Chapter 1355 Snatch!

At this moment, Tang Zhong had already learned from Shidao Yanlong Bing how powerful this Sky Demon Scorpion King is, so now he faced it carefully!
He must kill the Sky Demon Scorpion King!
That day, the Scorpion King was also looking at Tang Zhong, his huge blood-red pupils were full of murderous intent, obviously this demonic beast was too smart, now you are looking at Tang Zhong's danger, maybe if Tang Zhong's danger If the speed is too high, it will not be shot.

Sometimes monsters can drink human blood. This monster is now targeting Tang Zhong and wants to kill Tang Zhong!
At this moment, the King of the Demon Scorpion started to move, apparently aware that he could defeat Tang Zhong, so he chose to make a move now, and the iron tongs danced with a scarlet hurricane!

Going towards Tang Zhong, the iron tongs that were strong enough to cut through the mountains, chopped at Tang Zhong in the middle!

The momentum was so great, if he was really cut by the pliers, the current Tang Zhong would probably die immediately.

Tang Zhong blocked it with a sword. He had been reminded by Shidao Yanlongbing before, so naturally he would not relax or underestimate the other party.

You wouldn't say to let the monster not take your attack, and immediately picked up the sword towards the monster, aiming at the blood-red pupils of the Sky Demon Scorpion, trying to assassinate it!

No matter what kind of creature it is, it uses its eyes to see things, destroying its eyes will break its way!
That day the Scorpion King immediately began to dodge, the iron pincers seemed to have no time to attack, but he saw his tail sticking out, the curved poisonous hook was extremely dark, it was obviously poisonous inside, and there was juice oozing out from the tip.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong quickly dodged and blocked the opponent's tail with his sword!
The powerful aura suddenly forced Tang Zhong back!

Then Tang Zhong squinted his eyes, staring at the scorpion's poisonous tail!
He only has one sword, but the opponent has three means of attack!

No wonder ordinary people can't beat this monster. If he had been a little more relaxed just now, he might have been poisoned and died by now.

But this was not enough to scare Tang Zhong off.

Immediately Tang Zhong rushed out again, on the Demon Sword sword, a surging sword energy appeared, as if it was going to swallow the front!
Facing the demon scorpion that day!

The demon scorpion also immediately resisted!

The collision of one person and one beast, the resulting fluctuations directly strangled many monsters around them!

When this scene appeared, many people were surprised to see it.

It never occurred to him that the boy at the ninth level of the planetary level would be able to fight the King of the Sky Demon Scorpion so hard, it was really amazing!

But no one thinks all of this is Tang Zhong's strength, but thinks that it is bestowed by the sword in Tang Zhong's hand, and they can do it if they are given such a sword!

"Is this guy... really long-lasting? But I think the King of the Demon Scorpion is still far away. Continue to resist. It is just what I want to toss that monster for a longer time!" In the distance, Xia Ke smiled coldly. up.

He didn't think Tang Zhong could win!

At this time, the surging sword energy directly used the body of the Sky Demon Scorpion.

A large burst of sparks burst out.

But this time, the Sky Demon Scorpion roared. The Sky Demon Scorpion had a very high defense, but the magic sword in Tang Zhong's hand was not ordinary at all!
"Roar!" The Sky Demon Scorpion King roared, becoming even more furious, and roared directly. This time, the big iron tongs and tail stabbed at Tang Zhong together!

"Sword cut!" Tang Zhong roared immediately, not to be outdone.

This is the sword move that Tang Zhong learned in his early years!
It was released with Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers before, and its power is astonishing, but now when Tang Zhong uses the magic sword, the power is also very high!
The huge sword-slashing shadow came tearing through the void and submerged towards the Sky Demon Scorpion King on the ground!
Even in the air, there was a circle of ripples!
Tang Zhong has already practiced so well, and now he is even more proficient after performing it!
I saw the black sword shadow collided with the king of the magic scorpion that day.

The two strong winds collided directly and exploded with a bang.

The King of the Demon Scorpion was impacted by strong fluctuations, so he might be a little groggy right now!

Seeing this, Tang Zhong knew that if the Sky Demon Scorpion King resisted like this, unless his strength was higher, he would not be able to block the opponent's iron pincers at all!

Tang Zhong also knew this. He was also familiar with his own weaknesses in the trial tower before.

In an instant, he let go of the hand holding the magic sword.

Fighting requires flexibility. No matter how smart a monster of this level is, it is nothing in front of humans!

Just as Tang Zhong let go, the thunder in his left hand and the flame in his right hand appeared instantly.

"One finger of the gods and demons!"

The vast power came out in an instant, and I saw that on Tang Zhong's finger, a finger formed by the condensation of lightning appeared, carrying a rolling coercion, as fast as lightning, and directly blasted towards the back of the demon scorpion that day!
The tail of the magic scorpion that day, the iron pincers are now resisting the magic sword!
Seeing this scene suddenly, he roared.But it's too late!
I saw the force on the finger, forcibly blasting on the huge body of the King of the Demon Scorpion. At the same time, the powerful wave knocked the opponent back more than ten meters away. Wherever he went, the ground was plowed into a The deep ravine, not only that, those unlucky monsters were also directly blasted past!
The Sky Demon Scorpion King fell directly to the ground, his body exploded.

"How is it possible?" Everyone who saw this scene was stunned and couldn't believe it was true.

"That guy used martial arts just now!"


Many people were shocked, and they didn't know which galaxy this person came from. It's really impressive to have such a powerful strength!
However, everyone still didn't believe that Tang Zhong could kill the King of the Demon Scorpion. He must have used some means. Most likely he used that sword to seriously wound the King of the Demon Scorpion just now. It was all because of that sword!

As a result, the gazes of all the people looking at the Emperor Demon Blood Sword began to burn.

"That sword is really good!"

In the distance, Xia Ke opened his eyes wide, and his greedy expression became more obvious: "That sword is good, and that martial skill is also powerful. Where did this person come from? He actually has so many cards, but now that thing is mine. It's over!"

Immediately, Xia Ke walked towards Tang Zhong regardless of the monsters around him. The other party must be very tired at the moment, and this is a good opportunity to snatch it!

He not only wants the sword, but also that person's martial arts, in short, he wants everything that is useful!
At this moment, Tang Zhong killed the Sky Demon Scorpion King, and there was nothing wrong with it. He immediately ran to the Sky Demon Scorpion King, opened the opponent's body, and grabbed the cosmic energy stone inside. It's so big, this time it will definitely break through the cultivation base!
But at this time, a cold voice came from behind: "Don't touch that thing, it's mine!"

(Seven more dedicated!)

(End of this chapter)

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