Chapter 1351 Endurance test!

At this moment, Tang Zhong almost understood what was to be assessed in this level.

Those three fake Tang Zhong are all me. If I have any weaknesses, then there are some weaknesses in the three fake Tang Zhong. As long as I find my own weaknesses and use them, I can win the three fake Tang Zhong.

Seeing Tang Zhong comprehend so quickly, Shi Dao Yanlong Bing also laughed: "You can teach me!"

And Tang Zhong was also thinking about where his weakness was, he began to think.

Along the way, he relied on Lei Yan's body and the giant dragon's avatar. Without these two things, his own means are really too few!

And the reason why he chose the sword was because of the existence of the Emperor Demon Blood Sword. If he changed the sword, Tang Zhong would definitely not be able to display such a powerful strength!

"I see, the first weakness is the sword!"

Tang Zhong glanced at the swords held in the hands of the three fake Tang Zhong, his own sword skills were the most clumsy.

In other words, now it is enough to target the swords in the hands of the three people.

However, it is absolutely impossible to have only one weakness, and we must continue to look for it.

There shouldn't be any problem with the footwork. He has learned the wing step, and the speed of the wing step is very fast, so he can't find any faults at all.

Suddenly, Tang Zhong froze his body.

Now I am afraid that only his body is his biggest weakness.

Let's start with the sword.

Tang Zhong raised his sword again, killing them!
His goal is very clear, which is to face the sword in the hands of the three fake Tang Zhong.

At the same time, he used the Wing Step, and with a swish, the whole body disappeared, and when it appeared, it arrived. Behind a fake Tang Zhong, he directly stabbed out with a sword, facing the fake Tang Zhong's arm!
The fake Tang Zhong obviously didn't expect it, and when he reacted, he was ready to fight back, but in an instant, a sword directly pierced the fake Tang Zhong's arm, his whole hand was pierced directly, and the hand holding the sword was sent away up.

The other two fake Tang Zhong found out this scene and rushed over to help.

Tang Zhong pulled out his sword and continued to deal with those two people. He remembered that when he swung his sword, his weak point was underneath!

The whole person leaned back directly, reached a low level, and then swept across with the sword in his hand!

Sure enough, the two fake Tang Zhong became a little flustered.

Tang Zhong's own shortcomings, he is very clear!

In an instant, the sword was drawn directly from a very low place, and the sword swept across, slashing at the wrists of the two fake Tang Zhong!

Click click!

The arms of the two fake Tang Zhong flew out together with the sword in his hand!

What comes out of their arms is not blood, it's full of light!

Now the swords in the hands of the three fake Tang Zhong have fallen to the ground, which means that Tang Zhong has won now.

The three fake Tang Zhong turned into a pile of data and disappeared completely!

"Yes, the secret to clearing the level so quickly is very powerful. However, did you find that you have many weaknesses now? The assessment in the first level should let you know your weaknesses and strengthen yourself!" Shidao Yanlongbing said. road.

"En!" Tang nodded emphatically.

It's hard to imagine what will happen if you allow others to catch your weakness when you are fighting with others. In the future, you must strengthen this point no matter what!
"Very good, the second level was passed very well, so now is the third level!" Xiao Ding's voice came out.

Tang Zhong couldn't wait to see what the third level was. In any case, he had to earnestly complete this trial tower!

"The third level... Endurance, if you can't hold it, you can say, we will end the trial..." Xiao Ding's voice came out.

Tang nodded emphatically.

At this time, I found that the surrounding pictures were no longer the sci-fi ones before, but turned into a world of ice and snow, with icebergs everywhere, and the words Blizzard were written on the sky, and the whistling wind blew out, like a knife cutting !
Tang Zhong can clearly feel all these sounds now, and it is very cold, no, usually he is fine under such a severe winter!
"Don't be surprised, I've said it all, you are just a statistic, the statistic for participating in the assessment here!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

Tang Zhong understood that this test was about endurance, but he couldn't stand it soon, but he had to persevere, so that he could gain something!
The whole person squatted on the ground and rubbed coldly.

But at this time, Tang Zhong realized something was wrong!

He felt a pressure, crushed down from the top of Tang Zhong's head, as if he wanted to swallow Tang Zhong up!
"This gravity is not right!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ten times the gravity, naturally something is wrong, but this is not the scariest thing, you will know what fear is after a while." Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Under the severe cold, ten times the force of gravity, this is killing people, because the human body will be frozen in the severe cold, and gravity suppresses people. If some people cannot bear it, they will be directly crushed by gravity. Crushed!

Tang Zhong was stunned for a moment when he heard Shidao Yanlongbing's words, scary?What is the scariest?

But soon, he knew that the surrounding scene changed instantly, and the surrounding scene turned into a huge active volcano. At this moment, hot magma flowed down. More than 500°!

It was still freezing cold just now, and now it suddenly turned into high temperature.

Tang Zhong felt pain in his body, and under the pressure of ten times the gravity, Tang Zhong's whole body shattered directly, turning into pieces and merging with the magma.

Is this dead?
At this time, Xiao Ding's voice came from next to his ear: "Failed to break through the level!"

Tang Zhong opened his eyes and saw that he had returned to the previous sci-fi world!

Tang Zhong quickly looked at his hands and body, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that they were not broken. He really thought he was going to die just now!

"Isn't it very realistic?" Shi Daoyan Longbing laughed.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong let out a long sigh of relief!

"Then continue to break through?" Ten Daoyan Longbing asked.

"Of course!"

Tang Zhong is not a person who admits defeat casually, he immediately looked at Xiao Ding in front of him: "I want to continue!"

"Yes!" Xiao Ding said.

Immediately, the surrounding images turned into a world of ice and snow again, with ten times the gravity at the same time.

Since this test is about endurance, it's fine as long as you endure it.

Tang Zhong was in the trial tower.

And this time, outside the trial tower.

A man in a golden robe walked into the trial tower.

The soldiers of the Tianyang galaxy guarding the trial tower saw the person coming, and immediately knelt down and said, "Lord Shaker!"

The person named Xia Ke is the genius fighter from the Tianyang Galaxy who came to participate in the Star Wind Region this time, and said indifferently: "Open the trial tower, I want to go in for the trial!"

"My lord, there are people inside!" the soldier said hastily.

"Then let him get out, do I need to teach you?" Shake continued coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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