Chapter 1221 The Devil's Finger!
In the mission hall, the announcer of that mission hall was completely dumbfounded, never expecting this to be the case.

In the state of completing all of them, even if Tang Zhong enters the clone state, he may not be able to complete so many tasks now.

But the task has been completed, no matter what method the other party uses, he doesn't care about his business.

But this matter has to be reported to the top.

The publisher quickly made a phone call!
"Lord Lu, something strange has happened here, come and have a look!"

After a while, a middle-aged man came out, it was Lu Xi'an whom Tang Zhong knew before.

"What happened?" Lucian asked when he arrived.

The man didn't speak either, but pointed to the screen to show Lucian.

Lu Xi'an took a closer look, and immediately his face changed slightly, because he saw Tang Zhong.

For Tang Zhong, Lu Xi'an still has some impressions, this guy is not an ordinary person, and looking at all the tasks that Tang Zhong took over, they have now entered the completion state, that is to say, so many tasks are It was completed by Tang Zhong.

The previous scene with Tang Zhong still echoed in Lu Xi'an's mind, that guy is destined to be difficult!
"What should I do? My lord?" the announcer asked.

"Since it was done by someone else, it's naturally theirs, don't worry about it!" Lu Xi'an said, it's best for him to help Tang Zhong.

The publisher was not stupid, so he could naturally understand what the other party meant, and nodded slightly to show that he understood.

Then Lucian leaves.

So the release staff looked at those who came to pick up the mission and said: "There are no missions to do recently, please go back!"

Those who came to pick up the mission were stunned, and the mission was over, which is too weird, but now that the announcer has said so, they have no choice but to leave angrily!

As for who completed these tasks, no one knows!
And the other side.

Tang Zhong was on the top of a mountain, watching the missions in the mission hall have entered into a state of completion, and he was infinitely happy in his heart. He was very satisfied with the result!
And after completing the task, those corpse kings came back quickly, whoosh, he really followed wherever he went.

After all the corpse kings came back, they were all included in the evil eyes by Tang Zhong.

This is indeed a very nice baby!

Now that the amount of tasks is enough, if you enter the inner guard assessment, you will definitely be able to participate in the inner guard assessment.

But those who participated in the internal guard assessment must be some talented people!
Still have to be careful, this time, unlike the last time, there must be an examiner for the internal guards. Tang Zhong can't use the dragon avatar, so he needs the human avatar to be stronger!
Now it is absolutely impossible to improve your strength within two or three days. In addition to your physical strength, you can completely improve your external conditions in battle!

Then Tang Zhong smiled and said: "Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers..."

"What?" The voice of Shidaoyan Longbing came out.

"What do you think?" Tang Zhong continued to laugh.

I do not know anything! "Shi Daoyan Longbing refused to answer.

"Then I said, I need a martial skill, you must teach me!" Tang Zhong said.

Shidaoyan Longbing had already guessed this matter, every time Tang Zhong took the initiative to call him, he must be asking for help.


"No?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.


"Give it to me, if you don't give it to me, are you worthy of the dragon? I am his only apprentice, you should treat me as a treasure!" Tang Zhong said.

"Think about it, I am the one who inherits the will of the dragon!"


Tang Zhong said a lot!

"I'll give it, I'll give it now!" Ten Daoyan Longbing was in a hurry!

"That's not bad!" Tang Zhong said.

In the next second, some more martial arts moves appeared in Tang Zhong's mind!

"I don't need to mention the level of the martial skill. This is an A-level martial skill, and its name is the magic finger!"

"The name sounds domineering!" Tang Zhong murmured.

Without further ado, he sat on the ground and began to practice.

"This is the martial skill that I can choose the most suitable for you so far, you should practice quickly!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that Tang Zhong had already started to practice, and he was so angry that he didn't have anything to say at the moment.

At this moment, Tang Zhong has already entered into cultivation, and now he is in a state of emptiness!
The gods and demons probably meant that he had already read all of them.

After the cultivation is completed, one finger becomes a god, and the other finger becomes a demon, which can reach the sky and destroy the earth!

Tang Zhong doesn't believe that this thing is really so amazing. After all, it's just an A-level martial skill, and there are also martial skills of S, SS, SSS level and above. This thing must be the creator of this thing bragging here!

But now this thing is just right for him!
Immediately began to practice up.

It is to divide the power of the human body into two types and separate them into two hands!
After comprehending everything, he stretched out his two hands.

As the power is driven, the fingers of the two hands are covered with light of different colors.

Left hand white, right hand black!
Keep the power on both sides at one extreme!
Then Tang Zhong pierced forward with two fingers, and suddenly, there was an explosion in the air, but the power was very weak!
When he pointed out his finger just now, Tang Zhong felt extremely comfortable. It was because there were these two forces in his body, the power of thunder and fire!
When he forcibly blessed these two forces in the Demon Yang Guandi Fist, Lei Huo couldn't fuse together at all.

Now this martial skill is to spread the two kinds of power, maybe you can give it a try!
But now I have to get really familiar with this martial skill and try it out!
Tang Zhong began to cultivate, and he could become a master after a lot of hard work!
Sure enough, after getting acquainted with the connection, after Tang Zhong pointed out, there was a bang and the sound of explosion.

The Devil Finger really lives up to its reputation!
It began to release the power of thunder and fire.

The left hand is thunder, the right hand is fire!

Immediately driven by power, the power of thunder condensed on the left finger, while the flames in the right hand immediately condensed.

The left is god, the right is demon!
As the thunder covered, there was a crackling sound, and the flames in the right hand were burning, and the magic fire was burning to the sky, which looked extremely terrifying.

It was dark all of a sudden.

But soon, the power on the fingers went out!

But Tang Zhong was very excited, because when he wanted to fuse the power of Lei Huo with the Moyang Guandi Fist, he found that it was useless at all, and the power also bounced him out. Being condensed on the magic finger, it seems that this method is advisable.

Immediately continue to practice!
The Shidao Yanlong soldiers on the side watched this scene. In fact, he deliberately helped Tang Zhongxuan to choose this magic finger. He had seen Tang Zhong think about concentrating his power in martial arts before. At that time, it was astonishing. , it is impossible for anyone to think of this, so it chose such a martial skill, just to let Tang Zhong try it, but it didn't have much hope, because this kind of thing can only be successful when it reaches a certain level, after all, it is too difficult .

But just when Shi Daoyan Longbing didn't take it seriously at all.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound, deafening, as if it was about to burst the eardrums!
Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier turned around abruptly, and saw a scene that shocked him. He saw a black figure in the center, with a thunderbolt in his left hand and a ghostly will-o'-the-wisp in his right hand, burning wantonly!

Like the god who controls thunder, and like the soul of practicing fire!
(I will read your bold comments!)
(End of this chapter)

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