Chapter 1371 Cast!

"Come together, this way, it will save more time for me!"

Tang Zhong grinned.

At the same time, the light flickered on the body, not to mention the golden light all over the body, and even the pupils were radiating flames, as if it was a terrifying flame demon king!
"Arrogance!" The sea shark charged directly, and the five harpoons in his hands pierced towards Tang Zhong. His body flashed with blue light, and he grew a lot of fish scales. At the same time, his body was much stronger.

This harpoon came from the sky, the fluctuations above skyrocketed, and it was suppressed towards Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong punched it up.


The huge harpoon of the sea shark was caught by Tang Zhong!
Then Tang Zhong suddenly exerted force, and a powerful force rushed out from his hand!
Tang Zhong and Hai Sha retreated violently!

But at this time, Xia Huang from the Tianyang Galaxy directly attacked, his pupils were filled with electricity, and he shot towards Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong quickly resisted, and the power of thunder appeared on his fist!

Another explosion!
People from the Atlantis galaxy and the Tianyang galaxy all shot at Tang Zhong at this moment!
Those methods surrounded Tang Zhong, and there were fluctuations everywhere.

Surround Tang Zhong in the center.

I saw that Tang Zhong was calm and calm, and at this moment, Lei Yan's power was concentrated on his fist.

At this time, the harpoons in the hands of those people from the Atlantis galaxy skyrocketed, pressing down on Tang Zhong's head.

I saw Tang Zhong blasted out with a punch!

Although he blocked the attacks of so many opponents, the blood in Tang Zhong's body still trembled, almost bursting out of his chest.

It seems that facing so many people's attacks is still somewhat difficult!

But what he didn't know was that the people in the surrounding inferior galaxies looked at him as if they were gods. You must know that the people who fought Tang Zhong were all star-level people, and it was amazing enough that the other party could actually fight him .

Ahead, the attacks continue!
But under several waves of attacks.

Tang Zhong retreated violently!
The sea shark and Xia Huang stood together, staring at Tang Zhong and sneered: "Didn't you say you want to kill us? Now we are here, just use your means!"

In their eyes, the current Tang Zhong can be said to be no different from a dead person.

"Okay, since you want to die so much, then I will make your dreams far away!" Tang Zhong grinned.

Now it seems that only having the Lei Yan body can't fight these people, so it's very simple!
At this moment, Tang Zhong directly raised his hand high, and in the next second, the breath all over his body began to surge.

His hair and clothes are now rattling because of the burst of breath on his body!

Immediately afterwards, streaks of golden light flew out from his back, and behind Tang Zhong a little golden man condensed out!

That's right, he is casting Tianyang Golden Soul!

It's time to show off the martial arts you just learned!

The people around were laughing at first, but when they suddenly saw Tang Zhong's aura bursting out, everyone was taken aback.

"Then... what kind of powerful martial skill is that?"

"Look, the golden man behind that man!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone saw it, and found that the golden man was getting taller little by little.

The face of the sea shark in the Atlantis galaxy changed slightly, something is wrong!
"How could it be?" Xia Huang of the Tianyang galaxy recognized that martial skill at a glance, and his face was extremely ugly!
"Brother, then... isn't that the golden soul of Tianyang? That is the martial skill of our Tianyang galaxy, how could he be able to do it?" The people of Tianyang galaxy were all surprised.

"Because it was that guy who killed Xia Ke. The prince once gave a few of us the martial arts cheats about Tianyang Golden Soul, and they were carrying them with us to practice. This guy must have snatched it from him after killing Xia Ke. This thing It belongs to our Tianyang Galaxy, and it cannot be given to anyone!" Xia Huang said coldly.

At this time, the huge golden man behind Tang Zhong was getting bigger and bigger, and he was completely a god of thunder and fire!
Tang Zhong turned his head and glanced at the other party, then looked at Xia Huang and Hai Shark in front of him, now step back, I will spare you!
"Forgive us, what are you!" Sea Shark sneered and roared wildly. At this time, he also transformed, and his whole body turned into a shark head. He was originally a human body, but now he has a tail. No longer standing on the ground, but suspended in the air!
"It's the transformation of the shark dragon in the Atlantis galaxy. After the transformation, people can fly in the air and control water sources!"

The people around took a look and recognized it.

"You stole something from other people's Tianyang galaxy, and you dare to use it. You are really brave." Haisha said coldly, he was suspended in the air!
"Brother Hai Shark, don't worry, he stole something from our Tianyang galaxy, so let me teach you a lesson!" Xia Huang said, and at the same time, several people slowly gathered behind him.

His golden man is very big, exactly the same as the golden man Shake condensed before, and it is much stronger than Tang Zhong's golden man.

The people who were shocked by the huge golden man gathered by Tang Zhong just now looked at the golden man behind Xia Huang with wide eyes at this moment. Sure enough, the people from the Tianyang galaxy are very powerful, and the people from this inferior galaxy are shameless and secretly imitate others. Not to mention his martial arts skills, he is still playing with axes here, it's really funny!
At this moment, the golden man behind Xia Huang had gathered together, he smiled, and said to Tang Zhong: "Boy, look carefully, what is called Tianyang Golden Soul!"

Tang Zhong grinned and said, "Glamourous!"

"What did you say?" Xia Huang asked in a loud voice.

"Brother Xia Huang, don't worry about him, the moment he kneels in front of us, he will definitely be speechless!" Hai Sha sneered.


"Come together!" Tang Zhong grinned.

"Looking for death!" Sea Shark made the first move, saw the harpoon in his hand, and stabbed again. This time, it was a little bit stronger than before. The front of the harpoon seemed to condense countless water sources. force, towards Tang Zhong to suppress the past.

"I'm coming too!" Xia Huang laughed, and immediately punched him out.

I saw the golden man behind him punching the same punch, and the fist was bigger than the golden man behind Tang Zhong, and it came out directly.

Two attacks, suppressed towards Tang Zhong!

I saw Tang Zhong, who was on the spot, grinned, and at the same time controlled the God of Thunder and Fire, his fists were clenched tightly, and he saw God of Thunder and Fire behind him also clenched his fists, and there was a crackling sound like thunder, Bombard the two attacks coming towards him from the front!

"Martial arts are very exquisite, but it depends on who uses them, you trash!" Tang Da laughed, and the aura of Thunder Fire God of War behind him exploded crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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