Chapter 1367 Wonderful guy!
At this time, the wooden sword in Tang Zhong's hand was constantly slashing at the wooden pile.

A lot of sword marks were left on the stake!

There was a clicking sound.

I saw that the stake was riddled with holes.

Fortunately Tang Zhong is using a wooden sword now, otherwise the stake would have been cut off directly.

And the people around were completely dumbfounded.

Practitioners can naturally see how powerful the sword dance is, and they can naturally see the changes in the stakes!
Even Li Gong was slightly surprised when he saw this scene, this martial skill is a bit strong, and then he looked Tang Zhong up and down.

At this time, Tang Zhong stopped, and almost everyone had an idea about this martial skill!

After all, there are many people who know the goods, and they also know what kind of powerful martial art this sword dance is, so they all became excited.

In the auction house, after a brief silence.

Someone started bidding on the auction!
Tang Zhong stood in the center with a calm expression, waiting for the bid result.

He is doing it for money, so whoever bids the most will sell it to him!
At this moment, several people from Tianyang Galaxy stared at Tang Zhong at night, and when the other party performed this martial skill, they began to doubt who this person was.

"Brother, I heard rumors that the person who killed Shake would also do this trick, crazy sword dance!"

The person called Big Brother is a bearded man named Xia Huang. At this moment, his pupils are staring at Tang Zhong all the time. His gaze like a poisonous snake makes it impossible for others to guess what his thoughts are.

"Well, let's observe again. If it has nothing to do with Shake's death, then we will pay for this martial skill with Star Wind Coins. Of course, if that person is really the one who killed Shake, then we will kill him." Xia Ke Huang Yin said coldly.


Martial arts soon entered the bombardment stage.

But most of them are people from high-level galaxies who are talking, and those from low-level galaxies keep their mouths shut. Although they can see the enthusiasm in their eyes, it is obvious that they have a great desire for this martial skill!
It may be because of the existence of those strong men that they dare not say a word.

At this time, I saw a person wearing blue armor standing up next to me: "Little brother, your martial skill is good. My Atlantis Galaxy is very satisfied with your martial skill. Naturally, the price will not give you a lot of money." Low, how about this, a thousand star wind coins, give us!"

One thousand star wind coins, what's the difference between this and the lion's big mouth, but everyone saw the galaxy where the other party was, and no one dared to say anything. The other party was from the Atlantis galaxy, a real superior galaxy, Many of the people present wanted to curry favor with the people from the Atlantis galaxy.

However, because of this incident, many people are very envious of Tang Zhong, who can actually talk to people from the Atlantis galaxy!

Tang Zhong turned around and saw the other party. He was wearing blue armor, but his skin was like fish scales, with horns growing on his forehead, and his whole body smelled like fish.

But one thousand star wind coins are a bit small!
I saw that Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to the other party, but said to the audience: "Everyone, my sword dance martial art is not only this one move, but also many moves, everyone bids, I guarantee everyone's satisfaction, if anyone is interested, Just open your mouth!"

Tang Zhong directly rejected the Atlantis galaxy!

Everyone can see that even though they like that sword dance very much now, they can only keep their mouths shut and dare not say a word!

On the other hand, the man from the Atlantis galaxy had an unusually ugly face, but he quickly returned to his previous smile: "Young man, we want this item. If you think our price is low, you can quote it. Come for a price, and if it suits us, we'll take it"

"I want 1000 million star wind coins. This price is very suitable. It is definitely worth buying my martial skill!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

The people from the Atlantis galaxy were originally smiling, but their faces were extremely ugly at this time, apparently they did not expect Tang Zhong to say such a thing!
Even the people around didn't think of it.

Hong Ye in Taichung didn't dare to take a breath at this time, and kept giving Tang Zhong winks, hoping that Tang Zhong would stop talking now, because the people in the Atlantis galaxy seemed very kind, but when it came time to really kill people Time is not ordinary domineering.

Tang Zhong saw it, but he didn't care about Hong Ye. Instead, he looked at the person from the Atlantis galaxy and said with a smile, "The price is very suitable. If you don't need it, then I'll ask someone else!"

Then Tang Zhong turned around and said to the people present: "Now, who else wants my martial skill, just stand up now!"

Then someone dares to stand up, standing up now, is against the people of the Atlantis galaxy!

On the stage, Li Gong looked at Tang Zhong with a smile, and there was a young woman standing beside him. He whispered to Li Gongdao: "Grandpa Li, I never expected to meet such a person who is not afraid of death!"

Li Gong smiled and said, "Qing'er, don't you think that man has a lot of personality?"

"Personality is not strength. I think he only has the strength of the first level of the Astral Rank. Although the people in the Atlantis galaxy are not very strong, they are enough to deal with him!" said the woman named Qing'er.

"Do you think he is stupid?" Li Gong asked his granddaughter with a smile!
"You're almost so stupid, doesn't he know what your cultivation is?" Li Qing muttered with a small mouth.

"No... that person's eyes are full of self-confidence, complete self-confidence, that is to say, he is not afraid of the people from the Atlantis galaxy at all. I am really curious, what kind of person is this?" Gong explained with a smile.

The woman named Li Qing looked Tang Zhong up and down again, and said: "I think he is pretending, he doesn't have any cards at all!"

Li Gong smiled, but stopped talking, and then stared at Tang Zhong to look up and down. Although he didn't need to remember anyone who participated in the assessment in the first world area, but this person, he was Impressed at first sight!
Suddenly, a crazy idea appeared in Li Gong's mind, why not just give this person the finale of the auction!
As soon as Tang Zhong's words fell, people from other galaxies also stood up and chose to bid: "I bid 50 star wind coins, how about it, give it to us!"

"I said, 1000 million star wind coins, even one less, if any of you can meet my request, I will give you the martial arts!" Tang Zhong said.

The 1000 million star wind coins made many people back away, and many galaxies only made a bid once and stopped bidding again.

In the end, Tang Zhong's auction time ended!

(End of this chapter)

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