Chapter 1359 The True Power of Lei Yan Body!

Tang Zhong has never fully utilized the power of Lei Yan's body. He was unable to fully utilize it when he was at the planetary level before, but now that he has reached the star level, Tang Zhong really feels the horror of this physique!
Without using the giant dragon avatar, only using the power of Lei Yan's body, Tang Zhong is like a man of thunder and fire.

Stepping on the cyclone of thunder and fire under his feet, he made a crackling sound when he moved his muscles and bones!
"Not bad!" Even the ten flame dragon soldiers couldn't help praising Tang Zhong's Lei Yan body.

Tang Zhong also laughed, and he roared loudly, a long rainbow shot up from his body, soaring into the sky, his hair was all messed up, his pupils were filled with golden light, he looked like a Vulcan!
This scene, being seen by the people around, everyone's face changed!

"That guy's physique doesn't seem to be inferior to Shake's, have you seen that?"

"I see!"

Those who hoped that Tang Zhong would beat Xia Ke violently had no hope in the first place, but now they are full of hope!
Xia Ke was suspended in the air, seeing the changes in Tang Zhong's body, the anger exploded in his heart, he walked forward, and the golden man behind him followed closely.

"Boy, no matter what means you have today, you will die!"

In an instant, Xia Ke punched Tang Zhong directly.

The power on that fist, with the aura of wind and clouds, surged towards Tang Zhong!

The huge golden man behind him also moved.

The power is still as great as before.

"Keep hiding, let me see how you hide this time!"

Tang Zhong turned around and saw the golden man attacking with his fists, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Who said I'm going to hide?"

I saw Tang Zhong clenching his fist and directly meeting the golden man's fist.

Above the left fist, it is now full of thunder!
"I don't know how to live or die!" Seeing Tang Zhong confronting him, Xia Ke immediately sneered.

The people around couldn't believe it either, it was the individual who could see who was the loser and who was the winner.

That golden man's fist is so huge, but Tang Zhong's fist is so small!

But at this moment.

It was a scene that shocked everyone.

I saw when Tang Zhong and the golden man's fists were bombarding together.

Strong fluctuations bloomed from the center of the fist!

After that, Tang Zhong was pushed back by the shock, and the golden man did the same, and stopped after taking a few steps back.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked, and they never expected this scene to happen.

"Did I read it wrong, that golden man was actually repelled!" Someone said in disbelief.

"That's right, it's true!"

Their eyes are bigger than the other!
Xia Ke was repelled, and became even more furious, looking at Tang Zhong: "Boy, you must die, die!"

Then he went directly to attack Tang Zhong!

The speed of the golden man behind him also increased, and the ground shook with every step. When he got close to Tang Zhong, he punched him!

On the fist, there is a shocking flame!
Tang Zhong has also stabilized his body now. This strength is good, but he hasn't adapted yet, but it's almost the same. When he saw the opponent attacking, he went directly to meet him.

Take this battle as a trial!

With a bang, Tang Zhong's fist directly met, and the wave exploded!

"No!" Seeing that Tang Zhong was not killed, Xia Ke continued to attack.

Another punch!
Boom boom boom!
The fists of the two collided together, constantly generating explosive waves!
All of the golden man's fists were blocked by Tang Zhong.

"Impossible!" Shaker roared.

The strongest punch, directly blasted out!

Tang Zhong greeted him with a punch!
Boom boom boom!
The bursts immediately appeared, and their power fluctuated, directly stirring up the surrounding ground.

At the same time, both of them retreated!
The use of the Tianyang Golden Soul consumes stamina, and now Xia Ke is out of breath, as if his body has been hollowed out.

But he saw that Tang Zhong was fine!
After all, Xia Ke is using martial arts, and Tang Zhong is his physique!
The two are simply not comparable.

" come you have nothing at all, this is absolutely impossible!" When Xia Ke saw that Tang Zhong had nothing at all, he was stunned, and couldn't believe it was true!
"After fighting for so long, shouldn't it be me!" Tang Zhong said with a sneer.

At this moment, Tang Zhong had fully adapted to the current Lei Yan body, and rushed out directly, bombarding Xia Ke with the power of breaking the sky!
"You let me die, do you deserve it?" Tang Zhong roared wildly.

Xia Ke's face was ugly, and he quickly urged the golden man to resist!

"A person from a small galaxy, where did you get the courage to challenge our Tianyang galaxy?"

I saw him driving the golden man, punching Tang Zhong with a punch!

The fists of the two hit together this time!
At this moment, a loud rumbling sound came out.

Like thunder and lightning, it exploded.

This time, Tang Zhong didn't move at all. On the other hand, the golden man retreated tens of meters directly this time!

"How is it possible?" Xia Ke's face was extremely ugly!
The whole person retreated a few steps, and the golden man also retreated with him, feeling extremely upset, ready to continue to attack Tang Zhong.

But what he didn't know was that Tang Zhong had rushed over at this moment.

Falling from the sky, the power of the fist appears surging!

Facing the head of the golden man!
Since the other party's reliance is this golden man, then just break the golden man.

Xia Ke didn't expect Tang Zhong to be so fierce at all, his pupils were trembling at the moment, obviously he didn't expect such a scene to appear!
Hastily started to fight back.

But what he didn't know was that he was already late.

Just ready to throw a punch!
But Tang Zhong's fist has already arrived.

It was bombarding the golden man's head.

Above the fist, flames blazed up.

People around were stunned when they saw Tang Zhong's actions.

"What is that guy trying to do? Is he planning to attack the golden man?"


The Tianyang Golden Soul of the Tianyang Galaxy is originally a powerful martial skill, so few people can defeat the Golden Soul!
At this moment, Tang Zhong's fist directly hit the top of the giant golden man's head.

The whole world seemed to be silent, no one thought that such a scene would happen!
"Boy, it's useless. Any of your attacks are useless to me. As long as the time for Tianyang Golden Soul is not up, no one can beat me!" Xia Ke laughed ferociously.

But his smile froze in an instant.

"Who said I can't beat you!" Tang Zhong raised his mouth slightly.

At this moment, cracks gradually appeared between the eyebrows of the golden man that Tang Zhong was facing with his fist, and then began to spread all over the golden man's body!
(End of this chapter)

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