Chapter 1352 Animals and people!

"Then drive out the people inside now, do you still need me to teach you?" the person named Shake said coldly.

"Yes!" The soldier immediately knew what to do!

Immediately shouted at the people on the trial tower: "People in the trial tower, now give you three seconds, come out!"

At this moment, in the trial tower, Tang Zhong was still conducting the endurance test.

The ice is ten times the gravity, and he almost endured it, and now he is being roasted in the flames.

Now is the saddest time!
And gradually the gravity actually changed, instead of being crushed by ten times the gravity, it was ten times the weightlessness!
Ten times the gravity, the body would be crushed, but now weightless, the whole person floats directly, and the body is stretched infinitely!

The pain can penetrate Tang Zhong's heart, but the assessment time is about to end, as long as you persevere, the third test will be passed!

At this time, a roar came from Tang Zhong's ear.

Get him out of the trial tower!

Tang Zhong didn't know why, after all, he had already paid the Xingfeng coin, according to what the other party said, why let him go out now?
It is impossible for Tang Zhong to go out, he has followed the rules, as long as he doesn't want to go out, no one will let him go out!
And this third hurdle is about to pass, if you go out now, it's really not worth it!
At this time, outside the trial tower, after the soldier yelled, he found that the other party did not respond.

Lord Shaker is still waiting outside!
"I'll count to three, come out!" The soldier continued to shout.

Still no response.

The man named Xia Ke had a very gloomy face: "Close the trial tower and let him come out, I'm going to the trial!"

"Yes!" said the soldier.

The trial tower can be closed, because the trial tower is opened with the help of a stone containing cosmic energy, if there is no energy support, the trial tower will be closed directly.

"What kind of people in the low galaxy dare to stand in front of me, Shake!" The man named Shake said with cold eyes.

I saw a soldier walk directly to the entrance of the trial tower, and saw in a small hole in the tower, there was a stone thundering with thunder, and that stone was the person who passed the power to the trial tower!
I saw the soldiers shut it down directly.

I saw the thunder light on the stone dissipate directly, the stone could not provide energy, and the trial tower would be closed.

"Hmph, I told you not to come out. I shut down the trial tower. Let me see what else you can do?"

At this moment, in the trial tower, Tang Zhong is still conducting the assessment, and the third level is about to pass now, as long as he persists for more than ten seconds, he will pass.

The endurance of this third level, if you want to pass it, it is really not ordinary difficult!

But suddenly, the surrounding pictures began to shatter.

As if to disappear.

"What's going on?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

Xiao Ding's voice came out: "Because of an emergency, the trial tower is closed urgently, close!"

Xiao Ding's voice also quickly dissipated!
The surrounding pictures all dissipated, until finally, there was nothingness!
Because Tang Zhong was in the test of the trial tower, his mind fainted for a while, and he almost passed out. The pain seemed to pluck his skin!

"Someone closed the trial tower!" Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers gritted their teeth angrily.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong frowned, closing the trial tower, it turned out to be artificial!


And at this moment, a voice came from outside.

"Get out of the people inside!"

Tang Zhong knew who made it, and the sudden closing of the trial almost killed him. Tang Zhong couldn't bear this tone!

Turn around and push open the door of the trial tower!

I saw the soldiers who closed the trial tower before, and they were also the soldiers he gave Starwind Coins to.

But at this time, beside the soldier, he saw a man in a golden robe. Tang Zhong knew that man, and he was the one who had collected Star Wind Coins from everyone before.

When the soldier saw Tang Zhong coming out, he immediately shouted: "What the hell are you doing in there, I told you to come out, didn't you hear?"

"I heard it!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The soldier couldn't feel the killing intent in Tang Zhong's words at all, and continued: "Since I heard it, why didn't you come out and let Mr. Xia Ke wait here, do you still want to live?"

Master Shaker?

Tang Zhong got the name of the man in the golden robe!
"Why should I come out? I gave Xingfeng coins!" Tang Zhong said.

When the soldier heard Tang Zhong's words, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at Tang Zhong as if he was insane: "Boy, what you said is very funny to me, you really think that after you pay the star wind coins, you can Have you been in there for a long time?"

"I remember it was half an hour!" Tang Zhong said: "There are still a few minutes left!"

"Stupid man, if you don't want to die, get out of here!" the soldier shouted.

"Besides, I want to know who shut down this trial tower!" Tang Zhong continued.

He has already learned from Shi Daoyan Longbing that this trial tower can be closed, and he almost died just now because someone closed this trial tower!

"I... I locked it up!" The soldier yelled at Tang Zhong directly: "Why, what happened to me locked up, get out!"

Tang Zhong's eyes frowned.

The soldier glanced at it, only felt that he was being stared at by a monster, and his body couldn't help shaking. If Master Shaker wasn't here, he would definitely shut up right now, but now Master Shaker is beside him, and They are people from the Tianyang galaxy, what other people are.

"Hey, looking at me like this, do you want to kill me? Come on!" The soldier walked up to Tang Zhong and pointed to his head: "What are you doing with your fists? Just hit me here, come and kill me!" , Damn, the country bumpkin from that galaxy, dare to talk to me like that, get out of here!"

Tang Zhong grinned and punched the soldier's head directly!

With a click, the soldier's head flew out like a football. At this time, there was still a smile on that head!

At the same time, blood gushed out from the soldier's body.

This scene appeared, no one thought of it.

Even Xia Ke next to him was stunned at the moment, obviously not expecting it, and immediately frowned: "You are from that galaxy, and you dare to kill people from our Tianyang galaxy? You ate bears!" Do you have the guts of a leopard?"

"So what if I kill him?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Let me ask, given the Xingfeng coins, he went into the trial tower, but he didn't expect to be locked up by someone, how could he feel happy.

"You will die!" Xia Ke said coldly: "You people of the lower galaxies, it seems that you really don't know the situation. Here, whether you are human or beast, it is up to the people of our Tianyang galaxy to decide how to treat you ,Understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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