Chapter 1354 The King of the Demon Scorpion!
Hearing the words of the Ten Daoyan Dragon Bing, Tang Zhong's eyes became scorching hot. He is now at the ninth level of planetary rank. To be honest, if he has no other cards, his strength is really too weak.

Immediately began to continue hunting World of Warcraft!

And other people who understood, after beheading the monster, also recognized that it was the cosmic energy stone, so they slaughtered the monster even more crazily.

If those cosmic energy stones can be collected and used to improve strength, it will definitely be a great opportunity.

Of course, not everyone can beat the monsters. Some people want to fight the monsters alone, but they are directly torn apart by the monsters and die.

Such things really abound!
As a result, several people formed an alliance in a short period of time, just to get more cosmic energy stones!

As soon as Shake killed a monster, he saw the cosmic energy stone. He immediately knew why so many monsters came here. It must be because of the cosmic energy stone in his body. This thing is a good thing, and his current cultivation Because it has reached the bottleneck!

If nothing else, most of these monsters have this stone in their bodies!
He had to kill as soon as possible, but after seeing other people kill Warcraft, he also got the cosmic energy stone.

He felt very uncomfortable in his heart, those things could only belong to him!
But on second thought, he grinned all over his face!

Don't worry about other people, let these people kill the monster first, wait a while, and then snatch it away!

He is used to killing, besides, Star Wind Region has always encouraged killing.

After all, the strong are respected!
At this time, Xia Ke saw the Cosmic Energy Stone in Tang Zhong's hand from a distance, and marveled at the other party's strength, but that's fine, wait a while, all of them were snatched, and went into his hands.

Then ignore the other party and get more cosmic energy first.

Tang Zhong was also killing at this moment.

These monsters are nothing in the hands of Tang Zhong. With the magic sword in his hand, he can instantly kill the monsters, but Tang Zhong's choice is not to kill them quickly, because it is not good to expose his strength sooner!

Tang Zhong knew it was the first shot.

After he dealt with those monsters for a few tricks, he pretended to defeat them with all his strength.

This scene, being watched by other people, their eyes couldn't help burning.

It is difficult for some people to fight these monsters with the strength of the first-level stars. Seeing that Tang Zhong, a planet-level person, can kill monsters, his pupils are full of deep jealousy!

"The sword in that guy's hand looks unusual!"

"Yeah, that guy was able to kill those monsters, relying on the blessing of that sword, otherwise he is nothing!"


Xia Ke also discovered the magic sword in Tang Zhong's hand, and his eyes were even hotter: "Hehe, this is the first world area, where killing and robbing are innocent, stupid guy, actually put that kind of treasure It's revealed, I really don't know how to write the word "dead"...but that sword is really domineering, I want it!"


The magic sword in Tang Zhong's hand waved, and the black shadows moved. At this time, Tang Zhong, like a god of killing, pierced through the two monsters with indescribable sharpness.

These demonic beasts are actually not low in intelligence, and it was actually two people working together to kill Tang Zhong alone. These are obviously not owned by ordinary demonic beasts, but even so, they are under the power of Tang Zhong's magic sword, and they have no resistance at all.


Two cosmic energy stones jumped out of the body of the dead monster, and Tang Zhong grabbed it in his hand.

The harvest this time is really good!

"Be careful!" Suddenly the voice of the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier came out.

"What's going on?" Tang Zhong immediately became vigilant.

He saw that behind him, the underground soil actually loosened, and the ground shook accordingly, as if something was about to emerge from it.

Break out!

First stretched out were two large pincers, and then drilled out a huge scorpion, all black and red!

As soon as it appeared, it immediately roared.

This monster, like the king of monsters, immediately moved as soon as it appeared, like a phantom, swish, and the black shadow moved towards Tang Zhong!

That breath... is very strong!
Tang Zhong was watched by countless people because of his previous performance. When he saw that monster appear, he couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

"That guy is going to be unlucky now!"

"I see it too... I will be scared to cry after watching it for a while!"

"As soon as he dies, I'll hide the sword in his hand!"

At this time, Tang Zhong naturally also saw the scorpion coming, and watched the huge scorpion rushing towards him. There was no panic in his eyes, but a scorching heat. The cosmic energy stone in the body of the king of monsters, Definitely bigger!
Immediately, he slashed at the huge scorpion with a sword.

Slash together with the pincers caught by the scorpion!
The pliers are like magic weapons, no matter what they pinch, they can be easily destroyed!
A clear voice came out.

The magic sword didn't kill the beast all at once!

This time, Tang Zhong absolutely didn't have any intention of holding back, he could only say that this Warcraft has such a tough skin!

At this time, only by looking closely can you see everything clearly. On the back, there is a pitch-black shell with many small thorns on it. Those small thorns are still wriggling, and you can smell the scorpion's iron pincers with A bitter taste, which means that the iron tongs are poisonous!

This is no ordinary Warcraft!

"There are more cosmic energy stones in this monster than all the stones in your hand, kill him quickly!"

Ten Dao Yanlong soldiers said.

Tang Zhong was even more excited at Tang Zhong's words, and his killing intent immediately became even greater.

The people around also recognized that this monster was not easy at this moment.

"I'm going, that's the Sky Demon Scorpion, and it's the king of the Sky Demon Scorpion. Oh my god, this monster has actually appeared in this wave of beasts!"

"What, Scorpio, let's go, don't be here anymore!"

Anyone who has heard of the Sky Demon Scorpion here will now have the heart to retreat, and dare not stay here, because the Sky Demon Scorpion is a terrifying creature with very strong strength, if they continue to stay here, they will be in danger. die!
Fortunately, the king of the Scorpion is not looking for them, but that person, so let that person be the dead ghost first!
In the distance, Xia Ke also saw the King of the Sky Demon Scorpion. At this moment, he was already red-eyed because of killing monsters. This is a genuine cosmic energy stone. Only the Star Wind Domain exists. As much as he can get, he must get as much as he wants.

There are many stones in the body of ordinary monsters, and there must be more stones in the body of the Scorpion King that day.

However, he was still more afraid of the monster. When he saw that the Sky Demon Scorpion King was facing Tang Zhong, he laughed: "Boy, it seems that I don't need to kill you. After you consume the Sky Demon Scorpion King I am killing it, and enjoying the fisherman's profit!"

(End of this chapter)

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