Chapter 1288 Absorbed?

The pain was like throwing Tang Zhong into the magma!
The pain is very uncomfortable!
Tang Zhong's whole body seemed to be torn apart.

"This feels... so painful!"

Tang Zhong murmured in a low voice!
Pupils began to pop up on the skin, and the skin looked like it was about to be uncovered!
Click click!

Those thunders entered his body, actually entered his bones, the thunder forged the bones, and the flames covered the whole body!
How much pain, only Tang Zhong himself knows!
It was as if a weight of hundreds of millions of tons had crushed his body!
Tang Zhong clenched his fists tightly!

The Ten Flame Dragon Soldiers watched Tang Zhong like this, he advised Tang Zhong: "If you can't hold on, you can give up now and let go of Lei Yanshi's heart!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong retorted directly.

At this moment, countless cracks appeared on his body, glowing red, as if his body was about to be torn apart.


Tang Zhong roared, and his pupils began to be covered with bloodshot eyes, and he knelt down directly on the ground, his palms sticking to the ground.

Breath began to emerge from his body, as if he was about to be ignited by flames.

The people around, who were outside at the moment, laughed out loud as if they were watching a play.

"Is this guy stupid?"

"So arrogant, to absorb the heart of Lei Yanshi, I really think I am a character!"

"It's up to you to blame!"

People who saw Tang Zhong's scene all laughed. In their view, Tang Zhong is an arrogant person. It is indeed very powerful to be able to absorb Lei Yanshi, but it is a bit too arrogant to challenge Lei Yanshi's heart. No, there are not many people who can do this!

But damn it right away!

At this time, from a distance, above the Frisbee, the tiger demon, the dog demon, and the lion demon came together.

"Mo Lao is coming, get out of the way!"

"Yes Yes!"

In the crowd, everyone started to disperse, and saw the frisbee fall, and the three demon elders all fell down.

When Qin Hu saw someone coming, he hurried up and said, "Old Mo, you're here!"

"Well, what's going on?" Tiger Demon asked, wanting to know what happened.

"It's like this. When we were absorbing the Thunder Flame Stone today, a man in a black robe suddenly appeared from nowhere. He couldn't see where he came from. He absorbed a lot of Thunder Flame Stones. When he absorbed them, There actually appeared a heart of Lei Yanshi inside, who knew that person wanted to absorb that thing, and now he is half dead inside!" Qin Hu said hastily.

The tiger demon didn't say a word, he looked straight ahead and narrowed his eyes.

I saw Tang Zhong lying on the ground in Leiyan Valley!
"The guy who doesn't know how to live or die still wants to absorb the heart of Lei Yanshi. That thing belongs to us!"

Dog Demon also came forward and said: "Tiger Demon, although it is said that absorbing the Heart of Leiyan Stone can make a person stronger, but at least the three of us discovered it together, so we can compete fairly!"

Lion Demon Elder also said: "Yes, the heart of Leiyan Stone is no better than a magic sword, whoever can absorb it, it will be his!"

The three old demons quarreled, but no one made a move. After all, whether they can absorb the heart of Lei Yanshi depends on the chance. If there is no chance, it is fatal to absorb it by force.

"Okay!" Hu Molao didn't refuse, and then looked forward!

In Leiyan Valley, Tang Zhong was lying on the ground, trembling all over his body, his body had been split open, his hair had all disappeared, and turned into a burning flame.

Tang Zhong is enduring it!

He also did not expect that the heart of Lei Yanshi was so difficult to absorb!

"This guy is planning to kill me!" Tang Zhong laughed with difficulty.

Shi Daoyan Dragon Bing was on the side, really hoped that Tang Zhong would stop absorbing it now, it was too late to give up now, but when he saw Tang Zhong's face, Shi Daoyan Dragon Bing was speechless, and advised this desperate person to stop , that is probably impossible.

"Don't persuade me to stop, I won't stop!" Tang Zhong said with difficulty.

Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers were even more speechless.

"Today, I will absorb this Lei Yanshi Heart!"

Just as Tang Zhong finished speaking, a deeper gash appeared on his back. The gash was dripping with blood, which looked extremely ferocious and terrifying!
The skin on his body is all peeled off!

Now all of Lei Yanshi's heart turned into juice and entered Tang Zhong's body. At first, it turned into a flame, trying to emerge from Tang Zhong's body, Tang Zhong got up from the ground, his whole body was burning with flames.

Flame and Thunder wanted to penetrate his body, but he forcibly locked each other with his body.

Tang Zhong still felt that he was weak. If the dragon avatar was present at the moment, it would definitely be able to absorb the heart of Lei Yanshi. Unfortunately, he was not there, so he could only rely on himself!

And the flames got bigger and bigger, Tang Zhong's skin was burned.

You can see through Tang Zhong's body directly, you can see Tang Zhong's blood vessels are very clear, flashing red light, and you can also see the flashing lightning in the bones!

"Ah..." Tang Zhong roared wildly.

At this time, not only that, the flames and lightning on the surrounding walls thundered over, as if all the attacks were about to kill Tang Zhong!

"If you want my life, you are not enough..." Tang Zhong clenched his fists!

In the distance, people around did not dare to approach Leiyan Valley anymore!

Even the three big demon elders didn't dare, they could only watch from a distance, this person is really terrible, if this person is allowed to continue to grow, it would be really terrible, because if it were them, after experiencing thunder The terrible scene in Yan Valley, I am afraid that he has already died!
"Who is that person? Do you know?" Tiger Demon asked.

Under such powerful lightning and flames, the opponent did not die, which made them want to know, who is that person in the center?

The dog demon and the lion demon also shook their heads, they didn't see who it was right now!
Ask the people next to you, and no one knows.

But at this moment, there was a bang, and it rang out, deafeningly, from between the heaven and the earth.

All the people immediately looked back to the front again, and when they saw the scene clearly, their faces changed.

It can be seen that there is already a golden man in Leiyan Valley.

The skin and flesh became transparent, not only that, but the bones also turned blue!
It seems... It seems that the stone statue of Lei Yan is about to be absorbed.

"How is it possible? Otherwise, we would not be able to absorb the heart of Lei Yanshi!" Hu Molao said in shock.

The dog devil's face is also ugly!

In Leiyan Valley, rumbling lightning kept rumbling, and flames flickered, and all the power poured into that body!

The thunder and fire blended together, and instead of appearing the Leiyan Stone as before, it exploded directly.

(End of this chapter)

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