Chapter 1369 Siege!

How is he?

Almost everyone was stunned.

They never thought it would be like this!
"Why is it him?" The sea shark of the Atlantis galaxy became even more gloomy.

Many people from high-level galaxies have ugly faces.

"That kid's lucky!"

"That's right!"

Many people in the lower galaxies are very envious of Tang Zhong.

Standing next to Tang Zhong, Hong Ye was about to go stupid. After confirming that Li Gong's finger was pointing at Tang Zhong several times, he pinched his face vigorously. Only after he realized the severe pain did he react. : "Brother Tang, you... you are lucky!"

To be honest, Tang Zhong was also shocked, he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know why the old man gave him that thing when he looked at Li Gong!

The line of sight has been fixed on the front.

Li Gong also laughed. He originally thought that if he gave the other party the key to this world, the other party would definitely panic, but it doesn't look like this now. The other party's eyes didn't fluctuate at all. Either this person really has strong self-confidence , or he simply doesn't know what it means.

"This thing will belong to you in the future!"

Li Gong closed the box and threw it towards Tang Zhong!

The box swept an arc in the air, Tang Zhong raised his hand and grabbed it!

At that moment, he felt tens of thousands of eyes gathered around him. If the eyes were attacking, he might be dead by this time.

Then Tang Zhong looked at the box in his hand, which contained the World Key, which was the pass to enter the ruins, and he held it in his hand immediately!

"Thank you, sir!" Then Tang Zhong said respectfully to Li Gong.

Although I don't know why the old man gave him this thing, but since it was given to him, then this thing is him.

That Li Gong smiled, and continued: "Now that the finale has been released, then I should go too. There are five keys to this world, and they were delivered to you in different ways. Now this It is one of them. After five days, the door of the world relics will be opened. At that time, whoever has the world key can enter the world relics. Well, there is only so much I can say, I wish you all the best Lucky, I am the examiner of the Genius Battle, and I hope to see the voices of these people appear in the Star Wind Domain when the time comes!"

After finishing speaking, he saw Li Gong leaving the auction house, the woman next to him followed closely behind, and the two left quickly.

Everyone saw him off with their eyes.

Only Tang Zhong, at this moment, really wanted to give that old guy a stick. This old guy gave him this thing in front of so many people. This is making him enemies!

As soon as Li Gong and Li Qing walked out of the auction house, there was a spaceship waiting at the door!

Li Qing did not forget to look back at the auction house, and immediately said, "Grandpa, do you think that guy will die?"

"This... I can't say for sure, anyway, now that the world key is given to him, it's up to him whether he can keep it or not!" Li Gong laughed.

"I don't think he can keep his plan!" Li Qing muttered.

"I don't care about him, we just have to wait in the Star Wind Territory. If that person is really confident, maybe he will meet again. If we can't meet, as long as he doesn't die, it's important for him to leave this battlefield early. , can be regarded as a good thing, after all, Starwind Territory's genius battle does not accept the weak!" Li Gong said with a smile.

"I guess as soon as we leave, there will be a fight inside!" Li Qing said.

"Don't guess, there will definitely be a fight!" Li Gong said with a smile.

The two of them boarded the spaceship, whoosh, they saw the spaceship take off and fly out towards the distance!

at the same time!

The people in the auction house blocked the door tightly, watching the spaceship leave, and then turned to look at Tang Zhong and Hong Ye.

With Li Gong and the others around just now, everyone didn't dare to make a move, but now that they are gone, they all naturally choose to start doing it!
Hong Ye was still immersed in Tang Zhong's joy of getting the world key at this moment: "Brother Tang, this time, you are lucky. If you can enter the world ruins, you will definitely make a fortune!"

"But before making a fortune, let's take a look around!" Tang Chongyin said with a smile.

"Ah?" Hong Ye was stunned for a moment, then turned around to look, and immediately his face became ugly.

He almost forgot that everyone around him knew that they held the World Key in their hands!
Seeing the people around them, they all gathered around, and several people from the high-class galaxy came forward one after another, and said fiercely to Tang Zhong: "Boy, hand over that key to me, that kind of thing is very dangerous. It's not something you can play!"

The sea shark in the Atlantis galaxy also sneered: "Just now I gave you a thousand star wind coins to buy your sword dance, now, you don't even have a thousand, so give me the things!"

"Give me the Tianyang Galaxy!" Xia Huang also came out and said.

All the major galaxies are now surrounding Tang Zhong!
The people from the inferior galaxy next to him envied Tang Zhong for getting such a great opportunity, but now seeing this scene, he couldn't help but suddenly realized that the so-called world key is not a good thing at all. It's not an exaggeration!

Thinking of how this guy rejected the sea sharks of the Atlantis galaxy just now, I'm afraid this time he will either die or be injured!

Sure enough, the saying that self-inflicted crimes cannot live is absolutely correct. If the guy before had defected to the Atlantis galaxy, he might be able to save his life now!
But now, fortune and fate are empty!

No one thinks that Tang Zhong can leave here alive this time, unless this guy really has a hole card!

"What should I do?" Hong Ye panicked when he saw the fierce words in front of him.

He also didn't think that Tang Zhong could resist so many people. Although Tang Zhong had defeated Xia Ke before, the strength of these people now was much stronger than that of Xia Ke!

Could it be that they couldn't get out today?

"Cold salad!" Tang Zhong grinned, and put the world key in it.

Immediately looking at the people around, he shouted: "If you don't want to die, get out!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked, it was unbelievable that this person dared to say such arrogant words in such a situation!

When the sea shark in Atlantis heard this, he sneered and said, "I really want to die, come here and let me die, come on!"

In the next second, the other party took out a harpoon and stabbed towards Tang Zhong.

"Hand over everything to me, I can spare your whole body, otherwise, I will use this harpoon to explode your head!"

"Are you worthy?" Tang Zhong sneered, clenched his fists tightly, and the power of thunder and fire erupted directly.

He once said that he doesn't mind letting these people taste what pain is!
(End of this chapter)

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