Chapter 1353 Cosmic energy stone!
"I really don't know where people like you come from to be confident. Whether you are human or beast in this gathering place is said by the people of our Tianyang Galaxy!" Na Xiake said coldly with flickering eyes.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but looked at Xia Ke and laughed.

He once said that if the other party dares to do something outrageous to him, then now he doesn't mind letting the people of Tianyang Galaxy know what kind of person Tang Zhong is!

"What are you?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"The person I killed last time also treated me in the same tone, and then I punched him to death!" Xia Ke sneered.

Immediately, he saw Tang Zhong walking towards Tang Zhong, and the aura burst out from his body. That strength was clearly at the fifth level of the Astral Rank!

"Since you are looking for death, I will send you to hell now!"

Naturally, Tang Zhong would not be afraid, ready to take out the magic sword in his hand!

Although he said he didn't want to provoke anyone, but if someone provoked him, he would never let it go!
At this time, Tang Zhong hadn't made a move yet, but the voice of the Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers came from next to his ears: "This place is not safe, get out of here!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback, he didn't know what was going on, but Tang Zhong knew that the danger Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said would definitely not be this Xia Ke!

They are not from the Tianyang Galaxy either!
But from elsewhere!

At this time, just as Shake was about to make a move, a person from the Tianyang Galaxy suddenly ran over, looking anxious: "Master Shake is not well, the beast tide outside is very serious!"

Shake was just about to start, when he heard this, his face changed slightly: "What's going on? There are interference crystals from the Star Wind Domain at the gathering point, those monsters shouldn't come here!"

"Lord Xia Ke, I also know about interference crystals, but this time, for some reason, those magical beasts came here with a single brain, and we can't stop them at all!" said the soldier.

"Damn it!" Xia Ke's face turned ugly, and he turned to look at Tang Zhong: "Dog, let me spare your life now, and I will torture you when I have free time!"

Then Shaker turned around and left here!

Tang Zhong also now understood what the danger Shi Daoyanlongbing was talking about, it must be these beast hordes.

"What should I do now?" Tang Zhong asked.

"There is no way, there are too many beasts, but you can kill these monsters!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

"Why, didn't you say that those monsters don't have any good things?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise.

"There is no ordinary beast tide, but there is definitely something in these monsters. Those monsters should be released by people from the Starwind Region, so as to speed up the screening time of the Starwind Region's genius battle. There are interference crystals in this gathering place, but those monsters To be able to get close, I suspect that there must be something in their bodies, of course, if you want to determine something, you have to kill them to know!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

"I see!"

Tang Zhong turned around and walked outside the gathering point!
At this time, the roar of the beast can be heard.

Tang Zhong jumped up, and when he reached a high platform, he could see smoke and dust billowing from afar. Among the smoke and dust, he didn't know how many monsters rushed towards him.

Looking at that formation, it really has the ability to destroy this gathering place!
At this moment, the other people in the gathering point panicked.

"Impossible, how could the beast tide come here?"

"That's right, this is the gathering point, and it's impossible for monsters to get close!"

"Don't say it's impossible, the monsters are coming!"

At this time, the crowd panicked.

Even the geniuses of the major galaxies have never seen this scene before, it really shocked everyone!
Even Xia Ke at this gathering point had a serious expression on his face.

People from other galaxies who paid Starwind Coins to the Tianyang galaxy began to blame Xia Kelai at this moment.

"Didn't you say that you will protect us after we pay the star wind coins? Now that the monsters are coming, what should we do!"

"That's right!"

Several people complained.

Xia Ke's eyes turned cold, and he stared at those people, and saw that those people immediately backed away in fear, looking into each other's eyes, deeply terrified.

"No more nonsense, I'll kill you. If you want to survive, resist these monsters for me. If you don't want to survive, then let you die now!" Xia Ke said coldly.

As soon as this remark came out, even a fool would know what was going on right now. The so-called protection of collecting Star Wind Coins was nothing more than groundless rumors. When all dangers came, they had to resist by themselves.

No one dares to speak now!

At this moment, Xia Ke is also wondering why this beast tide will come!

At this time, Tang Zhong looked at the monsters. The lantern-like pupils of these monsters were filled with blood, and they looked extremely ferocious. They were so different from ordinary monsters, which was a bit strange!
"Kill, the more you kill, the better!" Ten Daoyan Longbing suddenly excitedly said.

"Do you know what these monsters have in their bodies?" Tang Zhong asked, Shi Daoyanlongbing said before that these monsters have such strange things now, there must be something extra in their bodies!
"It's the cosmic energy stone!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"I've heard of cosmic energy stones, but this is the first time I've heard of this stone!" Tang Zhong said, he knew that cosmic energy is something that is provided for the lives of people in the universe, but isn't that thing something that can't be seen or touched? ?How can it be turned into stone now?

"In short, you don't have to worry about it so much, just kill it. The cosmic energy stones in those monsters can be absorbed into the body, you know?" Ten Dao Yanlong Bing said.

Tang nodded emphatically, killing is the right thing to do!
At this time, the beast horde had already arrived, and it was extremely fierce, charging towards the ruins.

The monster at the front was like a pioneer, bending its limbs suddenly on the ground, and then rebounded directly, and the whole body flew directly into the air.

From that look, it looks like he wants to rush into the gathering point!
The same goes for other places.

A monster opened its bloody mouth directly towards Tang Zhong, it was ready to devour Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong directly took out the magic sword, jumped up suddenly, on top of the magic sword, the sword energy surged, and cut the monster with its mouth open in half at once.

The monster roared, and a red stone jumped out from its body, like a crystal.

After Tang Zhong saw it, he grabbed it in his hand, then looked around, and felt a strong breath of life!

This is probably the cosmic energy stone!

"This thing can be absorbed into one's own body, kill monsters quickly, don't stop, the more the better, if you can find enough cosmic energy stones, it will not be difficult for you to break through today!" Ten Daoyan Longbing said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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