Chapter 1372 Killing like hemp!
The God of Thunder and Fire behind Tang Zhong rose up immediately.

One hand grabbed the harpoon of the sea shark, while the other was to resist the fist of the golden man behind Xia Huang.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Many people said coldly when they saw this.

"Xia Huang is the real Tianyang Golden Soul. This guy learned it secretly, and it's not very formal. Now he is acting like this. He really thinks highly of himself!"

"Besides, he is so arrogant now, and the rubbish he learned is nothing. To actually want to fight against sea sharks and Xia Huang, it's just a dream!"

More and more voices of discussion came out, but their voices of discussion hadn't had time to come suddenly.

at this time.

But seeing the appearance that made them astonishing.

I only saw the huge thunder and fire war god behind Tang Zhong, grabbing the harpoon with one hand, and grabbing the fist of the golden man behind Xia Huang directly with the other hand!
It was easily blocked.

"How could he block it?"

"that is!"

The people around thought it was a dream and rubbed their eyes with their hands. It was only after they were sure it was not a dream that they suddenly realized that it was real!
The most shocking ones are naturally sea sharks and summer deserts.

Sea Shark has already used the Shark Dragon Transformation. His attack power is stronger than before, not at the same level, but now he is blocked: "Impossible!"

There is also Xia Huang, staring at his own eyes. How long did it take for this guy to get the Tianyang Golden Soul after Xia Ke died a few days ago? He has been practicing for a year, but now he finds that he has been practicing for a year, and he is not as good as this guy. For a few days, this must be fake!

"Do not……"

Tang Zhong looked at the terrified two people, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Want to break free? OK!"

As soon as these words came out, Hai Sha and Xia Huang quickly noticed something was wrong, and they both said at the same time: "What are you going to do?"

"You will know soon!" Tang Zhong's smile turned cold.

Holding the harpoon in one hand, and the fist of the golden man in the other.

"Of course it will destroy you!"

The strength in Tang's hand also began to continuously condense, and the hand holding the harpoon suddenly folded down. From the blood vessels in the body, the blood flowed, and the continuous thunder power of the carrier was condensed in the hand.

At the same time, the other hand was holding the golden man, and the power of flames raged up.

The two forces surged together.

There was a click on the harpoon, and a crack was broken. At the same time, the breath on the golden man was constantly weakening as the power of the flame raged up.

Hai Sha and Xia Huang had an ominous premonition.

They all want to take back the things that Tang Zhong grabbed.

"I want to leave, it's too late!" Tang Zhong sneered.

I saw that there were more and more cracks on the harpoon. The power of thunder flowed in the harpoon. With a bang, the harpoon was broken from the center.

And on top of the golden man, the originally seemingly incomparably strong body was actually going limp at this moment!
The Harpoon and the Golden Man were defeated at the same time.

The power that erupted from Tang Zhong's hands shook the two of them back at once!
Blue blood gushed out of the sea shark's mouth. Just now it was in the state of a shark-dragon transformation, but now it was directly beaten back to its original shape.

And Xia Huang was not as miserable as Hai Sha. The golden man behind him hadn't disappeared yet, but his face was pale, obviously he was seriously injured just now!
No one expected this scene.

The scene fell silent, no one dared to speak!

I saw Tang Zhong standing there straight, looking around: "I have already said, if you don't do it, I will spare you from death, but you are looking for death!"

"I don't believe it!" Xia Huang got up on the ground again, yelled at Tang Zhong, and then punched out, and the huge golden fist behind him followed, bombarding with ten thousand catties of gravity. Submerge Tang Zhong.

He has studied Tianyang Golden Soul for a year, but it is not as good as others who have studied for a few days. More importantly, he is a genius of a high-level galaxy, while the other party is a genius of a low-level galaxy.

"It seems that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The God of Thunder and Fire behind him moved with Tang Zhong.

The same punch went straight up.


The fists of the two people directly faced each other, and at the same time, the fists of Thunder Fire God of War and the golden man behind Xia Huang also bombarded together!
Tang Zhong immediately had an overwhelming advantage.

Xia Huang's fist was directly blasted into blood by the powerful force, and the arm that was still intact just now was gone.

And the golden man behind him, under the fist of Thunder Fire God of War, his body swelled after being hit directly, and exploded with a bang.

The powerful fluctuations knocked Xia Huang back all of a sudden, and his whole body was riddled with holes!

"'s impossible!" Xia Huang had an intuition that in their Tianyang Galaxy, no one's Tianyang Golden Soul was as strong as the person in front of him, even the prince was far behind.

At this moment, a wave of panic filled his mind, and he was really scared.

"Don't kill..."

He wanted to beg for mercy, but before he could finish his sentence, Tang Zhong stepped down and landed on Xia Huang's head in an instant.

"No..." Xia Huang realized, but he didn't say anything.

The head was directly stepped on and exploded.

The blood burst directly into the entire room, and some people were stunned there after being splashed.

They had never seen such a bloody scene before!
A few people from the Tianyang Galaxy were just about to threaten Tang Zhong not to do anything, but at this moment, they dare not fart.

There was an unusual silence around.

I saw Tang Zhong's gaze swept across the audience!

That gaze is like the scrutiny of the god of death!
The psychological defenses of those Tianyang Galaxy people were completely defeated, and they knelt on the ground begging for mercy in fright: "Don't kill us, please don't kill us!"

"Oh!" Tang Zhong responded, his feet moved with wings, and he swept up behind those kneeling people, with the magic sword in his hand, and swept away.

Click click!

Dozens of heads flew into the air together.

Those people in the Tianyang galaxy were all beheaded, and now they can only see their bodies lying on the ground, twitching there.

People from the Atlantis galaxy, such as Hai Shark, swallowed hard, cold sweat covered their foreheads, this... this f*ck is a person, this is a killing god at all!

At this time, Tang Zhong's eyes fell on several people in the Atlantis galaxy.

Those few people were so frightened that they trembled.

I saw Tang Zhong took out the box of the world key, and looked at Haisha with a smile: "Come, this thing is for you!"

Hai Sha was taken aback again, not knowing what Tang Zhong was doing, the key was indeed inside.

The people around didn't even know what Tang Zhong was trying to sell. Tang Zhong was able to defeat the sea shark, so why did he hand over the key now?This is a bit strange!

"Why, what are you waiting for, come here!" Tang Zhong continued to laugh.

"Give it to me?" Hai Sha couldn't believe it, of course he wanted it.

"Of course, come on!" Tang Zhong continued to smile.

The sea shark really passed by, just reached out to catch it!
But what greeted him was Tang Zhong's sword.

As soon as the sword passed, the broken arm and blue blood flew into the air!
At the same time, there was the miserable cry of the sea shark, kneeling on the ground, clutching his chest

"I'll give it to you, do you dare to take it?" Tang Zhong said at this moment, his eyes were extremely cold, and he looked like a vicious man.

(End of this chapter)

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