Chapter 1357 Sword Dance!

Xia Ke in the distance did not expect that Tang Zhong would suddenly break through, but the other party's words made him extremely furious, his face was extremely sinister, and his face was also slightly distorted. The whole person looked extremely ferocious: "Okay, okay, If you want to die, I will send you to die!"

"It seems that you people in the junior galaxy really don't take our Tianyang galaxy seriously. Forget it, some untouchables may be very powerful in their own galaxy, and they regard this place as their own galaxy. For such people, I don't care. My favorite is killing!"

After speaking, his fists were clenched together, making a crackling sound!
"I don't know how many people like you who are first-level stars have died in front of me. I really don't know where your confidence comes from. How dare you challenge me here!"

At this moment, the previous wave of beasts has been blocked, probably because the King of the Sky Demon Scorpion died just now, and many monsters have now retreated one after another.

Tianyang Galaxy is not weak, there are other people besides Xia Ke, when they heard Tang Zhong insulting Tianyang Galaxy, they were all angry at this moment, and they immediately approached Tang Zhong!
Seeing this, the people around stepped back one after another. After all, people from the Tianyang galaxy are doing business now, so it's better for them to stay far away!

At this moment, the people of the Tianyang galaxy have surrounded Tang Zhong, and Tang Zhong can hardly fly even with wings!
Xia Ke looked Tang Zhong up and down and said: "Boy, you can tell me now that you are from that galaxy, and let me know who gave you the courage so far!"

"Shoot galaxy, Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Very good, we will not let go of the Galaxy, but you have to tell me where your galaxy is, it's too small, we haven't heard of it at all!" Xia Kehaha He laughed, and at this time he did not forget to mock Tang Zhong.

"Then let me learn what your so-called Tianyang galaxy is." Tang Zhong said.

"You really think that you can compete with me by killing a Sky Demon Scorpion King. You must know that monsters can never compare to humans. You will know how stupid your behavior is right away!" Xia Ke said coldly.

But who knew, in an instant, Tang Zhong started to strike directly, and his strong strength surged out in an instant. Obviously, when he stepped into the star rank, his strength was not a little bit thicker.

This feeling made Tang Zhong feel extremely refreshed!

Seeing Tang Zhong's first strike, Xia Ke didn't show any shock at all. He started to strike directly, his strength condensed, and all of his fists reached his fist. The heat, and the power on the fist was as terrifying as a volcanic eruption, and it crushed Tang Zhong with astonishing coercion!

The moment the two fists collided, a radiant light exploded.

It has to be said that this Xia Ke is not someone who waits for nothing.

Sure enough, people with strength above the star level are really abnormal.

"God and Devil Finger!" At this moment, Tang Zhong immediately changed his attack method. Vigorous power burst out from the finger, thunder and fire blended together, and the carrier waved powerfully, impacting on Shake!
Xia Ke's face changed slightly, and his hands were constantly changing positions, until finally, two palms blasted out.


The magic fingers and Shake's palms slammed together fiercely, and a powerful force was directly stirred up, which rippled and rushed out towards the surroundings!
Wherever he went, the corpses on the ground were directly stirred up.

The onlookers also felt the power, and were pushed back out again!
That Xia Ke did not expect Tang Zhong to be able to fight against him so fiercely. He is a fifth-order person, but the opponent is only a first-order person, and he can't kill him. To him, it is simply a huge humiliation.

"Death!" Shake yelled, and at this moment, he took out a knife directly from behind him.

The blade was red, as if it had been soaked in fresh blood, and it slashed directly at Tang Zhong. The huge blade shadow fell from the sky, as powerful as a mountain!

Tang Zhong immediately took out the Emperor Demon Blood Sword and blocked it with his hand.

The huge blade looked directly at the sword body of the Emperor Demon Blood Sword.

The powerful force seemed to crush the ground.

Seeing that Tang Zhong actually blocked it, Xia Ke roared wildly.

The speed of swinging the knife in his hand became faster.

It's like a phantom, it's really hard to catch it with your eyes, and the speed is like lightning.

too fast!

"Go to hell!"

Suddenly, Shaker made a move.

Another knife!

He confuses Tang Zhong with his quick attack, when Tang Zhong is not paying attention, he directly attacks!

But what he didn't know was that Tang Zhong had already seen his scene clearly. Just after Xia Ke's attack came, Tang Zhong stabbed out with a sword!
Just collided with the cut blade!
The force collided, and with a bang, both Tang Zhong and Xia Ke were knocked back several steps!
It's just that Xia Ke is really out of breath now. On the other hand, Tang Zhong, there is nothing going on right now!

The people around were stunned, as if this Xia Ke couldn't do anything to Tang Zhong now!

Impossible, they couldn't believe it, after all, Tang Zhong was only a first-order person!

At this time, Tang Zhong sneered: "With this little strength, you want to be the king. You have attacked me for so long, I think it's my turn now!"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Zhong directly raised the Heavenly Demon Sword.

Sword dance!

Tang Zhong rushed forward like a phantom!
It's the same move as before!

Sword dance!

Dance the sword!

Tang Zhong before was enough to dance the sword, which was hard to see with the naked eye.

At this moment, Tang Zhong danced the weapon in his hand and rushed towards Xia Ke!

Xia Ke quickly stretched out his hand to resist, he should stretch out the knife in his hand to resist.

Ding Ding Ding!
At first his speed could keep up with Tang Zhong's speed, but soon Tang Zhong's speed became faster and faster.

Xia Ke panicked, because the opponent's speed was really too fast.

The knife in Xia Ke's hand couldn't block the magic sword in Tang Zhong's hand.

I saw the blade of the magic sword cut directly on Shake's body.



Because the speed at which the magic sword is danced is really too fast.

After Shack was stabbed once, there was no room for retaliation.

The blade of the magic sword walked across his body for countless times!

In the past, if he was cut like this, that person would die.

Compare what armor Shaker is wearing now!

At this moment, Tang Zhong slashed down with his last sword, and the raging sword energy raged upwards, when he heard a bang, something exploded in front of Xia Ke's chest, and his whole body also flew upside down. out.

(End of this chapter)

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