Chapter 1348 There is still this operation!
How could so many people come to the Sun Galaxy this day?

"Do you really think this world is fair?" Shi Daoyan Longbing laughed, looking at Tang Zhong as if he was looking at a fool.

"In this world, there is no fairness at all. People with powerful galaxies will have more benefits. The galaxies and the Milky Way are small, so there is only one place, understand?"

Tang Zhong understood that no matter where they are, powerful or influential people have many privileges.

The weak have no choice!

But what makes Tang Zhong strange is that the people who come here are all geniuses in every galaxy, and they shouldn't really give money to the other party just because they occupy this place.

Sure enough, there were many people who directly shouted at the Tianyang galaxy who spoke just now: "Why? This place is originally public, why should we give you money!"



Although people from the major galaxies did not dare to offend the Tianyang galaxy, they still dared to resist if they hugged together.

Who knew the voice just fell.

The man from the Tianyang galaxy standing on the high platform sneered, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and he waved his palm.

From the high altitude, many black shadows fell down and fell heavily on the ground.

Everyone didn't see what it was, and when they took a closer look, everyone's faces were ugly.

Those were a few bloody corpses!
"These people agreed to come in and give the money, but who knows, they backtracked halfway, so our Tianyang galaxy had to do it. I really hope you can understand something. Of course, we don't mind you resisting us!" The day before The people from the Yang Galaxy smiled and said, their words were filled with awe-inspiring murderous intent.

At this moment, the noisy voice just now disappeared quickly, because the strength of the person who died was not bad. If Tianyang Galaxy can do this, it must be able to kill other people.

Few people take risks anymore, [-] star wind coins are not enough, and this place is no longer in their galaxy, here, only those who have the strength have the chance to fight back.

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes and watched this scene. It seems that this first world area is also a place where killing is king. In this place, if there is no strength, the more dead it is!

If he is strong now, he can completely occupy the ruins, and no one dares to say anything! "

"Everyone, my Tianyang Galaxy did not embarrass you. I will charge you [-] Star Wind Coins. You come here. People from our Tianyang Galaxy will keep you safe. We protect you and you give us money. This principle, I I think everyone should understand!" The person from the Sun Galaxy continued.

"Don't forget, our Tianyang galaxy still has a seven-level astral-level powerhouse sitting in it. We can guarantee your safety!"

The seventh level of star rating!
This strength is indeed shocking.

And it's already very late, if it is later, it will be bad, I have to find a place to stay as soon as possible, although there are many gathering places here, but this gathering place is occupied by people, and other places are not guaranteed to be occupied. !

Finally, someone couldn't bear it anymore, and went in directly after paying the star wind coins.

"Very good, it's very possible to do this!" The people from the Sun Galaxy laughed loudly that day.

Someone takes the lead, and those behind follow closely behind!
Tang Zhong stood where he was, and after thinking about it, he chose to pay Star Wind Coins. Ten thousand Star Wind Coins was nothing to Tang Zhong. Participating in the genius battle, it's that simple!
Finally entered the ruins.

Only then did Tang Zhong see the scene inside. He could see that although the outside was dilapidated, the inside was very nice. From a distance, there was actually a tall tower.

"It's actually a trial tower!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang Zhong had never seen it before: "Is that thing good?"

"Of course, the trial tower can be used for trials. Although this Star Wind Region is said to be inhumane, it is indeed doing a good job at this point!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Then can I go in?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I think it can, but the people from the Tianyang galaxy will definitely occupy it too!" Ten Daoyan Longbing said.

"I still have to go!" Tang Zhong said.

He looked at the trial tower in the distance!

After working on the spaceship for a long time, I am a little tired now.

Tang Zhong looked around carefully, trying to find a place to rest, but there were ruins all around, so he finally found a place.

That is a dark corner.

Tang Zhong didn't argue with others, just sat cross-legged and began to practice.

For him, cultivation is the most important thing.

Time is too precious.

How can we break through the ninth level of the planetary level and step into the star level?

After a long time, he opened his eyes. The practice was very tiring. Then Tang Zhong looked at the trial tower in the distance. It would be great if he could enter that tower!

It doesn't matter if you spend money, I'm afraid that others will block it, especially the Tianyang galaxy. Of course, if the people of the Tianyang galaxy really want to step on his head one day, then Tang Zhong really doesn't mind letting the people of the Tianyang galaxy know what it is called. iron plate!
Just like that, the night fell.

Sure enough, outside the ruins, there were continuous roars of beasts.

It should be a beast tide, as expected, every place has its own rules, what Starwind Domain did was just to force others to retreat.

Tang Zhong couldn't sit still anymore, he stood directly on the ruins, facing the red moonlight, looking at the scene outside.

There are a large number of monsters, as if they want to devour the world!
It is too dangerous to be able to see those who have not entered this gathering point. Although they have room to fight back under the monsters, it is really too dangerous.

Tang Zhong saw with his own eyes that the horn of an iron rhino monster pierced through a person's shoulder!

More people stood on the ruined city wall and looked outside, their faces were pale!
People from the Tianyang galaxy were also there, and they laughed loudly when they saw this scene: "See, a mere [-] star wind coins can protect your lives, do you still think it's worth the money you spent?" ?”

"Of course it's only for one night!" the man continued.

As soon as the words came out, the people around were taken aback, wondering what the words meant?
What is a night?

That day, the people from the Sun Galaxy looked at everyone and sneered, "What's the matter, what's the reason for the strange appearance? I said, [-] star wind coins can only be spent at this gathering point for one night, and I want to keep them tomorrow. Pay the star wind coins, if you don't pay, you can leave directly!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar everywhere, and they never thought it would be like this.

This time, I don't know how long I will stay in this first world area. Now it is [-] star wind coins. If I can't guarantee it, how much will it cost next time? People in the Tianyang galaxy are really greedy!
But now even if they are upset, they dare not say it. What if the other party gets angry and throws them down?
When Tang Zhong heard this, he frowned slightly. Does this person still have this kind of operation?
(End of this chapter)

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