Chapter 964 Another Breakthrough, Intermediate
Zhan Wuming broke through the first stage of Jinxian in one fell swoop and reached the middle stage, and his aura has not stopped, and he still has enough strength to break through two stages at a time, which makes everyone shocked.

Yuxizi and the others didn't pay much attention to Zhan Wuming, because they knew very well that what happened next was not just Zhan Wuming, but also what they had to face - the anger of the dark sky.It is impossible for them to stay out of it!

Just now, Ryosuke Tanaka has made it clear that if Zhan Wuming hadn't broken through the blockade of one world, Ryosuke Tanaka would have already attacked them at this moment.

Zhan Wuming bought enough time for them, Yuxizi and others will never waste a quarter of an hour.No one noticed any abnormalities in their bodies. From the outside, they were still exhausted, but the power of the spring of life could restore the hidden wounds and vitality in their bodies at an unimaginable speed.At this time, they really felt the effect of the fountain of life.There is another thing that is more powerful than the spring of life, which is the fragments of Maihun.

The spring of life is just the body fluid of the pulse soul, and even the secretions have the effect of the spring of life. The effect of the pulse soul itself is absolutely beyond everyone's imagination.

Even Zhan Wuming didn't expect that he devoured a small piece of Maihun's flesh and blood, which would generate infinite energy in his body. It was this energy that allowed him not only to break through the first stage of the Golden Immortal, but also to break through the middle of the Golden Immortal one after another. There is no sign of stopping after the stage.

This has a lot to do with the accumulation of energy in his body, but it also has a lot to do with the flesh and blood fragments of this vein soul.That was the essence condensed from the flower god's veins. It was not only the spirit of the fairy, but also possessed immeasurable divine power, which filled his body with the power of the wood element in an instant.

No matter what kind of person Zhan Wuming is, Tanaka Yuansuke will not let him live any more.But this time, instead of attacking with his bare hands, he suddenly pressed the bead in his hand into a slot on the top of the pitch-black tower.

Suddenly, a dark brilliance seemed to lift a layer of the sky, instantly dispelling the countless powers of gods and demons that had originally gathered towards Zhan Wuming, forming a gap between him and Zhan Wuming. In a world like a vacuum, the bottom of the small pitch-black tower expanded rapidly, pressing down on Zhan Wuming like a mountain, that dark space was like a trumpet mouth, forming a huge devouring force, once again trying to kill Zhan Wuming Inhale into the body of the tower.

"Dark God Tower!" Someone exclaimed, but it was the Golden Horn Immortal King.

The tower of Yuansuke Tanaka has a great background, and it is a treasure that can cooperate with one world.The pagoda is originally a larger space, but it is not easy to stimulate, but adding that bead is different. It is a world, and in that world is not empty, and countless creatures are fostered, but Tosuke Tanaka is the master of that world.

To really open the Dark God Tower, it is impossible to do it with the power of Tanaka Yuansuke, but if at the cost of sacrificing the creatures in that side of the world, after sacrificing countless creatures in exchange for huge wish power, it can be done in a short time. Time to open the Dark God Tower.

It is said that the Dark God Tower is a divine object that can swallow even space directly. He was once a damaged artifact, and there are also legends that it was an imperial artifact. An ancient magic treasure obtained in the battlefield.

This thing requires a very special bloodline and opportunity to make it recognize its owner, otherwise even the Immortal Emperor would not be able to force it to recognize its owner, which is why even Emperor Antian is jealous of this treasure, but he has no way to ask for it from Tanaka Yuansuke reason.

This thing was once offered to Emperor Antian by Yuansuke Tanaka, but Emperor Antian couldn't make it recognize its owner, that is, he couldn't drive it. After trying many old monsters, only Yuansuke Tanaka could operate it. Therefore, Emperor Antian gave this thing again. It was returned to Yuansuke Tanaka. Although Yuansuke Tanaka's power has been recognized by the Dark God Tower, it is not driven by such a powerful force.The ancestor of the Tanaka family came up with the method of sacrificing hundreds of millions of living beings in one world to drive them away, and then handed over the treasure of that world to Tanaka Yuansuke.

The King of the Golden Horn did not expect that Yuansuke Tanaka would use such a treasure as the Dark God Tower to deal with Zhan Wuming. Once this thing came out, even the immortal would shy away. This is Yuansuke Tanaka's strongest trump card.Because of this treasure, even the Son of Light and Darkness respects Tanaka Yuansuke.

Among the four dark kings, Yuansuke Tanaka is vaguely ranked first, not because Yuansuke Tanaka is stronger than the other dark kings, but because Yuansuke Tanaka owns this terrifying dark tower.

"It's so strong!" Zhan Wuming was also secretly shocked. He found that the time and space power attacked by his Heaven-Defying Sword was swallowed by the huge black hole, and his body was also uncontrollably sucked into it by the Dark God Tower. The endless power of darkness makes this void filled with indescribable decaying power, as if behind the black hole, there is a world where everything is rotten, full of despair and madness.

"Shoot!" Yuxizi and the others took a deep breath, knowing that if Zhan Wuming didn't make a move, they would really be accepted by Tanaka Yuansuke. They absolutely did not doubt the power of the Dark God Tower, Zhan Wuming's The performance is already very good. Once Tanaka Yuansuke is allowed to destroy the Dark God Tower with all his strength, even the Immortal Venerable will not be able to save Zhan Wuming.

