Chapter 986
Zhan Wuming didn't hide his guess. He also marked the topographic map near Tongtian Shenzang and the coordinates of some dangerous places, which naturally included Huashen Basin, Calabash Valley and Luanhun Valley.

When everyone saw that the coordinates of the dangerous places on the map were connected in series to form a weird pattern, and each point represented the power of an elemental origin, even if they had absolute confidence in the Tongtian God in their hearts, At this moment, I couldn't help being shaken.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that the four sides of the Tongtian Shenzang are covered with dangerous places with the origin of various elements, and many people have heard of these places, some of which are like gourd valleys. It is very safe, but it is undeniable that that place, like Calabash Valley, shows a strong single-element source power.It's just that these places are distributed in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. If someone hadn't deliberately connected them with marking lines, it would be really difficult to find the problem.

Except for the vacancy where the source of light exists, almost all the sources of power of the other elements are complete. There are terrifying things in the sources of the three known elements, for example, only a ray of split body can be compared The origin of the wood of the emperor rank, or just a burst of inexplicable movement, caused the pulsation of the earth to make the insect beast of the emperor rank explode into countless fragments of the origin of the wind. As for the divine beast, they have also experienced it personally Coercion is definitely what they look up to.

They can be sure that those fierce places and some places they think are like Gourd Valley must have the same horrible existence as this Gourd Valley.So what will be in the Tongtian Shenzang that is guarded by them?

They don't need to think too much about it, and they know that the risks they are facing are definitely not what they can bear.Just like what Zhan Wuming, Yuxizi and others said, this so-called Tongtian Shenzang is probably just a huge trap, a conspiracy that reaches the sky.

It has been three days since Xuan Kuang rushed to Calabash Valley, and then several people rushed over one after another, but all of them have advanced to the level of Immortal Emperor. Breaking through to the middle level of the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop, but their aura seems to be vain, and it seems that they have not yet been consolidated.

Seeing Xuan Kuang return safely to Xuan Fang, Xuan Gang and others heaved a long sigh of relief.

Xuan Kuang was stunned when he saw that Zhan Wuming and others brought all the people from the various immortal realms together here, and the other few who escaped also successfully survived the tribulation and were promoted to the rank of Immortal Sovereign. There was nothing unexpected together, and it can be regarded as knowing the hero who rescued them from the lava world. After all, they owe Zhan Wuming a big favor.

"Senior Brother Xuan Kuang, what should we do next?" Xuan Gang was very excited about Xuan Kuang's safe return. Naturally, someone told them about Zhan Wuming's analysis. The expressions of several people were very ugly, and they escaped from death , but did not expect it to be a huge scam, or it is not a scam, but a task that is simply unbearable with their abilities. This time, they almost lost their lives in this lava world. A good illustration.

"We need to get out of here as soon as possible. This Heavenly God is hidden in the depths of the Endless Battle Ruins. We have broken through to the Immortal King rank. Wherever we pass, we will definitely attract the attention of powerful beasts. It will be even more dangerous for you to follow me!" Xuan Kuang scanned the crowd and said with a wry smile.

Almost everyone knows very well that once they break through to the Immortal Emperor, more fierce beasts will inevitably be stimulated in this battlefield of gods and demons, and they will become the targets of some powerful fierce beasts, and Xuan Gang and others will definitely follow them Encountered a powerful block.

"Brother Zhan, you are welcome to visit our Miaoxuan Immortal Realm when you have time. If it weren't for you, sister, I would really be lost in this lava world this time." Here, like Xuan Kuang, she encountered great obstacles along the way, but she still arrived here safely.

Those ferocious beasts that had been chasing them closely did not dare to go deep into this area after entering this area. Originally, he didn't know why, but now she understood, because outside this calabash valley, the emperor The terrifying aura left by the corpse of the worm beast deterred those beasts, and they did not dare to pursue them at all.

"If my guess comes true, we are all pawns being calculated by others. It will be my greatest help to keep everyone alive. At least, we have a common enemy." Zhan Wuming said with a faint smile.

"The conclusion drawn by Brother Zhan, I will definitely bring it back to the Miaoxuan Immortal Realm, and I will try my best to find out who is behind this scene, and I will definitely not make it easy for those mice hiding behind!" Du Xiuniang said ruthlessly.

"Whether we can escape back is still a big question!" At this moment, a figure flashed over.

"Mei Qi..." Everyone couldn't help being startled, and immediately saw clearly that the rushing figure was the first robber to rush out from the Luanhun ditch, Mei Qi from the Luozong of Huangjia Tianzhu.

"Unexpectedly, you can come back alive!" Xuan Kuang saw the person coming, and a smile appeared on his face. This Mei Qi is not an annoying guy. Huangjiatian has always been neutral, and Zhu Luozong is Huangjiatian The imperial clan with very strong power has a good relationship with Gong Huatian's imperial clan, so the relationship between Mei Qi and Xuan Kuang is not bad.

"You can come back alive, so naturally I, Mei Qi, can't die, but I'm afraid our good luck is coming to an end soon." Mei Qi smiled wryly.

"Mei Qi, what do you mean?" Du Xiuniang asked in surprise, obviously, she was a little confused by Mei Qi's words.The good luck was coming to an end, which immediately cast a shadow over her heart.

