Chapter 1356 Breakthrough!

"Passive, that thing is mine now!" At this moment, a cold voice came out, only to see Shake walking out with a smile, and said: "You are good, this time the guards gathered here. I will reward you, now hand me the cosmic energy stone in your hand, no matter what galaxy you are from, I, the Tianyang galaxy, can protect you safe and sound in this first world area, and of course I still want your sword And that Wuji you just had!"

Hearing this voice, Tang Zhong turned his head around and saw Xia Ke, and a cold and stern look appeared in his pupils!
This Xia Ke threatened to kill Tang Zhong just now, but now he is talking like this, trekking arrogantly, and using this method to snatch the cosmic energy stone in Tang Zhong's hand, this is really despicable.

Others may be frightened by the other party, but Tang Zhong will not. With his temperament, no matter who the other party is, the weak or the strong with the same strength, he will directly kill him. As for the stronger one, Tang Zhong will also let him Keep something in mind.

The people around are all looking at Tang Zhong at this time. After all, there are relatively few people in the Tianyang galaxy, and they all feel sorry for Tang Zhong. If such a large cosmic energy stone is absorbed, it can make itself much stronger. , but now such a situation has appeared, it is really a pity!
Not to mention anything else now, that person worked so hard to kill that monster, and was robbed a lot by others, and other treasures, this person actually wants to snatch them away, it's really despicable!

"That boy, how pitiful, if there is a huge galaxy as the backing, the Tianyang Galaxy would not dare to do this!"

"This kid's strength is good, but it's a pity that his background is too low, hey, his background is too low, the influence is really too powerful!"

"Nonsense, birth determines the future, understand? Keep your voice down, stop discussing, and don't forget those people who discussed the fate of the Tianyang Galaxy before!"

But who knew that what they never expected was that at this time, Tang Zhong immediately yelled: "Get out!"

As for Xia Ke, he suddenly became gloomy, clenched his fists, and a powerful aura appeared from above, looked at Tang Zhong, and said gloomyly: "What did you say? You really think I told you what happened in front of the trial tower just now Have you forgotten it?"

"I haven't forgotten it yet!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"I'm overestimated, so I'll kill you now!" Xia Ke said coldly.

The people around sighed and shook their heads. They thought that Tang Zhong would hand over the cosmic energy stone. After all, in this first world area, how many people are desperately trying to survive. This person has good strength and luck If it's good, maybe you can really get into the genius battle. At that time, let alone soaring into the sky, if you can get a similar noun, that would be quite good, but now, you are dying here because of ignorance!
After all, here, strength comes first!
Star Wind Territory doesn't care, whoever is strong can kill!
The sighs of the people around made Xia Ke feel even more satisfied. In an instant, the whole person rushed out and slapped Tang Zhong with a palm.

That huge palm descended from the sky, covering the sky and the sun!
Rolling towards Tang Zhong.

But at this time, Tang Zhong held the cosmic energy stone in his hand and reached out to Shake!

Xia Ke just slammed his palm over, thinking that the other party was afraid, and now he is preparing to give him the cosmic energy stone, and put away his palm in an instant: "Very good, this is considered sensible!"

However, just when Xia Ke was about to take the cosmic energy stone into his hands, at this moment, he saw Tang Zhong crushing the cosmic energy stone, and then saw the stone melt and melt into Tang Zhong's body. inside!

All these cosmic energies have now been absorbed by Tang Zhong.

Then I saw Tang Zhong looking comfortable, looking at Shake in front, and said coldly: "What are you, protecting me in this first world area?"

In this scene, Xia Ke didn't react for a while, and after a daze, he came back to his senses. The face that was originally full of smiles was now completely furious, obviously unbelievable. The person in front of him didn't know which galaxy came out How dare you play tricks on him now!

Not only him, but people from other galaxies next to him were also shocked. They knew that Xia Ke was very good at trekking, but now he was too far behind the young man in front of him. This guy is too arrogant. People, if they don't have the strength, will be directly beaten into a dog's head in this first world area, and even lose their lives!
"Okay, okay, even if you kneel on the ground and offer everything with your own hands, I will make it impossible for you to survive!" Shake trembled angrily, staring at Tang Zhong with resentment, and that gaze could give him everything. Cut to pieces by thousands of knives, violent killing intent surged out.

The other party's so-called ferocious appearance did not make Tang Zhong feel any fear. He took a fierce step forward, and violent power surged out from his body!

It never occurred to him that after absorbing that large cosmic energy stone just now, there is a possibility of a breakthrough, and it is very fast, right now.

Immediately, Tang Zhong melted all the more than 20 cosmic energy stones he obtained before into his body, and then absorbed them completely.

Originally, Tang Zhong was not far away from the star level, coupled with the stimulation of cosmic energy, the cultivation base in his body climbed up little by little, and now he is about to break through.

The power of this cosmic energy is really good. Tang Zhong's aura suddenly soared, his strength soared, and the invisible fluctuations around his whole body surged around!

The pleasure of improving the cultivation base in the body resounded like thunder in the sky at this moment.

The strength of the ninth-level planetary level has now directly broken through the star level!

That feeling is really refreshing!

The people around cast shocked gazes. They never expected that this guy who looks good is actually only a planetary rank. It's really unbelievable!
Then Tang Zhong stared at Shake in front of him, and a cold voice came out: "I am in pursuit of stability, and I don't bother to resist you whatever you say. After I came in, I spent Star Wind Coins, but your Tianyang Galaxy Do you really think that you are the overlord after being domineering here for the past few days?"

"You have this level of strength, and you want to be the king, so go daydreaming!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience. They all knew that this battle was absolutely inevitable.

They also agreed with what Tang Zhong said. The so-called payment of money for protection is just a joint resistance of a large group of people. It has nothing to do with Tianyang Galaxy. Many people support Tang Zhong, but At the same time, they also know that to resist the opponent, they need strength!
The difference between the fifth level and the first level is too far after all!

(End of this chapter)

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