"Kill!" Chi Fengxian let out a low cry, her figure suddenly shook, and she turned into a huge fire phoenix in the air. With the sound of the phoenix singing resounding through the sky, countless flames formed into dexterous fire phoenixes in the air. Bird, suddenly rushed to Tanaka Ryosuke.

"Rusuke Tanaka, your opponent is me!" The Immortal King of Golden Horn waved his hand, and a purple-gold mace with shining purple light slammed heavily towards Yuansuke Tanaka like a mountain ridge.

Immortal Chifeng and Immortal King Golden Horn went all out when they made a move, and they didn't dare to hold back against a strong man like Yuansuke Tanaka. There is a chance to save Zhan Wuming.

"You have recovered?" Yuansuke Tanaka was surprised, and the fairy kings of Diablo were also shocked. Just now, they saw that this group of people were at the end of their strength and were still desperately recovering. Now when they make a move, the momentum is strong. It didn't seem to be injured at all.

"Thank you for your wordiness." Yuxizi sneered, and rushed towards the group of fairy kings in Diablo, and Chun Yuanzi and Liu Liangming behind him also shot without hesitation.

Although their state has not returned to the peak state, but they are all late-stage fairy kings, and they are the strongest elites among the several great fairylands. People other than the dark king Yuansuke Tanaka are nothing to worry about, even if the other party is the late stage of the fairy king, they will not be at a disadvantage if they are not in their prime.

This sudden change was beyond Tanaka Yuansuke's expectation.This is impossible. At the beginning they felt that Zhan Wuming and the others' auras would never be false. It should be when they were exhausted. How long did it take for the other party to recover completely? How can there be such a spirit in this world? medicine.

"Boom..." When Yuansuke Tanaka was stunned, the void above his head suddenly split open, and a huge pitch-black claw suddenly protruded out of the void. Before he had time to react, he slapped it the top of his head.

Tosuke Tanaka was horrified, he raised his hand to block the big claw sticking out of the void without hesitation, he felt a sudden violent force that shook his body suddenly, in a hurry, he almost forgot that he was still holding the claw. That dark tower.After a pause, the power of his Dark God Tower was interrupted, and his body was slapped heavily into the ground.

"Ghost Beast..." Tosuke Tanaka whispered. He never expected that there would be a terrifying ghost beast lurking in this void. The timing of the ghost beast's appearance was extremely ingenious. Wuming, and at the moment when he was distracted by the attacks of Chifengxian and Jinjiaoxianwang, he suddenly launched a sneak attack.

You must know that Nether Beast is one of the most mysterious beasts in this battlefield of gods and demons. Its talent for space that comes and goes without a trace and its talent for returning to darkness are almost the best killers in this space, because their Sneak attacks are almost never detected in advance, unless they have some special physique.

Yuansuke Tanaka should have been able to detect the fluctuation of the dark power, but when he destroyed the dark tower with all his strength, the void was already covered by the dark power, and the fluctuation of the dark power on the Nether Beast was insignificant, and it was not enough to alarm him at all. .

What's more, his mind has been attracted by the Scarlet Phoenix Immortal and the Golden Horn Immortal King, so he wouldn't notice anything else. Moreover, he couldn't have imagined that there was such a terrifying thing hidden in this void, and it became a war monster. Lifeless accomplice.

That's why he was hit by the ghost beast's claws, and his body guard was almost smashed apart at once.Based on this power alone, it is obvious that this Nether Beast is not simple, perhaps it is not an ordinary Nether Beast.

Of course, Yuansuke Tanaka didn't have the heart to think about this problem at all. No matter whether this ghost beast was an ordinary ghost beast or not, he had to face it, and he also had to face the full attack of the two people, the Golden Horn Immortal King and the Scarlet Phoenix Immortal. .These are two immortal king peak powerhouses who are not much different from him, and they both have special bloodlines. For a moment, Yuansuke Tanaka was filled with anger and unwillingness.

"Boom..." Although Yuansuke Tanaka blocked the Nether Beast's blow, he failed to avoid the attacks of Red Phoenix Immortal and Golden Horn Immortal King.Originally, the means he planned to deal with these two people were disrupted by the Nether Beast. Under the bombardment of the Nether Beast, the body guards were almost scattered. This is one of the terrible talents of the Nether Beast. The realm of the Immortal King.

"Boom..." The attacks of Chi Fengxian and Jinjiao Immortal King hit Tanaka Yuansuke heavily one after another. Although Tanaka Yuansuke reluctantly used the fairy weapon to block it, but after all, his strength was insufficient, and even the fairy weapon was slapped on him. Although Mianqiang blocked the firebirds of Chi Fengxian, they were directly blasted away by the two terrifying forces.It can be regarded as the Golden Horn Immortal King repaying the revenge of that kick.

"Kill..." The many fairy kings in Diablo didn't hesitate any more, they also understood that they had been fooled by Yuxizi and others, and that the most powerful among them, Ryosuke Tanaka, was almost forced in by the other party. After leaving the Jedi, the two peak fairy kings, plus a strange boy, even secretly ambushed a powerful ghost beast. It was not Tanaka Yuansuke, but any one of them in the late stage of the fairy king. He died when he was hit.

They were also having a hard time seeing Ryosuke Tanaka, and the spurted blood was enough to prove that Ryosuke Tanaka was seriously injured by this blow!
(End of this chapter)

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