"I came here just to tell you to leave quickly, the sooner the better, didn't you find that your whereabouts had been leaked when you two came here? With that ghostly look, they will let you go without a word, right?" Mei Qi looked at Xuan Kuang and Du Xiuniang angrily, a little speechless.

Du Xiuniang and Xuan Kuang's expressions changed drastically. They avoided those beasts along the way, but they didn't expect the matter of the lava demon clan.

This time it really did harm to the lava demon clan, and the whole lava world seemed to be destroyed under the ravages of that terrifying beast.

At the last moment, a huge change occurred in the lava world of the lava demon clan. The endless magma completely submerged the whole world, and crazy lava erupted from the chaotic soul ditch.

Obviously, the lava world seems to have a certain lava eruption port that was completely opened, just like a huge sea eye. The lava world under the Luanhun ditch was originally half of lava, and there were many islands. There is still a huge space between it and Luanhungou.

But when what seemed to be the sea eye was opened, endless magma gushed out, directly causing the sea level of the lava sea to rise hundreds of feet, directly submerging some islands, and even the Vulcan Island completely disappeared.

It almost destroyed the foundation of the existence of the entire lava demon clan. If it were him, he would never let go of that group of destructive enemies!

The enemy is none other than a group of immortal cultivators who survived the catastrophe in the lava world. Of course, there is also that terrifying beast, but it is completely impossible to expect the lava demons to deal with that terrifying beast. Treat it as a snack and become the ration of that fierce beast.

However, Xuan Kuang and the others did not recognize that what they thought was a terrifying beast was actually a divine beast.

There are not many people who can know Fudou in the fairy world. After all, it belongs to ancient myths and legends. Gods, beasts and gods entered the battlefield of demon gods together, and there are not many specific classics left.

The reason why Zhan Wuming can recognize the existence of Fudou at a glance is because he has the blood of Kunpeng. In the space of Fengshen's heart, his Kunpeng blood has been sublimated and opened up the memory of many blood inheritance. Therefore, he is watching The moment he came to Fudou, he seemed to have opened up a certain deep-buried memory, so he understood the horror of Fudou.

"Let's leave quickly!" Xuan Kuang and Du Xiuniang said with a change of expression.All of a sudden, everyone panicked.

"If we escape at this time, how many people do you think can escape with their lives?" Just when everyone was about to move, Zhan Wuming asked Mei Qi.

Mei Qi, Xuan Kuang and the others couldn't help being startled.When he heard the news just now, he was indeed flustered a little bit more. They knew that the lava demon clan was not easy to deal with, and their strength was very strong, but when Zhan Wuming asked, they had no idea.

"At least it's better than us sitting here and waiting to die!" A fairy king in Xianhaiyu interjected in the later stage.

"Who says you're just sitting here waiting to die? Is it you?" Zhan Wuming turned cold and stared at the Immortal King disdainfully. He quickly thought that he was a late-stage Immortal King, and Zhan Wuming was only a mid-level Golden Immortal. The difference in cultivation between the two was huge, so he couldn't help puffing out his chest again.

When he was about to speak, Ao Xin reprimanded him: "Ao Fang, listen to Brother Zhan and finish speaking!"

"I know that there may be a priest among their pursuers. Although that priest has just passed through the catastrophe and is a little weak, he is at least a strong person of the immortal rank. If we escape, maybe some people will be able to escape." You can leave alive." Mei Qi took a deep breath and said calmly.

He was still very confident in his ability to escape.In terms of personal combat power, he is not much different from Du Xiuniang or even Xuan Kuang, but when it comes to speed, he is faster than the two of them. Because of this, he intends to risk his life to inform a few people, and He also arrived here a little earlier than the other party.

The faces of Xuan Kuang, Du Xiuniang and others became a little ugly. The meaning of Mei Qi's words is obvious. I am afraid that most people will only have a dead end. He has advanced to the rank of Immortal Emperor, and perhaps he has an advantage over others in running for his life. But it will also become the main target of the opponent. They know Mei Qi's speed, and because of this, when Mei Qi escaped from the lava world, she also rushed out of the chaotic soul ditch one step earlier than them.

No one here is a fool. Mei Qi's words made them very clear that most of them, whether they are in the later stage or early stage, will be buried here. As for who will be lucky enough to survive, no one can tell. , which made them feel a little more sad.

"They are following our whereabouts, even if it is because we lured him here, then let us lure them away, you go!" Xuan Kuang took a deep breath, made a decision, and said in a deep voice .

"Count me in, I, Ao Xin, am not a coward!" Ao Xin laughed loudly, and stepped forward.

"You guys, I risked my life to inform you that I didn't want you to go all out!" Mei Qi cursed angrily.

"Fortunately, you people can still cultivate to the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor. If you think of death before fighting, you are blind to your abilities. There is nothing terrible about death. Since most people may die here if they run away, then, we You can choose another way, that is to kill those chasing soldiers, and we will live on. What's wrong with the lava demon clan, it's not the undead demon clan!" Zhan Wuming glanced at the crowd, and cursed angrily.

"That's right, what's so great about the rank of Immortal Venerable, the Zhun Emperor and we killed both of them." The Golden Horn Immortal King said proudly, puffing out his chest.

As soon as Immortal King Jinjiao said these words, Xuan Kuang, Mei Qi and the others were all stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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