Chapter 1366 Demonstration in public!

"Since there is an auction, let's participate!" Tang Zhong said.

Hong Ye nodded and followed behind.

Anyway, now that the two of them have disguised themselves, it shouldn't be so easy to be discovered.

In the twelve cities.

There is a very gorgeous building. At this time, you can see many people going in!
Tang Zhong and Hong Ye also walked in, and there were people checking in front of them, which seemed very formal.

Although it is said that this is the first world area, but this time the auction was held by people from the Star Wind Region, so no one has any drastic means at the moment.

Even if the two have enmity, it is impossible to take revenge here!

Tang Zhong and Hong Ye entered the main gate of the trading place, and saw a person from the Star Wind Region in front of him, who collected Star Wind Coins there, only ten pieces, and then exchanged them for stone plaques with numbers engraved on them. Looking at the numbers on it, The two are looking for a place to sit down!

After sitting down, Hong Ye's voice came in a low voice: "Brother Tang, those people from the Tianyang Galaxy are also there!"

Only then did Tang Zhong glance away, and immediately saw the people from the Tianyang galaxy who were sitting in front of him!

At the same time, Tang Zhong could also feel that there were some powerful auras in other places in this auction.

The cultivation base of the whole body may have reached the sixth or seventh level of the star pole, which is much stronger than the previous Shake.

It seems that the person participating in the Starwind Field Genius Battle this time is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!
"I saw these people, they are all from high-level galaxies, it's not easy!" Hong Ye said after looking up and down the audience.

"It's not easy, it's not easy, don't worry about them, let's look at our own!" Tang Zhong said.

It's still the creed, people don't move me, I don't move people, if anyone touches me, the whole family will be slaughtered!

After the people of the major galaxies sat down.

From the background, an old man came out slowly, with a smile on his face. It was very noisy here, but it became quiet in an instant, and no one spoke anymore!
Tang Zhong also saw the old man, and immediately frowned. This old man's strength is really strong, stronger than a star-level one. What's more frightening is that although this old man is powerful, he looks harmless to humans and animals!

"Geniuses of the galaxy, welcome to the Twelve Cities Auction Branch. My name is Li Gong, and I am the supervisor of this auction!"

The so-called supervisors are actually just watching!
When the people in the surrounding galaxy heard the old man's name, they respectfully talked with him.

The old man also smiled: "If everyone is almost here, let's start. This time, our Star Wind Domain will only auction the last item. Just introduce this location, others choose to auction!"

There is also such an auction method?
Of course no one said no!

Everyone is waiting for the finale of the Starwind Domain Auction!
As soon as he finished speaking, he left the venue. Immediately, someone went up and took out a weapon. It was a long knife called the Blade of Bright Light.

That knife looked very domineering, and it was quickly bought!

Of course, don't think that this kind of business is just a simple business. Sometimes, in order to curry favor with people from higher-level galaxies, people from lower-level galaxies buy things from each other to seek peace!
In short, there are all kinds of situations!

After all, in order to survive, as long as it is a human being, it can do almost anything!
The next auction will naturally continue!

The people of the lower galaxies sell things, obviously that item is very precious, but as long as the people of the higher galaxies want it, they will offer it at a low price. Instead, it is the things that the upper galaxies sell, and the people of the lower galaxies snap up them at a high price.

It can be said that this is the rule!

Tang Zhong looked at the auction and immediately grinned: "It's so fun, then I want to try it too!"

When Hong Ye heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Brother Tang, don't, don't, people from the Sun Galaxy must still be looking for us that day, we must not expose ourselves!"

"But, this is an auction house!" Tang Zhong laughed.

He really doesn't have a lot of Starwind Coins now, all of his Starwind Coins are on the Douluo spacecraft, so he has to leave a Starwind Coin with him!

But what is he selling?
Got it!

Tang Zhong thought of his own martial arts. After learning many martial arts, he hadn't used them for a long time!

For example, sword dance!
Immediately Tang Zhong stood up and walked towards Taichung: "I want to auction off a martial skill called Sword Dance, and its level should be able to be cultivated at a star level!"

A martial art auction must be used once in front of everyone!
Of course, weapons that can hurt people are not allowed. After a while, someone took out a wooden sword for Tang Zhong!
But before Tang Zhong continued the auction, someone yelled: "Go down quickly, you dare to auction this kind of martial skill, you are really brave enough, don't you feel ashamed?"

"that is!"

The name of Sword Dance really sounds like it is not letting other people catch a cold!

After all, the people present have never seen who Tang Zhong is, and they don't know who the other party is, so naturally they won't give face. If the person standing on the stage is a person from a high-level galaxy, I am afraid that even if the other party said basic swordsmanship, in In the eyes of some people, it is also an absolute treasure!

The surrounding noises came out.

Seeing the old man named Li Gong immediately shouted: "Shut up, this auction, no matter who is on the auction stage, they will be treated equally, you know?"

As soon as these words came out, no one dared to make any more noise.

Then Li Gong looked at Tang Zhong and said with a smile: "You can continue!"

I saw from the backstage, someone took out a few wooden figures. Those wooden figures are wooden stakes, which are made with a special force, can withstand a lot of damage, and will not be damaged.

Tang Zhong nodded towards Li Gong.

Then use the sword dance in front of everyone!
Grab that wooden sword in your hand!
The people around are not making any noise at the moment, that's for Li Gong's face, but there are not many people who are cold about the martial arts displayed by this person, and what a powerful martial skill a person from an inferior galaxy can display! !
At this moment, Tang Zhong held the wooden sword in his hand, and then started to move. All the power from his body was transmitted to his arms, as if golden lightning covered it!

Swish swish!
Tang Zhong's arm moved like a phantom.

Sword Dance Tang Zhong has used it a lot, and he is very proficient.

I saw the blade of the wooden sword stabbing the wooden stake continuously. That speed actually left marks on the wooden stake!
At that moment, everyone present was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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