Chapter 1222 Enough quota!

It worked!
At this moment, Tang Zhong pointed at the Thunderbolt, while the other one was full of Netherfire!
" actually succeeded!" Ten Daoyan Longbing looked at this scene in disbelief, unable to believe it was real!

At this time, Tang Zhong saw the thunder in his left hand and the flame in his right hand, and then he stretched out his two fingers together, and with a whoosh, there was a stone in front of him, and in an instant, it exploded with a bang.

It can be seen that this magic finger is powerful.

"Yeah!" Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong almost jumped up, and it turned out that the combination of the two powers is really powerful.

The Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers were also dumbfounded.

You know, fusing two kinds of power into martial arts is something only the strong can do, but now this person has done it.

Could it be that this guy will really grow into a powerful man who can reach the sky?

But soon, Shi Daoyan Long Bing laughed, could the apprentice that Long fancied be a simple person?

Thinking back to the dragon in the past, who dared to speak out, it is a pity that such a thing happened!
"Hey!" Thinking of this, Shidao Yanlong Bing sighed deeply.

The past is really terrible.

The last trace of the dragon's soul has dissipated on the earth. Fortunately, there is still Tang Zhong.

"Not bad." Shi Daoyan Longbing praised.

"Of course." Tang Zhong admitted directly without being shy.

Now that he has almost become famous by cultivating this magic finger, the most important thing now is to leave this place.

You must sign up for the internal guard assessment, so go back and have a look first.

Immediately, Tang restarted the flight system on the armor and headed towards the Galaxy Guard.

Among Saturn, a meeting is also going on at this moment!

Liu Tiansheng was sitting in a high position, and below were all the high-level officials of Saturn!
"For the inner guard assessment this time, you select the ones you think are excellent!" Liu Tiansheng said.

The internal guard assessment is also considered a very important matter for the external guards.

The inner guards are the strongest group of Galaxy Guardians!

"Of course, excellent people must be selected, and those who are not outstanding need not be mentioned. According to the usual rules, there are only five places in total." Liu Tiansheng said.

"I recommend Chen Mu, he is a good seedling!"

"Chen Mu, I agree. I have completed about 40 missions in the mission hall, which is very good. And Goujian, this kid is also very good. It is possible to enter the inner guard."


The people in the audience were all chattering and discussing, and they were frantically electing their own people.

Among the Galaxy Guardians, there are teachers and disciples, and most of these people recommend their own disciples.

As the team leader, Liu Tian was also among them. She suddenly remembered that Tang Zhong had said before that he was going to participate in the inner guard assessment, and he was doing tasks like crazy!

"I recommend Tang Zhong!"

Liu Tiansheng saw that it was his daughter who spoke, and that it was Tang Zhong who had been chosen, and immediately shook his head and said, "Tang Zhong may not be able to do it, his number of tasks is not up to standard!"

When Liu Tian heard this, she really had nothing to say. Tang Zhong's missions were indeed not enough. Tang Zhong couldn't participate even if he wanted to, so he could only pass by.

Soon, Liu Tiansheng determined the number of people.

"Very well, let me inform you next time, let Chen Mu, Gou Jian, and Luo Bing come to my place once!" Liu Tiansheng said.

"Okay!" the others said.

This meeting is over!

The few people who were named to participate in the internal guard assessment were notified by their disciples, and they would go to see Liu Tiansheng in the afternoon, and Liu Tiansheng would tell them what they need to pay attention to in this assessment.

On the other side, Tang Zhong finally came back, and hurriedly prepared to sign up for the inner guard assessment, hoping that he could catch up this time.

As soon as I got back to the dormitory, I hurriedly went to find Liu Tiansheng. Liu Tiansheng is the captain of the guards. He must have been on the list of my internal guards for examination.

But who knew, because I was too anxious on the way, I bumped into someone!

"Ah..." A female voice was about to hear a scream.

But Tang Zhong was fine, looked down, did not expect that it was Liu Tian, ​​who was stroking his head for a while, obviously it was hit just now, Tang Zhong quickly helped him up.

"Tang Zhong...what are you doing? Are you in such a hurry?" Liu Tian was about to explode, but when she saw Tang Zhong, the accumulated anger instantly dissipated.

"I'm going to sign up for the inner guard assessment!" Tang Zhong said.

"You don't need to go, this time the list to participate in the inner guard assessment has been confirmed, and the number of tasks you have completed is not qualified, so you can't participate in the assessment at all." Liu Tian said.

"This..." Tang Zhong said: "I have to take part in the internal guard assessment. I want to find the army commander. Where is he?"

"He should be at the Earth Guard Command now!" Liu Tian said.

Just when he was about to speak, Tang Zhong was gone: "This guy!"

But her face turned slightly red, she stretched out her hand to touch her chest, just now she clearly felt a burst of crushing.

But she is very curious, what Tang Zhong is going to do, the amount of tasks is not enough, she can see that Tang Zhong attaches great importance to this inner guard assessment, she wants to follow it, if Tang Zhong insists on participating, she will give Tang Zhong Talk about love.

Tang Zhong also ran quickly at this moment, just now he obviously bumped into a place that shouldn't be hit, and there was only embarrassment left.

He walked quickly to the headquarters, and he could hear someone talking inside. It was Liu Tiansheng's voice, and what he was talking about right now were things that should be paid attention to in the internal guard assessment!
Immediately he opened the door and entered!

Liu Tiansheng was explaining right now, and in front of him, there were five people in military uniforms, all of whom were preparing to participate in the inner guard assessment this time.

Just as Tang Zhong came in, he said directly: "Commander Liu, I want to participate in the inner guard assessment!"

Liu Tiansheng saw that it was Tang Zhong, and immediately grinned: "It's Tang Zhong, you probably won't be able to participate in the assessment with your qualifications!"

"My conditions are enough!" Tang Zhong said.

He knows best about his own conditions.

Before Liu Tiansheng could speak, at this moment, one of the five men stood up and looked at Tang Zhong: "Are you Tang Zhong?"

The man was about 30 years old.

"You are?" Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment.

This person actually knew him.

"I'm Chen Mu!" The man introduced himself.

"Well, Senior Brother Chen!" Tang Zhong said, no matter who the opponent is, he is older than him after all!

Chen Mudao: "Junior Brother Tang, you have to recognize yourself. Only qualified people can participate in the inner guard assessment. I don't think Junior Brother Tang is qualified!"

Not qualified?

These words are very gunpowder!
Tang Zhong heard that this Chen Mu was targeting him, he didn't know this person at all.

I saw Chen Mu continued: "First of all, you have to reach the fifth level of the planetary level, and now Junior Brother Tang is probably not strong enough, and what's more, Junior Brother Tang, your task volume in the mission hall is not up to the standard at all. Well, so, you better go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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