Chapter 985

"I want to ask, what kind of news did you get, and then you went to the world of the lava demons?" Zhan Wuming couldn't help asking when he saw that everyone was dull.

"We received news that the lava demons under the Luanhun ditch had the blood of Suzaku, so we went down, but who knew that once we went in, we were discovered by the lava demons within a short distance." Xuanfeng was embarrassed typical.

"We also heard the news about Suzaku's divine blood. It's similar to Gong Huatian's situation. The Lava Demon Race seems to have been prepared, and set up an ambush not far from the Luanhun Ditch. As a result..." Baldy Hu scratched his head. Scratching his bald head, he said helplessly.

"It's almost the same with us. We were ambushed after hearing the news about the Suzaku's divine blood."

Everyone chattered about their experience of being imprisoned in the lava demon clan's fire hell. All the news they got was about Suzaku's divine blood, and as soon as they entered the world of the lava demon clan, they fell into siege. It was too late to even run, and after losing a few fellow disciples, the rest were all imprisoned in the Hell of Fire and became the sacrifices of the lava demon clan this time.If it wasn't for the unexpected appearance of Zhan Wuming, I'm afraid they would have all beheaded and become sacrifices to the Vulcan Lake at this moment.

When everyone talked about the experience of entering the world of the lava demons, the faces of the people became uglier and uglier. No need to be reminded by others, they understood that there was really a problem. As if they had entered a trap set by others, the lava demons were waiting for their sacrifices to go.

The lava demons have never been a scheming race. Although they belong to the abyss demons, they have a very complete class and are not as evil as other demons. The creatures bred are not monsters infected by the devilish energy of the world.

But the lava demons seem to have expected them to enter this lava world this time, and they even seem to know the route they entered, which is unbelievable. If the news tempts them to enter, they really will not believe it, because it is impossible for the immortal cultivators to believe the words of the demon family, and their news is obtained quietly from other fairylands.

"We got the news from a fairy king in Diablo." Hu Baldzi thought for a while.

"We got the news from a group of people from Chengluntian!"

People from all the major fairylands reported the channels they got the news from. Not everyone is the same, but the most important sources of news seem to be mostly from the two fairylands of Diablo and Chengluntian, as well as from Buddha Tianfaru. The news they knew, while others got the news from this group of people who were caught in the hell of the lava demons... The sources of the news are different.

"It doesn't make much sense to pursue the source of the news now. Whether you entered the lava world of the lava demon clan or you entered the battlefield of gods and demons to compete for the so-called Tongtian Shenzang, there are hands pushing you forward. Let me tell you a News, we found a world of the origin of wood under the flower god hill, which is similar to the lava world of the lava demons, which is completely the origin of fire. Many people also heard the news that there is a flower god bone in it, so they entered it, But almost all of them died inside, because the whole world under the Flower God Hill is a huge living being, but the existence of that living being is a place to suppress an ancient demon sacrifice that was buried under the Flower God's World." Yuxizi But very serious.

"The place of the Primordial Demon Festival?"

"Flower God World?" Yuxizi's heavy tone made everyone astonished, but it also set off a huge wave in their hearts. They still couldn't imagine that the Flower God World under the Flower God Hill was actually a living creature. .And there is actually a place of ancient magic sacrifice sealed underneath.

What does that mean?One of the flower god world and the lava world represents the origin of wood, and the other represents the origin of fire. Then, under the world of wood, there is a place of ancient magic sacrifices sealed. Will there be a similar seal under the world of lava?Under the Vulcan Lake, there is a mythical beast that has existed since ancient times. It is definitely a super existence. So what is the connection between these two places?

"Do you know why there is a piece of moss growing outside this gourd valley?" Chi Fengxian asked those people again.

Everyone couldn't help shaking their heads. They had seen this change, but strange things might happen every day in this battlefield of gods and demons, and they didn't think that there would be some secrets in this matter.

"That is an insect beast that is probably already an emperor, and it is a clone of the creature in the flower god world. After we learned the secret of the ancient magic sacrifice place, the flower god world chased after us furiously. Maybe we are the only ones. The person who escaped from the world of the flower god, but the emperor-level clone chased all the way to the gourd valley, but it alarmed a terrifying existence in the bottom of the gourd valley, and as a result, the emperor-level clone exploded into pieces , the moss on the ground is the flesh and blood of that insect." The Golden Horn Immortal King said with lingering fear.

The words of the Golden Horn Immortal King made everyone feel terrified, and even felt unreal. An emperor-level insect beast is just a clone of the underground flower god world. So, what is the underground flower god world? What kind of creature is it?A living being is a world, how big is that?

Another message told them that an emperor-level insect beast was directly exploded into pieces by a more terrifying creature underground in the Gourd Valley, and its flesh and blood spread all over the ground.Then... they found that their brains were short-circuited.

