Chapter 1151 Skeleton Knight!

A scene that horrified everyone appeared. They actually saw Yang Tian rushing past in such an imposing manner, and now he chose in the middle of the air. Immediately after, a crack appeared on his forehead, and then the constant eyes extended from the bridge of his nose. go down.

Yang Tian's body split into two halves and fell to the ground. The flesh and blood inside is still blurred, and his pupils are still wide open, looking extremely ferocious at this moment.

Liu Kang just glanced at it and immediately vomited. This scene was really bloody.

The Gaudí family had never seen such a picture before, their faces were pale and their stomachs felt uncomfortable!
There were also children present, and the adults next to them immediately covered their eyes with their hands.

Even Saul, the patriarch of the Gaudí family, panicked at this time, his heart was beating wildly.

On the scene, only Tang Zhong was indifferent and put away his sword.

Liu Kang vomited for a while, then yelled directly at Tang Zhong: "Tang Zhong, you actually killed Yang Tian, ​​you are dead, fighting is forbidden in the Galaxy God Guard, you are finished, Brother Yang is a genius of Water Guard Character, Shuiwei will never let you go!"

Tang Zhong looked indifferently: "You don't need to let it go!"

Ever since he entered this universe, the ten flame dragon soldiers told him that in the universe, the most powerful thing is not the rules, but the strength. When you are strong, you will find those rules and regulations on you. , like a fake glance.

Moreover, this Yang Tian was sent by Huang Xiang, so he must die. Tang Zhong will never forget the humiliation of that day.

Tang Zhong's plain performance made Liu Kang angry: "You actually despise the rules of the Galaxy God Guard, just wait, I will report back what happened here now!"

Tang Zhong remained calm: "If you want to die, I think you can do it!"

The indifferent voice fell into Liu Kang's ears. His whole heart was trembling, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead. He had an intuition that the person in front of him would definitely dare to do such a thing. He should shut up now and wait until he returns. Expose Tang Zhong's personal behavior.

The two people of Juwei and Huowei didn't say a word, their hearts were also shaking, it was really terrible!

Seeing that they didn't speak, Tang Zhong smiled, turned to look at Sol and said, "The demons in your farm have been completely cleaned up, don't worry anymore!"

Sol was stunned, he really couldn't regard the person in front of him as the same person as the killing god just now, but he obviously had no malice, and said: "Thank you benefactor, our farm has been troubled by those devils for a long time, and it was you who showed up to help Thank you so much!"

After Saul finished speaking, he knelt directly on the ground.

The Gaudi family members behind them also knelt down with their elders and children.

"Get up quickly, we are the Galaxy Guardians, you were the ones who invited us, and this is what we should do!" Tang Zhong said.

" are different from those Galactic Guardians!" Sol said.

Tang Zhong smiled and didn't speak any more. No matter what kind of compliment it is, he just listens to it now!
Such a task is only a small episode.

But what Tang Zhong said made the female soldier of Fire Guards next to him slightly taken aback. Originally, the female soldier didn't say a word along the way, but at this moment, she walked towards Tang Zhong and stretched out her hand: "My name is Jiang Shuiyao, hello!"

"Hello, my name is Tang Zhong." Tang Zhong also responded.

When Liu Kang heard the name Jiang Shuiyao, his pupils widened: "You are the beautiful genius of Phobos, I rely on..."

I remembered that in the Galaxy Guardian assessment half a year ago, a person named Jiang Shuiyao challenged everyone to become the No.1, so it turned out to be her!
I heard that it was the beautiful soldier of Huowei, and the things she used were very valuable. At the beginning, a portrait sold more than 1 blue crystal coins. Liu Kang also admired it very much. At this moment, he really met a real person.

Tang Zhong didn't know who Jiang Shuiyao was, but if the other party shook hands, he must be polite.

"Go back this time and double cultivate with me!" Suddenly, Jiang Shuiyao said, her face was very cold, if she wasn't wearing a fiery red armor, she would really be like an iceberg.

Liu Kang on the side was dumbfounded. Dual cultivation is something between men and women. It doesn’t mean that men and women do that kind of thing, but two people often practice together. There is a strong possibility of becoming a partner.

But who is Jiang Shuiyao?She is the goddess that the whole Phobos is chasing after, but she actually chooses Tang Zhong as her partner for dual cultivation!

When Tang Zhong heard Jiang Shuiyao's words, he refused directly: "No need!"

The reason why he refused was because there were too many secrets in his body that could not be discovered by others.

"I actually refused!" Liu Kang couldn't believe the truth. Such a beautiful woman wanted to double cultivate with you, but she was rejected. Liu Kang would never do it in his place.

Even Jiang Shuiyao was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Forget it!"

Sol on the side didn't care what happened between these men and women, now that the disaster in the starry sky farm has been eliminated, he took out the prepared gift and gave it to Tang Zhong: "Here are some gifts for some warriors! "

"We don't need these things, take them back!" Tang Zhong waved his hand.

"No, it's all ordinary starry sky mutton jerky, we made it ourselves, it tastes very delicious!" Sol said.

As soon as he spoke, the communication device suddenly rang, and a breeder from his own family appeared on it, why did he suddenly call him?Didn't you say that you should not fight if there is no urgent matter?
He still reached out to take it!
Immediately, several beast roars came from the communicator.

Sol trembled all over his body, something must have happened, he quickly shouted: "Patriarch, outside the starry sky farm, people from an unknown organization came... They are killing people!"

But at this moment, on the outskirts of the starry sky farm, there was another scene of killing people.

People who can see the Gaudi family are being killed constantly!
And the people who killed them were a group of knights. These knights were riding skeleton and bone horses. The knights were wearing black armor, holding broken swords in their hands, and there was a black aura blooming all over their bodies.

They kill anyone they see!

In the center, there is a person who looks like a leader.

The surrounding knights came to his side: "Commander, all the sharp-toothed demons we raised here have been killed!"

The leader's face was very ugly when he heard the knight's words.Then he roared wildly and gave an order: "Those demons are all demons raised by the Skeleton King. Now they are all dead. How can we deal with the Skeleton King? Kill me and kill all the people in this farm!" !"

(End of this chapter)

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