yuansuke, but they didn't expect Zhan Wuming to be so powerful that he broke through the void with his sword and penetrated from this void. Such a terrifying swordsmanship, possessing Such amazing power.

This is the first time even Tanaka Yuansuke has seen such a situation. He never thought that such a situation would appear.On the contrary, Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. She had seen Zhan Wuming's unparalleled swordsmanship when she was outside the Tianmo Canyon. Even the Nether Beast was stripped from the void by Zhan Wuming's sword. It can be seen that Zhan Wuming has mastered the power of space to the extreme. deep layers.

The clothes on Zhan Wuming's body were completely torn and covered his body like strips of cloth. There were traces of blood scabs on his body, which looked like cast of fine copper, and it seemed that they would fall off at any time.I don't know if it was the scar from the fight with Tanaka Yuansuke just now or the injury from that side of the world.

"That baby is not bad..." Zhan Wuming Nitianjian was wrapped around his arm like a snake, looking at the bead in Tanaka Yuansuke's hand, greed flashed in his eyes.

Although that world is much worse than his Heavenly Artifact, it is an out-and-out world, not the so-called magic weapons of space in his hands, even if he has been transformed by the energy of chaos and integrated into it. Many spiritual veins come from the space magic weapons of the slave beast sect, and they can't compare with a world, whether it is the area or the integrity of the law.

Zhan Wuming was swallowed into that side of the world just now, although that side of the world is not a particularly powerful interface, but it is half as big as the small Yuan world, which is still far behind the Great Yuan world.The laws of heaven and earth are not much different from the Xiaoyuanjie, and the world inside must have evolved to the level of the Xiaoyuanjie, but I don’t know why it was refined into a magic weapon later.If he can take this world over, then he can transfer the people from Poyan Continent to this world.

Of course, he would not use a world to fight the enemy. Even if he wanted to use it, he would use the heaven world instead of a world with imperfect rules and laws.

He was able to break through the boundary wall and escape, apart from the fact that one of the worlds was not particularly powerful and the rules and laws in it were not perfect, there was another chance, and this chance was a secret he didn't want others to know.

"You have mastered the law of space. It seems that I really underestimated you!" Yuansuke Tanaka seemed to understand something suddenly. The power of space was felt in the sword intent.Even he was a little afraid of this kind of power.

"His cultivation is still improving!" a fairy king of the dark sky behind Tanaka Yuansuke lost his voice.

At this time, everyone also discovered this problem. Zhan Wuming's aura did not stop there, and was still accelerating. At this time, he was close to the middle-level golden fairy, and the power of gods and demons between heaven and earth rushed out of Zhan Wuming. After that piece of void, it frantically gathered towards him again.

Zhan Wuming has accumulated too much in the Great Immortal Rank. Once he breaks through to the Golden Immortal, he will not have to go through the weak period of the first Golden Immortal like other people. Instead, his cultivation base and realm will continue to improve. Fairy middle class.

Horror flashed across Tanaka's eyes, and in his eyes, Zhan Wuming became unfathomable.In any case, this person must not stay. His ability, talent, and understanding of the laws of space are too heaven-defying. Once he is allowed to grow up, I am afraid that the Son of Light and Darkness will not be his opponent.If I can't take advantage of Zhan Wuming's weakness and get rid of him in one fell swoop, once he breaks through and advances first, then, who will still be his opponent in this battlefield of gods and demons?At that time, this battlefield of gods and demons will become their grave!

(End of this chapter)

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