Originally, they thought that these should be far away from them. Even if they encountered some beasts of the Immortal Emperor rank in this battlefield of gods and demons, or even million-year-old virtual beasts, that was already the greatest danger they encountered. , but what they encountered and heard now was far beyond their imagination. What they faced was a powerful and terrifying existence of the imperial rank.

In the world of the lava demons, they saw a large number of immortal emperor ranks, and priests of the immortal rank and lava demon emperors appeared. They simply don't know.

"Then why do you still bring us to this gourd valley? And you still have to wait here?" Someone couldn't help but worry.

Zhan Wuming scanned the crowd, the expressions of those people were different, and some people even knelt down and dug a handful of moss to study it. They were amazed by the life in the moss. The vitality contained in it is as powerful as a big tree.Some people believed the words just now, but if this is really the minced meat of the corpse of the emperor-rank insect beast, then it means that there is really a terrifying existence under this gourd valley, then they are equivalent to In the most dangerous place.

"In the eyes of existence at that level, we are just little ants. Have you seen anyone who kills a few ants so boringly? Therefore, we are the safest here, because no matter what Insects and beasts are still the fights, in the eyes of that terrifying existence, they are all worthy targets. Once the emperor-level existence appears here, it will inevitably cause the terrorist existence to fight back. more opportunities.

Otherwise, at our speed, unless we run hundreds of thousands of miles in one breath, we may escape from the pursuit range of Shenshou Huo Dou, but if that's the case, I'm afraid you are reluctant to leave! "Zhan Wuming couldn't help but smiled lightly.

Everyone was stunned, and laughed at themselves. What Zhan Wuming said was quite reasonable. After all, this Calabash Valley has always been the safest place for them to rest. In the depths of the endless battle ruins, there is such a place A safe place is not easy. There has been no attack for so many years. I am afraid that it is really that horrible existence. When they are like ants, those crocodiles attack some attractive food, and for flies and mosquitoes Things like ants and ants have always just turned a blind eye and closed their eyes, and they simply don't bother to pay attention to them, because they are not worth the shot.

"Did Brother Zhan discover some secrets from these questions?" Pifa Toutuo stepped forward, looked at Zhan Wuming seriously and asked solemnly.

"Yes, it is precisely because of these things that I have some guesses. In my guesses, whether it is the Flower God World under the Flower God Hill, the terrifying existence under the Calabash Valley, or the lava world They are all part of the entire Tongtian Shenzang.

The Flower God World is the origin of wood, and the lava world is the origin of fire, but this Gourd Valley belongs to the origin of wind. Under the Flower God World, there is an ancient magic sacrifice place sealed away, and in the Lava World, there is also such a terrifying power as Huo Dou. Although we haven't seen what they seal, there must be a sealing place inside.Therefore, my guess is that whether it is wood, fire, or wind, they may share a special mission, that is, Tongtian Shenzang. "Zhan Wuming said decisively.

"Yes, many people should have heard the legend about the Tongtian Shenzang and the Tongshen Altar. Some people say that the Tongtian Shenzang may be related to the Tongshen Altar. It is a transmission channel that can connect the gods. The portal between the demon world and the god world, when the demon god sacrificed hundreds of millions of souls to Chaos, he opened this altar, and found the place of demon sacrifice under the flower god world, then, Tongtian Shenzang may really be The location of the altar of the gods. It's just that in the ancient times, such an altar was sealed in the depths of the battlefield of gods and demons by the gods. If you want to open this altar, you not only need to destroy the seal For the eyes of the formation, it is even more necessary to use the blood of all spirits to sacrifice, so that it is possible to reopen the door to the gods." Yuxizi immediately added.

"That's right, we have indeed heard that this Tongtian Shenzang seems to be related to the Tongshen Altar..." Someone immediately echoed.

"So, this is a conspiracy, a horrific conspiracy!" Suddenly, among the group of people who escaped from the lava world, someone suddenly murmured to himself.

"Huangfuqi, what did you say?" Hu Baldzi couldn't help being startled.

"If there is really an altar to the gods, then it can only be reopened by offering sacrifices of the blood of all spirits, and countless geniuses in our nearly hundred immortal realms gather here, and every family and every sect can almost If it represents the most complete and purest blood in the entire fairy world, then the so-called blood of all spirits probably needs the blood in our bodies!" Huangfuqi said with a very ugly expression.

When everyone heard Huangfuqi's words, they all felt cold sweat on their backs. What Huangfuqi said was indeed true. The gathering of many geniuses in the fairyland could definitely represent the most complete bloodline in the entire fairyland. Then, if you use The blood of so many of them may really be able to reopen the door to the gods.

The behind-the-scenes people who sent the news to the great fairylands in a short period of time probably hoped to obtain the blood of the geniuses of the great fairylands. Dangerously taking away one life after another, absorbing the power of various bloodlines.

Thinking of this, everyone no longer has the slightest desire for the so-called Tongtian Shenzang.

(End of this chapter)

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