Chapter 1370 Let's do it together!
Tang Zhong will let them know what pain is!

At this moment, the sea shark attacked Tang Zhong, and stabbed at Tang Zhong with a weak force of water fluctuations on the harpoon in his hand!
I saw Tang Zhong punched out with one punch!

Against the harpoon.

Boom all over.

All of a sudden, the sea shark's attack was blocked.

The people around originally thought that Tang Zhong would definitely die, but who knew, Tang Zhong actually blocked it!
Hai Shark has killed many first-level star-level people. In his eyes, this kind of person is nothing at all. He can be stabbed to death with a single fork, but now he has been shocked by Tang Zhong and retreated. My eyes widened, I couldn't believe it was real.

"what happened?"

"Why is this?"

The people around were dumbfounded, the sea shark was actually blocked!

How could this star-level first-order person be so powerful?

Tang Zhong caressed the back of his hand lightly, and then said lazily: "I want to leave here, none of you can stop me, don't make fearless sacrifices, want to grab something, let the boss of your galaxy come here !"

Then he was ready to leave here.

Hong Ye hurriedly followed behind!
"If you want to leave, there's no way!" Sea Shark continued to go berserk: "It was just to test you just now, do you really think you're an onion?"

Obviously seeing that he was extremely furious, he saw that he raised the harpoon in his hand again and waved it forward!

I saw that there was a rumbling sound coming from under the ground where the harpoon was waving, as if something was about to come out of the ground!
People around are watching. It is rumored that people in the Atlantis galaxy can control the water source and fight with the power of water. What's more, they can summon the water source anytime and anywhere. This is probably true!
Seeing something underground, it burst out directly, turned into a column of water, and rushed directly towards Tang Zhong!

The water column turned rapidly, and finally turned into a water snake. If it was hit, it might be killed directly.

"I said, it's useless!" Tang Zhong suddenly clenched his fist, and directly struck out, directly bombarding with the water column, and the violent flame power surged on the water column.

With a bang, the water column was directly exploded and scattered towards the surroundings!

Blocked again, this star-level person blocked the attack of the sea shark again!
" have to die, people from the Atlantis galaxy listen to me, come on, kill this person, and take away the world key!" Seeing this, Sea Shark immediately ordered and yelled.

Those people from the Atlantis galaxy immediately got up and surrounded Tang Zhong, and almost all of them took out a harpoon.

But these people are clearly a level lower than the sea shark, because the harpoon in the sea shark's hand is five forks, while the others only have three forks!
The people from the Atlantis galaxy attacked Tang Zhong together.

"I want to kill you, let's see how you can avoid it this time?" Sea Shark immediately roared.

Apparently because Tang Zhong blocked his attack repeatedly before, it made him very uncomfortable!

"Go to a place far away!" Tang Zhong said to Hong Ye next to him.

"No, I won't go, Brother Tang, I want to fight side by side with you!" Hong Ye said, but his voice was trembling, obviously very scared.

"No, you will only drag me down if you stay here!" Tang Zhong said with a smile: "I will not let any of these people go!"

Hong Ye was taken aback, didn't speak, and backed away!

"Hehe, I think you are really courting death!" Hai Sha said coldly, "Do it!"

At the moment when they saw it, all the people in the Atlantis galaxy started to move towards Tang Zhong to suppress it.

Countless harpoons pierced through together!
If it was stabbed, it would definitely be riddled with holes.

In an instant, Lei Yan's body appeared on Tang Zhong's body, and the flames of hell on his upper body burned.

Simply ignore the surrounding harpoons.

Water and fire are mutually restrained.

Tang Zhong didn't care about the harpoon either, and let the harpoon stab it.

Ding Ding Ding!
It was full of the sound of a harpoon stabbing Tang Zhong's body, as if stabbing a steel plate!
Can't pierce Tang Zhong's body at all!

His surroundings are all from the Atlantis galaxy, and he thought he would be able to stab Tang Zhong to death, but now everyone's face is very ugly.

"It's absolutely impossible!" Sea Shark's five-thorned harpoon also pierced Tang Zhong's body now, but it seemed useless at all!
"I said, it's useless at all!" Tang Zhong said coldly, he waved his hand suddenly, and directly hit the sea shark's five-spine harpoon out!

Then he let out a wild roar, and saw that the flame breath on his body seemed to be berserk, turning into waves and spreading out towards the surroundings!

All of a sudden, the people of other Atlantis galaxies were directly shocked back, and they fell to the ground one after another, with blood gushing out of their mouths!

Tang Zhong might not be able to fight someone else, but when fighting a group of mermaids, Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to them at all, because his body is a flame!

Those people in the surrounding inferior galaxies were completely dumbfounded, and couldn't believe it was true. Is that person really a person from an inferior galaxy?Why doesn't it look like it!
"It seems that you are the one who killed my brother Shake!" At this moment, people from the Tianyang Galaxy came out slowly, and Xia Huang stood at the front, looking at Tang Zhong coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the people around were even more stunned. They all knew that the people in the Tianyang galaxy had been killed before, but they didn't expect that the people in the Tianyang galaxy were killed by this person!
Tang Zhong was not surprised by this scene at all, he had already thought of it, what should come, still will come!
"I killed it!" Tang Zhong said.

"Prince Tianyang said that he must kill you. Today, you don't have to leave!" Xia Huang said coldly.

The sea shark in Atlantis next to him immediately approached Xia Huang at this time: "Let's cooperate, this kid is a bit weird, his physique is very unusual, just to be on the safe side, let's kill him together!"

"Okay!" Xia Huang nodded.

He could also see that something was wrong with Tang Zhong, the flames on his body were really irritable!
"Then do it!" Sea Shark suddenly gained confidence, he must kill that guy today, otherwise how will he gain a foothold in the first world area in the Atlantis galaxy in the future!
Xia Huang didn't respond, but made a move directly, and a golden light shone on his fist!
The Tianyang galaxy and the Atlantis galaxy actually teamed up to deal with one person.

Seeing this, the people from the lower galaxies retreated one after another. They can only say that the guy is terrible, but if he offends people from a large number of galaxies, such people will die anyway!
Tang Zhong saw these people in front of him joining forces, and immediately grinned: "Come on, let's come together, this way, it will save time for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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