Chapter 1360 Eight Divine Lights!

At this moment, from the center of the eyebrows of the huge golden man, golden cracks spread towards the surroundings.

The whole golden man seemed to be split apart!
"How could this be?" Xia Ke couldn't believe it was true.

This is Tianyang Golden Soul!

Now it was split open with a punch.

Xia Ke once heard from the elders of the Tianyang galaxy that the golden man would be broken directly only when facing someone who was much stronger than himself, otherwise the golden man would have to dissipate by himself!
But now he was indeed punched like this by the person in front of him!


Shaker roared, he was just a person from an inferior galaxy, how could he beat him!
Xia Ke still wanted to resist, using his strength to keep the golden man from being blown up with a single punch.

But there was nothing he could do.

The cracks on the golden man are getting bigger and bigger, all over the body, and the cracks are releasing golden light towards the outside, as if they are about to explode at any time!

The Jinren finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Under the power of Tang Zhong's punch!

The body shattered and began to collapse at the same time, turning into broken stones and scattering away!

The people around have been completely dumbfounded. It is unbelievable that this scene is true, but they have to believe that it is true.

"!" Shaker roared, but it was of no avail.

Tang Zhong at this moment withdrew his fist, and then punched him again!
With a bang, it directly hit the golden man, speeding up the process of the golden man's shattering.


The golden man directly shattered into slag, scattered towards the surroundings, and turned into nothingness!
And Xia Ke's whole body also flew out backwards!
His golden man was punched, just like he was punched, blood spurted out from his chest!

The whole person is very embarrassed.

When it fell to the ground, it forcibly plowed a ditch in the ground.

Because Xia Ke no longer has the power to bless him, his arm is also broken!
When he stopped, he was already in a mess, his whole body was covered in blood, his pupils were full of truth, and he kept murmuring in a low voice that it was impossible!
Absolutely impossible!
Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. At this moment, they all looked at Tang Zhong who had released Lei Yan's body!
This guy actually defeated Xia Ke. The Tianyang galaxy is a high-level galaxy, and there is only one guy, who is obviously a person from a low-level galaxy. Could it be that they all misunderstood that this guy is from a high-level galaxy. Or is it someone from a super galaxy?

This time, the people who came to participate in the talent competition of the Star Wind Field included many galaxies. In the entire Star Wind Field, there were hundreds of millions of galaxies.

Among the hundreds of millions of galaxies, the lower galaxies have the most, at most only one person can participate, while the upper galaxies have five or six people, and the higher galaxies have dozens of people. As for the super galaxies, there are even more people!

So at this moment, everyone around him wondered what galaxy this person was from!

At this time, people from the Tianyang Galaxy ran to Xia Ke's side, squatted on the ground and helped him up: "Master Xia, how are you doing?"

Xia Ke was lying on the ground, dying, with no strength in his whole body, he murmured: "Kill...kill that guy, use that move!"

"Yes..." those people from the Tianyang Galaxy immediately said, and took out the medicine from their bags!

Spraying on Shake's wound, I saw that the bleeding wound before it healed quickly, and fed a medicine to Shake at the same time, and saw that the dying Shack began to recover slowly!

Then Xia Ke looked at Tang Zhong, with even stronger killing intent in his eyes: "I... will definitely kill you!"

"Come on!" Tang Zhong grinned.

"Give me a hand, use that trick!" Xia Ke said coldly.

People from other Tianyang galaxies around nodded and immediately dispersed.

Soon Tang Zhong was surrounded.

"Boy, let me see how you hide this time!" Shake said viciously.

Tang Zhong grinned: "I didn't hide just now, how could I hide this time?"

"They seem to want to use some kind of formation to deal with you!" The voice of Shi Daoyan's dragon soldiers came.

"Is it very strong?" Tang Zhong whispered.

"I don't know!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Then break it with one punch!" Tang Zhong laughed.

At this time, people from the Tianyang galaxy had already surrounded Tang Chong.

Seeing this scene, the people around couldn't help sighing.

Tang Zhong is very strong. He has not spoken for such a long time. He must be from a lower galaxy. It is already very powerful for a person from a lower galaxy to make the upper galaxy so miserable. It is a pity that this The guy's situation is really too miserable, being dealt with by so many people together, although this is not all the power of the Tianyang galaxy, it is really very strong.

Everything can only depend on fate!
Tang Zhong was surrounded in the center, and the people from the surrounding Tianyang galaxy began to rotate around Tang Zhong, and the palms of the same hands moved, as if they were using some formation.

"The sun is gone!"

"Spiritual light!"

The spell came out from Shake's mouth, and his whole body glowed with golden light, like a golden armored god of war!
Then he looked at Tang Zhong extremely ferociously: "Boy, this time, let me see how you can hide, you, a person from an inferior galaxy, can do this very well, but in this first world area, the last The most important thing is to endure, with your strength, if you endure, the future will become a world, but if you won't forbear and contradict my Tianyang galaxy, then we will have to let you die!"

"Now suffer death, Babu Shenguang, open!"

Xia Ke looked at Tang Zhong crazily, Yang Tian laughed wildly, his palms were constantly forming seals, and finally his hands were shining with light.

Not only him, but also the other seven people, the light flickered on their palms, and then they gathered towards the point above Tang Zhong's head.

It actually condensed into a huge ball of light!

In the ball of light, thunder flickered, showing how huge the power was, and there were terrifying fluctuations in it, and holy air was released from it.

The eyes of the people around were wide open, and those who knew something seemed to recognize something at this moment: "It is said that in the Tianyang galaxy, there is a river of thunder that spreads all over the galaxy. Those people drink the water of the river of thunder every day, causing them The holy aura in his body is very strong, and it is full of thunder!"

"Then are they going to hit that person?"


I saw the condensed light ball getting bigger and bigger, as if it was about to explode at any time!
In an instant, there was a rumbling sound, and laser-like rays of light whizzed out from the ball of light, piercing through the void, with an irresistible momentum, suppressing towards Tang Zhong, covering the sky and covering the earth!
Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong grinned: "Since you still hold the hope of defeating me, then let me destroy him completely with my own hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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