Chapter 1349 Trial tower assessment!

That day, the people from the Sun Galaxy saw how angry everyone was but did not dare to speak, and immediately continued to laugh: "This level of beast tide is the weakest in this first world area, and there are stronger ones than this." !"

He just said this, and everyone around was stunned. This is definitely the first time they have seen such a terrifying beast tide!

The people who seemed to be resisting before just shut up now.

If the beast horde was even fiercer than this one, one person would definitely not be able to resist it.

Naturally, Tang Zhong could also see that these beast hordes were really hard to resist, so let's wait and see what happens now, for him, it's nothing that can be solved with money!

After all, money is just a possession!

"This time's beast tide, I'm afraid it won't be so simple!" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"How to say?" Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and then said.

"From now on, you stand at the highest point!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

"Okay!" Tang nodded emphatically.

Then he looked around, the highest place, probably only the trial tower now!

Immediately turned around and walked over!

The trial tower is now occupied by people from the Tianyang galaxy. If he wants to use it now, he must pay some price!

Sure enough, in front of the trial towers, there were a few soldiers from the Tianyang Galaxy standing guard there. When they saw Tang Zhong approaching, they shouted, "Who is it?"

"I want to enter the trial tower!" Tang Zhong said.

"The trial tower already belongs to our Tianyang galaxy, you can go in if you want, but it's not free!" said the soldier.


Tang Zhong had guessed it a long time ago, and directly took out [-] star wind coins: "This is enough!"

"Enough!" The soldier's eyes lit up, but he pretended to be calm and said, "You can only stay in it for half an hour with [-] star wind coins, and you have to come out in half an hour, otherwise we will punish you with military law." !"

When Tang Zhong heard this, the Tianyang Galaxy is really greedy!

But the money has already been given, let's go in first.

Immediately Tang Zhong entered the trial tower!
"I've seen people in the galaxy be greedy, but I've never seen people in the Tianyang galaxy so shameless!" Shi Daoyan's dragon soldier was also very angry at the moment!
"These are trivial matters!" Tang Zhong said with a smile, he had seen a lot of greedy people.

There is no need to think about being caught now, let's talk about it after entering the trial tower!

Unexpectedly, the trial tower does not look like a big space, but after entering, it is found that the inside is completely a hole in the sky.

The surroundings seem to be fictional, just like coming to the world of science fiction!
Tang Zhong watched in surprise.

"Okay, don't be shocked, these are all artificially made, and they should be made by people from the Starwind Region. If there is no accident, this trial tower belongs to the assessment. If you pass the assessment on the first floor, you will have the opportunity to enter The second floor, and so on, but this thing should have your records!" Shi Daoyan Longbing said.

Sure enough, as soon as Shi Dao Yanlong Bing finished speaking, an electronic light man appeared in front of Tang Zhong.

"Welcome to the Trial Tower, do you want to register?"

It's that electronic female voice!
"Register!" Tang Zhong said.

In the next second, I only felt the white light flickering in front of my eyes!

"It has been recorded. Tang Zhong, a citizen of the Star System, has a ninth-level planetary level cultivation. You are welcome to enter the trial tower. I am your personal training Xiaoding. May I ask if the trial is now open?"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"That's pretty smart!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Is it smart? Why do I feel that this kind of retarded person still exists? Forget it, it's enough for you!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

At this time, Xiao Ding's voice came out: "Then proceed to the first test now, the battle of trapped beasts, please choose the weapon you need!"

In front of Tang Zhong, there appeared a lot of weapons, alloy swords, and alloy guns. As long as they were weapons, there were all kinds of weapons, densely packed there!
"Can't I use my weapon here?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise, he still wanted to use the magic sword!

"Of course not, it's all data, and your Lei Yan body is useless in it. How can I put it, you are a ninth-level planetary-level person!" Shi Daoyanlongbing road.

Tang Zhong understood, it turned out to be like this, and then he looked up at the weapon above: "I choose the sword handle!"

Tang Zhong has a soft spot for Jian Tang.

"Yes!" Xiao Ding said.

In Tang Zhong's hand, the light flickered, and a bunch of data began to condense, and finally turned into a sword in Tang Zhong's hand.

Tang Zhong waved it a few times, this sword is still very good!
"Now please pay attention to the testers, I am going to start the test!"





Xiao Ding yelled.

At this moment, monsters surged out from all around, approaching Tang Zhong.

That speed is very slow!
The battle of trapped beasts is to let countless monsters attack people, just like now.

Tang Zhong took the weapon and started to kill.

I saw a lizard monster rushing over.

Tang Zhong slashed with the sword in his hand!

His fighting skills are much stronger than others.

This point of Warcraft is not challenging at all.

He killed more than a dozen monsters in a row, and those monsters were data, and they disappeared after being killed.

"Too slow!" Tang Zhong said.

"Do you want to speed up the speed of spawning monsters?" said Xiao Ding, the trainer.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

In the next second, countless monsters rushed out at an extremely fast speed, and the monster spawning speed was more than five times stronger than before!

It was only two or three heads that jumped out together just now, but now there are almost ten of them, rushing towards Tang Zhong together, as if they want to swallow Tang Zhong!
Tang Zhong stood where he was, and swept across with his sword.

A tiger beast rushed towards Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong dodged, and then killed it with a sword, directly cutting off the tiger beast's arm.

Turn around and stab it directly from the back of a scorpion beast!

Then with a spin, the person turned like a spinning top.

Those monsters were all slaughtered!

With a roar, it turned into data and disappeared immediately!
Only then did Tang Zhong withdraw his sword!

The voice of the tester Xiaoding came out quickly: "Awesome, congratulations on completing the first test of the battle of trapped beasts, do you want to proceed to the next level!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

At this time, I saw that the monsters around me disappeared, but the surrounding scene did not change, it was still the sci-fi scene from before.

But at this moment, in front of Tang Zhong, a lot of data appeared, flying in front of Tang Zhong!

In the end, it condensed into a shadow, which was clearly a human figure!
What's the point of this second level?
And when the data was finally condensed, Tang Zhong was stunned, only to see that after the data condensed, it turned into Tang Zhong's appearance.

"Welcome the tester to challenge the second level of true and false self?" Xiaoding said with a smile at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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