Chapter 1358 Tianyang Golden Soul!

At this time, Xia Ke screamed, flew upside down, and landed hard, rubbing the ground into a ravine.

When this scene appeared, the people around were shocked. They always thought that Xia Ke would definitely kill the other party. Even better, the two fights were evenly matched. They never thought that such a scene would happen. It was beyond everyone's surprise. expected.

Then he looked at Tang Zhong with all his eyes, as long as this person can continue like this, maybe he can really survive in this first world zone and enter the genius battle.

Shake flew out, and many people from the Tianyang Galaxy were going to help each other up!

"Go away!" Shake yelled, got up from the ground, looking extremely embarrassed, then reached out and groped in front of his chest, and took out a battle armor.

It turned out to be a battle armor baby!
At this time, everyone also understood why, just now Tang Zhong cut down so many swords, and Xia Ke was not dead yet, so it was because of the existence of the battle armor that this result occurred.

I have to say that the background of the Tianyang Galaxy is really not that big. If it were his galaxy, it would definitely not be able to afford it now!

Sure enough, sometimes, a strong back is also a kind of strength. If it were someone else, he might have died just now.

I saw Xia Ke throwing the battle armor to the ground and looking at Tang Zhong viciously: "Okay, you are very good, but you must die. I originally wanted to use it in the genius battle, and now I can let you see it in advance. Keep your eyes open for the martial arts of the Yang galaxy!"

At this moment, Shake's body surged with a wave of breath, and the golden light shone, and the whole person was like a golden man, and then the light in the sky also surged.

Seeing this scene, the people around couldn't help but backed away.

"Is that the trick?"

"It's very likely that's the trick!"

"That guy is miserable!"

At this moment, a bright light burst out from Shake with tremendous power fluctuations. The sky was originally slightly dark, but now with Shake's release of such martial arts, this place is illuminated, and the night It seems to have disappeared.

The light surged across the sky, and from the light, a big foot stretched out, and then, a golden man appeared from it, and that golden man stood on the sky, as if supporting the whole world!
Under his feet, the force continuously hit the ground far away.

The ground couldn't help shaking.

"It really was that move, Tianyang Golden Soul!"

"That trick can control the golden man behind him to fight. I don't know if it's true or not!"

"it is true!"

At this moment, when the huge golden man appeared, Roque's whole body floated up and arrived in front of the golden man.

Although he looked embarrassed at this time, but because of the foil of the golden man, he looked extremely majestic, his pupils turned golden, his hair and clothes slammed violently, and his face was full of lingering coldness. mango!



It can only be described with this adjective.

Many people began to worry about Tang Zhong. Although everyone hoped that Tang Zhong could win and give Tianyang Galaxy a good face, but the difference in strength, it is really too difficult to achieve that step. Time is really too difficult to do.

Almost all the people in the Tianyang Galaxy shouted and cursed: "Master Xia, hurry up and kill that guy!"

"Yes, give him a punch to achieve the broken foam!"

"Lord Xia Ke is angry, and he will kill someone when he is angry!"

At this time, almost everyone thought that Tang Zhong had no chance of surviving!
It's a pity that Tang Zhong is a genius, it's a pity, it's a pity!
Of course, there are many people present who wanted to rebel, but now they are obedient. If Xia Ke uses this trick to deal with them, they really have nothing to do!
"Tang can you resist me? Now, why don't you accept death obediently!" In the distance, Xia Ke, who was in front of the golden man, roared ferociously, with cold murderous intent flowing in his pupils!

In an instant, he began to wave his fist.

Just as he moved, the huge golden man behind him also moved.

As long as it is where Shake blasts past, the golden man will also pass.

At this time, the golden man's fist burst out, the light surged, and there was an image of destruction, and at the same time, the aura above made the whole earth tremble, and with monstrous power, he rushed towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong dodged immediately, and finally escaped!
I saw the impact of the huge golden man, the ground was swept up, and a gully with a size of one hundred feet appeared. Anything that collides with this fist will be directly destroyed!
Seeing Tang Zhong hiding again, Xia Ke laughed wildly: "Hide, keep hiding, I really want to see where you can hide!"

Constant bombardment of fists!
Every landing!
The ground was the same scene, and the surrounding area was also collapsed by the earthquake.

People from those galaxies gasped. In the future, they must never fight with people from the Tianyang galaxy. These people are really terrifying!

Tang Chong had just dodged a punch, and he didn't continue to dodge. Instead, he hit the fist directly with a magic finger!
The huge and thick Leihuo's fingers collided with the golden man's fist!
Boom boom boom, the power of the magic finger is really too small, it was directly destroyed by the golden man's fist, and at the same time, Tang Zhong was blown out, the whole person fell to the ground, very embarrassed, his body came Vibrating pain.

"Haha, stand up and resist!" Seeing this, Shake immediately laughed wildly.

Tang Zhong got up from the ground, stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth, looked at Xia Ke in front of him, and frowned slightly. He felt that the other party was a bit difficult to deal with just now, but it didn't mean that he was difficult to deal with. .

Tang Zhong almost knew what to do!

To be honest, the power of this martial skill is more than that of the magic finger!
It is stronger!
Tang Zhong sighed, it seems that this time, he must use his trump card!
Lei Yan's body... out!

Tang Zhong roared.

In the distance, Xia Ke saw Tang Zhong sighing, thinking that the other party was afraid, and was about to smile grinningly, but at this moment, he saw that Tang Zhong's aura seemed to have changed.

"Look, that guy doesn't seem ordinary!"

"I saw!"

I saw Tang Zhong at this moment, his whole body was covered with golden light, the left half was thunder, and the right half was flames!
The whole person seems to have entered the fairy mode!
The whole body is covered with a layer of golden light!
Is this the power of Lei Yan's body?

Tang Zhong felt violent and domineering, as if he wanted to blow everything up!
(End of this chapter)

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