Chapter 1153 Internal guard!

Holding a long sword in his hand, Tang Zhong slashed at the cavalry and killed them!
The cavalry also waved the knife in his hand, and there was an evil spirit on his skull face!
Immediately, the swords slashed together, and sparks burst out.

The cavalryman obviously didn't expect such a result, and his face was slightly ugly: "Recruit, you can actually block my attack. It seems that you are not an ordinary recruit, but a genius of the Galaxy Guardian. Haha, you can kill a genius. I, Caro, are already excited.!"

The ghost knife in his hand slashed towards Tang Zhong.

"I'm afraid you are not qualified!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

Then a sword stabbed out!
"Be careful, he is at the ninth level of planetary rank!" The ten flame dragon soldiers reminded.

"Then can I beat him?" Tang Zhong asked.


"Then there's no need to say anything!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The tip of the sword and the blade of the ghost knife were in the middle, and the violent energy exploded in an instant.

Push Tang Zhong and the cavalry back.

"Let's go together!" Jiang Shuiyao said!
Don nodded his head.

Holding a long sword in his hand, he swept it towards the cavalryman.

"You attack him, I'll kill his horse. The weakness of these hell skeleton soldiers is horses. Without horses, they are just like trash!" Jiang Shuiyao held two knives, bent over like an assassin, and the sword in her hand The weapon was unusual, and now it was burning with flames.

"Okay!" Tang nodded his head.

He seriously swept his sword towards the cavalryman!

Slashing the ghosts and gods, powerful ghosts and gods burst out towards the front.

When the cavalryman felt Tang Zhong's attack, he obviously didn't expect it, his face was very ugly, and he quickly raised the knife in his hand to resist.

With a bang, the swords slashed together again, and the cavalryman's hands began to go numb.

"This can't be the ability that a meteorite star can erupt!"

The next second, the cavalry was attacked secretly, and Jiang Shuiyao had jumped to the side of the skeleton horse of the cavalry at some point, took out the double knives in his hand, burning with heavy flames, and cut at the leg of the skeleton horse!
Click click!

He heard the skeleton horse stand up after death, black smoke billowed from the broken leg, and the cavalry fell to the ground with a bang.

"Now!" Jiang Shuiyao yelled at Tang Zhong after killing the horse.

Tang Zhong knew what to do, he held a sword and slashed in the air, taking advantage of the fact that the cavalry had no strength to fight back!

In an instant, with a click, the sword passed over the cavalryman's head, and with a bang, his entire body was blasted apart.

But at this moment, before the cavalry died, they took out a flare from nowhere and flew directly into the air, where a huge skull appeared in the sky.

"What... what is this?" Tang Zhong asked with a glance.

"That... that's the summoning signal for the hell skeleton soldiers. Too bad, I don't know how many hell skeleton soldiers are around here. If there are too many, we will really be in trouble!" Jiang Shuiyao said.

"It's okay, let's go first!" Tang Zhong said.

Around this starry sky farm, there are many hell skull soldiers. They are slaughtering the creatures and those people raised in captivity in the farm. The demons they finally raised here have a great effect, but all of them are dead.

But as the huge skull in the sky burst into light.

All the members of the hell skull soldiers saw it, and immediately frowned.

"Damn it, there are still people who hurt members of my Asura Legion, I won't let them go!" One of them, who looked like the boss, said coldly.

They are just one of the Hell Skeleton Soldier Legion, named Shura Legion!

Now they are all heading towards the place where the skeleton flames appear. The skeleton horses under their feet are very powerful means of transportation, and the speed is very fast!

Before Tang Zhong and Jiang Shuiyao had gone very far, they saw the army of hell skeleton soldiers galloping over from a distance. They counted the number, and there were almost hundreds of them, and each of them had planet-level strength. No grass grows anywhere!

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong grabbed Jiang Shuiyao's hand, ready to escape from here.

Immediately, the battle armors on the two of them began to erupt with flames, and they flew towards the distance.

These members of the hell skeleton soldiers must have discovered the two of them, so now they will lure these people away. After all, there are so many people from the Gaudi family, they are just ordinary people, and it would be bad if they died.

"Hell skeleton soldiers have appeared here, we must report to the higher authorities!" Jiang Shuiyao said.

Tang Zhong nodded, and then took out the communication equipment. Every battle armor has a communication equipment, which can directly connect to his own commander. For example, Tang Zhong can now contact the commander of the Earth Guard.

"Damn...there is no signal!" Tang Chong cursed angrily.

This kind of communication device is only researched by the Galaxy Guardian, so it has many flaws!
"Mine too!" Jiang Shuiyao sighed after glancing at her communication device.

"Go first!" Tang Zhong said.

The two flew towards the distance, and they didn't know where they could go. Anyway, let's leave now.

A large group of hell skeleton soldiers followed behind.

"It must be two people who killed our people, catch up with them, and kill them!" the head of the Shura officer ordered.


They directly drove the skeleton horse under their seats, and flew into the air directly. The horse could walk in the air and quickly followed behind.

The universe ahead is getting darker and darker. Tang Zhong feels colder and colder. Looking from a distance, it is very barren!

"This should be the northern edge of the Milky Way. If you go further north, you may be in the dark universe!" Jiang Shuiyao glanced at the front and said.

"Dark universe..." Tang Zhong frowned: "Isn't it true that the dark universe can only enter the universe mercenary center?"

"No, the dark universe has not been reclaimed. It has many entrances, but there is a fixed entrance at the center of the universe mercenaries, and that entrance can allow many people to enter at the same time. Over time, everyone will feel that the dark universe is only It's just an entrance, it seems that although you are a meteor star, you still know a lot, have you been to the Cosmic Mercenary Center?" Jiang Shuiyao asked.

"I... haven't been there!" Tang Zhong said, thinking that the dark universe is like this, but it would be better to enter the dark universe again than to stay here.

"Oh, just wait, my aunt works in the Cosmic Mercenary Center, and when I enter the inner guard of the Galaxy God Guard, I will become a mercenary. You are not strong enough, but you have great experience. Let's work together then! "Jiang Shuiyao said.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong replied, he would not tell Jiang Shuiyao that he had cleared the Dark Universe of the Milky Way Galaxy, but when he heard the inner guard, he immediately asked: "Then what is the inner guard?"

(End of this chapter)

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