Chapter 1152 Hell Skeleton Soldier!
In the Gaudi family hall.

After Sol answered the phone, his face was extremely ugly, and he turned to look at Tang Zhong: "Several, it's not good, the devil hasn't died yet!"

Tang Zhong could see that Sol was very worried: "What happened?"

"Someone is killing people!" Saul said anxiously.

"Let's go and have a look!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he went directly to the door, it was really strange, obviously all the demons were killed, Tang Zhong absolutely believed in the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers!

The whole person turned on the flight function of the armor, and the flying ability like Iron Man reappeared, flying forward like a rocket.

Then Liu Kang and others followed behind him.

Tang Zhong felt that what appeared now was definitely not a demon, so he summoned ten dragon soldiers.

"What's wrong?" The voice of Shidaoyan Longbing came out.

"The demons have been killed, so who is the person who appears now?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Let me see!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said, and soon his voice changed: "It's a group of creatures close to the stars!"

Tang Zhong frowned. Before that, it was clear that those people existed, and they should have just arrived.

"Be careful!" Tang Zhong turned his head and reminded Liu Kang and others that he had hatred with Yang Tian, ​​but he had no hatred with these people.

Everyone else nodded their heads!

I saw four people flying towards the edge of the starry sky farm together.

Immediately there was a strong smell of blood.

"Those people are in front now!" Shidao Yanlongbing suddenly reminded.

Tang Zhong stopped, and he waved his hand to make others stop too.

Liu Kang and the others are just rookies. They were not afraid just now, but now they have started to tremble.

"What happened here? It doesn't feel like a devil, why don't we go back!" Liu Kang said.

But no one takes him seriously!

Tang Zhong was walking forward at this moment. Suddenly, a member of the Gaudí family ran towards them in horror from a distance. When he saw them, he waved for help: "Help me, save me!"

The whole person looked as if he had seen something very scary.

"Don't be afraid, we are here!" Tang Zhong shouted at the man.

But in the next second, a skeleton man riding a horse rushed out from behind that person, slashed at that person with a machete in his hand, split his body in half, and blood gushed out.

Those bloody scenes are really hard for people to adapt to.

Then Tang Zhong and the others saw the skeleton man riding a horse.

Not surprisingly, these are the people who came here to fight!
At this moment, the skeleton man on horseback came over, and his eyes fell on Tang Zhong and the others.

"It's actually a member of the Galaxy Guardian. It seems that the death of the demon we raised is also your part!"

Tang Zhong didn't know where these people came from, but Liu Kang next to him was shocked and said: "Hell skeleton soldiers, it's them, I...I want to leave here!"

Hearing Liu Kang's words, the skeleton man on horseback laughed and said, "You can recognize our hell skeleton soldiers, but you will die soon!"

Liu Kang turned around and ran: "Go, we are not their opponents!"

But before he left, he was caught by Tang Zhong. He didn't know what hell skeleton soldiers were?
"You know what a hell skeleton soldier is!"

"I don't know!" Liu Kang said in horror: "You let me go, or we will all die!"

"Say!" Tang Zhong said.

"I said, I said, the hell skeleton soldiers are a dark organization. They commit crimes all over the galaxy and have long been on the wanted list of the galaxy guards. We are all new recruits, and it is impossible to be their opponents. Let's run away !” Liu Kang said in horror.

The skeleton man on horseback immediately laughed when he heard Liu Kang's words: "This is wrong, our hell skeleton soldiers are not some dark organization, I am very unhappy when you say that, since you are the Galaxy Guardians Then the death of those demons we kept in captivity has a lot to do with you, then, you all have to die!"

Hearing Liu Kang's words, Tang Zhong almost understood now, he turned to look at the skeleton soldier on horseback.

Jiang Shuiyao, who was next to him, also stepped forward and said, "I know what this hell skeleton soldier is. In the mission hall of our outer guard, there is a mission to destroy these hell skeleton soldiers, but that is an A-level mission!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the two soldiers of Liu Kang and Muwei trembled even more. It was a task that even the captains might not be able to complete. Letting rookies like them do it was no different from courting death.

"I want to get out of here!" Liu Kang shouted.

Instead, Tang Zhong looked at Jiang Shuiyao and said, "Is there any reward for killing these people?"

Jiang Shuiyao looked at Tang Zhong, was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Yes..."

"Then kill them!" Tang Zhong said coldly, his words were full of confidence!

Jiang Shuiyao was even more taken aback.

Liu Kang and the wooden guard soldiers looked at Tang Zhong as if they were fools: "If I want to kill you, I'll go!"

This time, Tang Zhong didn't stop him, and saw two people directly activate the fire-breathing device on the battle armor, and they went away soon!

Seeing Liu Kang and the two leaving, the hell skeleton soldier directly took out a gun, which was an electromagnetic gun, then aimed at the two of them, and shot them out with one shot.

With a bang, a huge ball of light flew out!

But Tang Zhong blocked it with his sword: "Your opponent is me!"

If fighting these hell skeleton soldiers can achieve good results, then he is willing, because he does not have much time, and he will not lose any chance to become stronger.

The hell skeleton soldier was obviously furious, and blue flames erupted from his pupils, looking extremely ferocious: "Looking for death!"

Seeing the long knife in hand, he galloped towards Tang Zhong on horseback.

Tang Zhong took out the sword in his hand, but at the same time said to Jiang Shuiyao beside him: "If you are afraid, you can leave now!"

"I'm not afraid, those demons are too easy to kill, and you can find pleasure in fighting these people!" Jiang Shuiyao said, and at the same time took out a pair of knives in his hand, and there was a flame mark on the blade.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, looked at the demons in front of him, and rushed out directly, his whole body was full of killing intent, killing those demons, he didn't have any improvement at all!

The cavalry galloped over and roared at Tang Zhong: "Recruit, I like the blood of you righteous men of the galaxy the most, and I can't wait to eat your flesh and blood now!"

"I think I prefer to kick your head like a football!" Tang Zhong said unceremoniously, and then chopped off the cavalryman with a sword!
(End of this chapter)

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