Chapter 1289 The Body of Lei Yan!

The fusion of thunder and fire no longer turned into a Leiyan Stone like before, but exploded directly!
Thunder and fire are everywhere in the sky and underground.

The entire valley is, because Tang Zhong absorbed the heart of Lei Yanshi, causing extremely strong fluctuations around.

The entire valley looked like it was about to collapse.

Everyone's faces turned ugly.

"Stand back!"

The three elders quickly ordered.

Even Mo Lao said to back off, no one would dare to stay here anymore!

I saw the crowd keep retreating!
Ahead, the fluctuations became even greater, rumbling, and the rocks began to collapse, crushing everywhere.

It fell to the ground, and the whole ground shook.

At the same time, in Lei Yan Valley, Tang Zhong was still desperately absorbing the heart of Lei Yan Stone. Although his body was in pain, he had almost forgotten what pain was, and he could bear any pain!

Slowly, he even forgot that he was absorbing the heart of Lei Yanshi, he just remembered that he must persevere, no matter what!
At this time, his body began to become infinitely transparent, and he could not see any impurities in his body. Every piece of flesh looked extremely delicate!

The Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers next to him were completely stunned: "Unexpectedly... unexpectedly absorbed the heart of Lei Yanshi!"

Now like this, it is completely absorbed.

To be honest, Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier had no hope at all, but now, he succeeded, and this is not the most important thing.

Rather, after Tang Zhong devoured the heart of Lei Yanshi, his body actually underwent a huge change, and now it began to mutate, forming a unique system, Tang Zhong's unique physique, but now it is still the last step , to see if Tang Zhong can succeed now!
The thunder and lightning around him were constantly thundering, it was going to swallow Tang Zhong up!
Tang Zhong still endured it.

Thunder body forging, flame burning.

The intensity of this kind of cultivation is probably unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future!

Rumbling, suddenly, from the sky, a thick thunder and lightning rumbled down, like a thunder dragon.

The flames fused together all of a sudden, turning into a dragon of thunder and fire.

It fell from the sky towards where Tang Zhong was standing!

Seeing this, Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers knew that this was Tang Zhong's final test. As long as he passed this test, there would be nothing that could hurt Tang Zhong, and his physique would be fully formed!
Tang Zhong, this is simply a miracle!

Even Shi Daoyan Longbing, who has seen the world, has to say that he is moved at this time.

He looked like Tang Zhong came all the way, but he was much more powerful than the descendants of those powerful families in the universe!
No wonder he was chosen by the dragon!

Now there is the last level, so be careful!

At this time, the people outside Leiyan Valley were all shocked. Seeing the thunder dragon crashing down from the sky, many people were scared and retreated.


Tiger Demon shouted.

This scene was absolutely unexpected. Perhaps, after this thunderbolt really fell, Leiyan Valley would no longer exist. If the person who absorbed the heart of Leiyan Stone could survive, he would definitely be the strongest in the world.

They quickly retreated to another safe distance, and then looked ahead, but they could no longer see what was happening inside.

At this time, the thunder dragon fell, devoured Tang Zhong, and poured directly into the top of Tang Zhong's head from above Tang Zhong's head.

At that moment, Tang Zhong raised his head as if he had been enlightened. Now he doesn't know anything. He only knows that he wants to live and become stronger, so powerful that the universe trembles. At that time, No one will be able to bully him.

So, he wants to live!
Clenching your fists, shake the Thunder Dragon hard!
Thunder Dragon was wrapped around his body, thundering crazily.

Tang Zhong's whole body was trembling!
Rumble!Explosions were continuously released from Tang Zhong's body.

But Tang Zhong has been enduring it.

An invisible wind formed around Tang Zhong's body, and the surrounding gravel was rolled up, and they all moved towards Tang Zhong, enveloping Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong was like a statue!
Shi Daoyan Longbing watched nervously, sweating for Tang Zhong in his heart: "Come on, come on!"

But this time.


The stones covering Tang Zhong's body exploded directly.

Then the fluctuation was like a crazy tide, rushing out towards the surroundings!
And Tang Zhong, who had turned into a body of thunder and fire, also flew out under this powerful explosive force, straight into the sky!
And the outside of Leiyan Valley, because of the fluctuations, has already become dilapidated, and all the people are constantly retreating violently, for fear of being swept up by the fluctuations and dying here!
They didn't even know that Tang Zhong had already flown out.

I only saw Tang Zhong flying to a very far place, it was a bush, and then fell on it, the whole person passed out, at this time Tang Zhong no longer had any human appearance, but a real body of thunder and fire!
Slowly, skin and flesh began to appear all over the body, gradually forming on the body of thunder and fire, as if reborn, completely reborn, this time, there were no impurities in the body at all!
It slowly returned to its original state.

And outside the Leiyan Valley on the other side.

The volatility also gradually stopped.

However, it was discovered that the place where Leiyan Valley used to be was full of broken stones, and the place where Leiyan Stone appeared before has completely disappeared now, and all of them have been razed to ruins!
" is it possible?" Humo Lao was shocked: "Go and find me the person who absorbed the heart of Lei Yanshi!"

I saw a few people rushing to the ruins, because without the power of thunder and flames, anyone could pass through.

After a while, someone came back: "Old Tiger, there is nothing inside!"

"Is there no dead body?" Tiger Demon asked.


Hearing this, Tiger Demon sighed. Such a powerful person can absorb the heart of Lei Yanshi. It is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. If that person is his, he may use all his strength Keep the other party, but that person is not his, so it's better to die now.

The Dog Demon and the Lion Demon also thought the same way, if it wasn't his people, it would be fine if they died.

Qin Hu also let out a long sigh of relief. A genius almost came out to grab resources from him. Fortunately, this genius is now dead!

In the distance, on the frisbee, Ye Qingshan got the news of Lei Yanshi's heart, and hurried over: "What happened?"

It was too late for him to know the news, but as soon as he got the news, he came over immediately.

When he saw the ruins in front of him, he knew that something must have happened. Before Tang Tiansha said that he came here, he just hoped that nothing happened, otherwise, all his efforts would be in vain!
But at this moment, in the bushes far away, Tang Zhong had fully recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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